1. A 1.5nW 32.768kHz XTAL Oscillator Operational From a 0.3V Supply
Notes: 1.1 1.5nW仅在0.3V power下取得,因为功耗和XTAL的幅度紧密相关;而且amplifer使用duty cycling技术,通过计算time of growth and decay of oscillation,在decay of oscillation期间关闭amplifier使得其功耗从2.1nW降低至1.5nW
1.2. Rneg概念及其仿真方法。 Rneg=(-gmn-gmp)/ [w^2*(CL+2Cp)^2] 。 plot Rneg VS. frenquency; Rneg VS. power; Rneg VS. temperature
1.3. 为了控制功耗设计,使得偏置电流范围太大,还使用了外部R来实现trimming
2. A 69 dB SNDR, 25MHz BW, 800MS/s Continuous-Time Bandpass DS Modulator Using a Duty-Cycle-Controlled DAC for Low Power and Reconfigurability
2.1 通常调Fc是采用RZ和HRZ的combination来调,但本文通过duty-cycle-controlled DAC来实现调整VC。
2.2 Plot Duty Cycle vs. Freq; Duty Cycle vs. SNDR
2.3 实现Duty cycle的clock generator值得借鉴