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skill language user guide 34--36

热度 11已有 1088 次阅读| 2023-5-25 16:01 |系统分类:芯片设计

Solving Some Common Problems

Here are three of the most common SKILL problems.

System Doesn’t Respond

If you type in a SKILL function and press Return but nothing happens, you most likely have one of these problems.


1)Unbalanced parentheses   括号不平衡

2)Unbalanced string quotes  

3)The wrong log file filter set

You might have entered more left parentheses than right parentheses. The following steps trigger a system response in most cases.


1)Type a closing right bracket ( ] ) character. This character closes all outstanding right parentheses.


2)If you still don’t get a response, type a double quote (") character followed by a right bracket ( ] ) character.


In most cases, the system then responds.

solve  /sɒlv/ vt 解决;处理;解答;破解 

respond  /rɪˈspɒnd/   回应;响应;作出反应;

spond  承诺,约定

trigger  /ˈtrɪɡə(r)/   vt 触发;引起;发动;开动;起动

bracket   /ˈbrækɪt/  n 支架;括号  

                              vt 用括弧括上;把…等同考虑;

Inappropriate Space Characters

Do not put any space between the function name and the left parenthesis. Notice that the following error messages do not identify the extra space as the cause of the problem.


1)Trying to use the strcat function to concatenate several strings.

strcat   ( "Mary" " had" " a" " little" " lamb")

Message: *Error* eval: not a function - "Mary"

2)Trying to make an assignment to a variable.

greeting = strcat   ( "happy" " birthday" )

Message: *Error* eval: unbound variable - strcat

Inappropriate  /ˌɪnəˈprəʊpriət/  adj 不恰当的;不适当的;不合适的

extra  /ˈekstrə/   adj 额外的;分外的;外加的;附加的

concatenate  /kɒnˈkætɪneɪt/   v 连接;使连续(衔接)起来;连锁;串级

unbound  /ʌnˈbaʊnd/  v 解开;松开 unbind unbind

                                   adj  解除绑缚的;未装订(成书)的;【化】非结合的

Data Type Mismatches

An error occurs when you pass inappropriate data to a SKILL function. The error message includes a type template that indicates the expected type of the offending argument.


strcat( "Mary had a" 5 )

Message: *Error* strcat: argument #2 should be either a string or a symbol (type template = "S") - 5

错误消息:Error strcat: 第二个参数应该是字符串或者符号(类型模板为"S") - 5。

Here are the characters used in type templates for some common data types.

Some Common Data Types

Data Type                        Character in Type Template

integer number                        x 

floating point number               f 

symbol or character string      S 

character string (text)              t 

any data type (general)           g

For a complete list of data types supported by SKILL, see Data Types on page 67.

要查看 SKILL 支持的完整数据类型列表,请参阅第67页的数据类型

occur  /əˈkɜː(r)/  vi 发生;出现;存在于;出现在

template  /ˈtempleɪt/  n 样板;模板;型板;模框;标准

indicate  /ˈɪndɪkeɪt/  v 表明;显示;象征;暗示;间接提及;示意;指示;

support   /səˈpɔːt/  vt 支持;拥护;鼓励;帮助;援助;


A SKILL list is an ordered collection of SKILL data objects. The list data structure is central to SKILL and is used in many ways.

SKILL 列表是 SKILL 数据对象的有序集合。列表数据结构在 SKILL 中非常重要,被多种方式使用。

The elements of a list can be of any data type, including variables and other lists. A list can contain any number of objects (or be empty). The empty list can be represented either by empty parentheses “( )” or the special atom nil. The list must be enclosed in parentheses. Lists can contain other lists to form arbitrarily complex data structures. Here are some examples:


Sample Lists

List                               Explanation

(1 2 3)                          A list containing the integer constants 1, 2, and 3 

(1)                                A list containing the single element 1 

( )                                 An empty list (same as the special atom nil)

(1 (2 3) 4)                    A list containing another list as its second element

SKILL displays a list with parentheses surrounding the members of the list. The following example stores a list in the variable shapeTypeList, then retrieves the variable’s value.

SKILL 显示一个包含列表成员的括号列表。下面的示例将一个列表存储在变量shapeTypeList中,然后检索该变量的值。

shapeTypeList = '( "rect" "polygon" "rect" "line" ) 

shapeTypeList => ( "rect" "polygon" "rect" "line" )

SKILL provides an extensive set of functions for creating and manipulating lists. Many SKILL functions return lists. SKILL can use multiple lines to display lists. SKILL stores the appropriate integer value in the _itemsperline global variable

SKILL 提供了一系列广泛的函数用于创建和操作列表。许多 SKILL 函数返回列表。SKILL 可以使用多行来显示列表。SKILL 将适当的整数值存储在全局变量 _itemsperline 中。



a=1 b=2 c=3

lista='(1 2 3)  ==>(1 2 3)

listb=‘(a b c)  ==>(a b c)   ; 操作符无法对变量进行求值


a=1 b=2 c=3

lista='(1 2 3)  ==>(1 2 3)

listb=‘(a b c)  ==>(a b c)   ; 操作符无法对变量进行求值

listc=list(a b c) ==>(1 2 3)  ; list可以对变量“a b c"求值


cons(a b) ==> "Error ,cons : argument #2 should be list

cons(a listb) ==> (1 a b c)  ;一个元素添加到已有列表的开始位置

cons(a listc) ==> (1 1 2 3)

cons("test" listc) ==>("test" 1 2 3)  ;"test" a symble



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