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Xilinx spartan6 ODDR2的用法!

已有 38462 次阅读| 2012-3-17 21:35 |个人分类:FPGA




WARNING:Place:1205 - This design contains a global buffer instance,<U_CLOCK_PLL/clkout2_buf>, driving the net, <dsp_clkin_OBUF>, that is driving the following (first 30) non-clock source pins off chip.
   < PIN: dsp_clkin.O; >
   This design practice, in Spartan-6, can lead to an unroutable situation due to limitations in the global routing. If the design does route there may be excessive delay or skew on this net. It is recommended to use a Clock Forwarding technique to create a reliable and repeatable low skew solution:
 instantiate an ODDR2 component; tie the .D0 pin to Logic1; tie the .D1 pin to Logic0; tie the clock net to be forwarded to .C0; tie the inverted clock to.C1. This is normally an ERROR but the CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE constraint was applied on COMP.PIN <U_CLOCK_PLL/clkout2_buf.O> allowing your design to continue. This constraint disables all clock placer rules related to the specified COMP.PIN.

WARNING:Place:1205 - This design contains a global buffer instance, <U_CLOCK_PLL/clkout1_buf>, driving the net, <dsp_aeclkin_OBUF>, that is driving the following (first 30) non-clock source pins off chip.
   < PIN: dsp_aeclkin.O; >
   This design practice, in Spartan-6, can lead to an unroutable situation due to limitations in the global routing. If the design does route there may be excessive delay or skew on this net. It is recommended to use a Clock Forwarding technique to create a reliable and repeatable low skew solution:

   instantiate an ODDR2 component; tie the .D0 pin to Logic1; tie the .D1 pin to Logic0; tie the clock net to be forwarded to .C0; tie the inverted clock to.C1. This is normally an ERROR but the CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE constraint was applied on COMP.PIN <U_CLOCK_PLL/clkout1_buf.O> allowing your design to continue. This constraint disables all clock placer rules related to the specified COMP.PIN.

WARNING:Place:1137 - This design is not guaranteed to be routable! This design contains a global buffer instance, <U_CLOCK_PLL/clkout2_buf>, driving the net, <dsp_clkin_OBUF>, that is driving the following (first 30) non-clock source pins. < PIN: dsp_clkin.O; > This is not a recommended design practice in Spartan-6 due to limitations in
   the global routing that may cause excessive delay, skew or unroutable situations.  It is recommended to only use a BUFG resource to drive clock loads. Please pay extra attention to the timing and routing of this path to ensure the design goals are met. This is normally an ERROR but the
   CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE constraint was applied on COMP.PIN <U_CLOCK_PLL/clkout2_buf.O> allowing your design to continue. This constraint disables all clock placer rules related to the specified COMP.PIN.

WARNING:Place:1137 - This design is not guaranteed to be routable! This design contains a global buffer instance, <U_CLOCK_PLL/clkout1_buf>, driving the net, <dsp_aeclkin_OBUF>, that is driving the following (first 30) non-clock source pins.< PIN: dsp_aeclkin.O; > This is not a recommended design practice in Spartan-6 due to limitations in
the global routing that may cause excessive delay, skew or unroutable situations.  It is recommended to only use a BUFG resource to drive clock loads. Please pay extra attention to the timing and routing of this path to ensure the design goals are met. This is normally an ERROR but the
CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE constraint was applied on COMP.PIN <U_CLOCK_PLL/clkout1_buf.O> allowing your design to continue. This constraint disables all clock placer rules related to the specified COMP.PIN.


ODDR2 #(
    .DDR_ALIGNMENT("NONE"), // Sets output alignment to "NONE", "C0" or "C1"
    .INIT(1'b0),    // Sets initial state of the Q output to 1'b0 or 1'b1
    .SRTYPE("SYNC") // Specifies "SYNC" or "ASYNC" set/reset
      .Q(oddr2_xxxmhz),   // 1-bit DDR output data
      .C0(clock_xxxmhz),   // 1-bit clock input
      .C1(~clock_xxxmhz),   // 1-bit clock input
      .CE(1'b1), // 1-bit clock enable input
      .D0(1'b1), // 1-bit data input (associated with C0)
      .D1(1'b0), // 1-bit data input (associated with C1)
      .R(1'b0),   // 1-bit reset input
      .S(1'b0)    // 1-bit set input



发表评论 评论 (7 个评论)

回复 jamiedame 2012-5-13 00:41
回复 dotafengvs 2014-3-13 16:46
原帖由jamiedame于2012-05-13 00:41:59发表 哈哈,我也遇到了同样地问题,受教了:lol
回复 guyuehsw 2015-1-22 10:33
:handshake 我也遇到这样的问题,谢谢
回复 幽梦影 2016-12-23 09:18


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