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·Running SKILL and OCEAN

已有 21487 次阅读| 2011-10-29 10:54 |个人分类:Cadence

I. OverView

  1. SKILL (a graphics-based program language with thousands of commands based on Lisp.) is used as the fundamental program language of DFII and the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment.
  2. The OCEAN (Acronym for Open Command Environment for ANalysis;
    Text-based command language for running simulations.) Command Language is based on SKILL and many SKILL and OCEAN commands are similar and interchangeable.
  3. setup commands Commands : that control input data to the host simulator.
    run commands Commands : that run the simulator.
    data access commands : Commands that are used to get simulator results.
    OCEAN aliases : Abbreviated text that activates specific OCEAN commands.

II. Using SKILL Commands

There are numerous ways to execute SKILL commands and programs.

  1. The command line of the CIW accepts SKILL commands.
  2. The command line of the CIW executes SKILL programs.
  3. The buffer of the Waveform. Calculator will evaluate mathematical
    expression written in SKILL.
  4. There is a SKILL environment that is started by typing “skill” in a unix

SKILL commands can be entered into and evaluated on the command line
of the Command Interpreter Window.You can enter valid SKILL syntax into the CIW. For example, on the
command line enter:
2 + 2
4  ... SKILL response


Open Command Environment for ANalysis
■ OCEAN is a product included in the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment.
■ Use OCEAN for the following tasks:
❏ To create scripts to run batch mode simulations.
❏ To run parametric, Corners, Monte Carlo, and Optimization analyses.
❏ To run long simulations without starting the graphical user interface.
❏ To run simulations from a non-graphical, remote terminal.
■ OCEAN is based on the SKILL programming language.
Scripts are created automatically within the Virtuoso Analog Design
Environment. These scripts can be saved, modified, and used to run batch
■ After the design has been debugged in the Virtuoso Analog Design
Environment, use OCEAN to test your circuit under a variety of conditions.

Run OCEAN from a UNIX prompt or from the CIW.
■ In UNIX:
Enter ocean from the UNIX prompt to start.
This loads awd.exe and loads and reads the .oceanrc startup file. The
.oceanrc file contains OCEAN commands that include alias definitions, and
user-defined procedures and characterization scripts.
An ocean> prompt appears in the UNIX window. Enter commands at the
The .cdsinit file is not loaded.
Type exit to quit OCEAN.
■ In the CIW, through the Virtuoso Analog Design Environment:
❏ Enter OCEAN commands at any time.
❏ The .oceanrc is not loaded automatically. If it exists, load it by entering:
load “.oceanrc”



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