热度 15| |
第一件事:不同版图EDA工具间数据的转换问题,除了基于OA的database的pcell 还是存在一些各家工具自己封闭的内容,这部分内容如何能够不同tool上做对应。
这里举个例子:如果版图没有完全使用SDL 这样的设计Flow来做,后期导致net 和device 没法和电路上一一对应。这个问题有没有办法解决。virtuoso 配合pvs 可以重塑SDL对应关系 Custom compiler 配合ICV同样可以实现SDL的关系。CC中对于的command是:
lx::establishCorrespondenceFromLVS -path <lvs run path> -layout <dmcellview> -schematic <dmschematic>
如果使用第三方工具做的PV 是否也能够实现这样的功能。看过我文章的应该看到过前面提到的calibre的perc,perc确实可以实现从lvs pass的svdb 或dfmdb结果中提取出device信息,net信息。但是我感觉还不够方便。今天介绍的calibre的 queryServer 和YieldServer 能够更快的提取出这些信息。DRC LVS可能大家比较熟悉对query和yield 比较陌生,这两个server在某些场景下也是非常好用,也很方便。
对应的命令是calibre -qs 和calibre -ys
从calibre svdb结果到Custom compiler重建SDL也是基于query和Yield 来实现的。
下面列举个case演示qs 和ys 的部分功能,
这个case是使用YieldServer 的脚本来实现Hierarchy的报告
calibre -qs -svdb svdb -exec qs.tcl
set cells [dfm::get_cells]; while {$cells != ""} { set cellName [dfm::get_data $cells -cell_name]; lappend cellList $cellName; dfm::inc cells; } # get the total cell count set cellCount [llength $cellList]; # test for hierarchy and exit if there is none if { $cellCount < "2" } { puts "\n NOTE: Layout has no hierarchy. Nothing to do. \n"; exit 0; } # put any debug diagnostics here if { [info exists DEBUG] == 1 } { puts "\n---$cellCount layout cells: \n\n[regsub -all { } \ [lsort $cellList] "\n"] \n"; }; proc hier_count { cells level } { # if this proc is called, there is an additional level of hierarchy incr level; set currentCells $cells; set newCells ""; # track cells at a given level foreach child $currentCells { append newCells "[dfm::list_children $child] "; } if { [lindex $newCells 0] != "" } { hier_count $newCells $level; } else { return $level; } } puts "\n\n CELL HIERARCHY LEVELS AND INSTANTIATIONS" puts "---------------------------------------------------------------\n"; # iterate over all cells. set hierList ""; foreach cell $cellList { set plCount [dfm::get_placement_count $cell] set childCells [dfm::list_children $cell] # if there are child cells, process to find the number of hierarchy # levels, otherwise add to the list with hierarchy as <0> if { [llength $childCells] > 0 } { lappend hierList [list $cell "levels: [hier_count "$childCells" 0]"\ "instantiations: $plCount"]; } else { lappend hierList [list $cell "levels: 0" "instantiations: $plCount"]; } } # output the cell list in ascii order # create a 3-column matrix for printing struct::matrix m0; m0 add columns 3; set sortList [lsort $hierList]; set sortListLength [llength $sortList]; for {set i 0} {$i < $sortListLength} {incr i} { # if struct::matrix is not available, use next line for output instead # puts "---[lindex $sortList $i]"; m0 add row "---[lindex $sortList $i]"; } # output the table m0 format 2chan; puts "\n"; proc write_tree { level {cell ""} {indent ""} } { if { $cell == 0 } { puts "\n ERROR: Cannot determine top cell."; exit 1; } # get placements in a cell set pl [dfm::get_placements $cell] # write the cell placement in the tree puts "$indent <$level> $cell"; # adjust the indent level of the tree append indent " "; # increment the level incr level; # recursively call this proc to descend all branches of the hierarchy while {$pl != ""} { set plName [dfm::get_data $pl -cell_name]; write_tree $level $plName $indent; dfm::inc pl; } } # OUTPUT FROM THIS PART IS VERBOSE! UNCOMMENT TO CALL IT. # puts "\n\n HIERARCHY TREE" # puts "-------------------------------------------------------------\n"; # call the write_tree proc. hierarchy level is 0 beginning with top cell # write_tree 0 [dfm::get_top_cell]; # UNCOMMENT TO WRITE TREE; puts "\n\n---Done.\n" exit -force }
CELL HIERARCHY LEVELS AND INSTANTIATIONS --------------------------------------------------------------- Loading hierarchy and connectivity ---CellA levels: 1 instantiations: 2 ---CellB levels: 1 instantiations: 1 ---TOPCELL levels: 2 instantiations: 0 ---inv levels: 0 instantiations: 1 ---nand levels: 0 instantiations: 2 HIERARCHY TREE --------------------------------------------------------------- <0> TOPCELL <1> CellA <2> nand <1> CellA <2> nand <1> CellB <2> inv