热度 10| |
alias zs zoom_selected
proc cref {} {
get_attribute [get_selection ] ref_name
proc rn {net} {
#report_net -conn $net
puts "\nConnections for net $net\n"
puts "\tDriver Pins\t\t\t\tType"
puts "\t-----------\t\t\t\t--------"
set n [get_nets $net]
foreach_in_collection p [get_pins -leaf -of $n -filter "direction == out"] {
puts "\t[get_attr $p full_name] \t\t\t Output Pin ([get_attr [get_cells -of $p] ref_name ])"
puts "\n\tLoad Pins\t\t\t\tType"
puts "\t-----------\t\t\t\t--------"
foreach_in_collection p [get_pins -leaf -of $n -filter "direction == in"] {
puts "\t[get_attr $p full_name] \t\t\t Input pin ([get_attr [get_cells -of $p] ref_name ])"
puts "\n\n"
#proc rc {cell} {
# report_cell -conn $cell
proc rs {} {
if { ([sizeof_collection [get_selection]] > 0) && ( [get_attr [get_selection] object_class ] == "cell") } {
#report_cell -conn [get_attr [get_selection] full_name ]
puts "[get_attr [get_selection] full_name] \t[get_attr [get_selection] ref_name]"
} else {
puts "No cell is selected"
proc rc {cell} {
set c [get_cells $cell]
foreach_in_collection in [get_pins -of $c -filter "direction == in"] {
puts "\t\t INPUT: [get_attr $in full_name] [get_attr [get_nets -of $in] full_name]"
foreach_in_collection out [get_pins -of $c -filter "direction == in"] {
puts "\t\t OUTPUT: [get_attr $out full_name] [get_attr [get_nets -of $out] full_name]"
proc go {x y} {
set margin 2
set x1 [expr $x - $margin]
set y1 [expr $y - $margin]
set x2 [expr $x + $margin]
set y2 [expr $y + $margin]
gui_zoom -rect [list [list $x1 $y1] [list $x2 $y2]] -window [gui_get_current_window -types layout -mru]
proc sel_cel_from_file { infile } {
set cells {}
set in [open $infile r]
while { [ gets $in line ] >= 0 } {
if { [ regexp {\S+} $line ] } {
regexp {(\S+)} $line match cel
append_to_collection cells [get_cells $cel]
close $in
change_selection $cells
proc sel_pin_from_file { infile } {
set cells {}
set in [open $infile r]
while { [ gets $in line ] >= 0 } {
if { [ regexp {\S+} $line ] } {
regexp {(\S+)} $line match cel
append_to_collection cells [get_pins $cel]
close $in
change_selection $cells
proc sel_net_from_file { infile } {
set nets {}
set clknets {}
set pciessb {}
set in [open $infile r]
while { [ gets $in line ] >= 0 } {
# if { ![ regexp {^Net: } $line ] } {
# continue
# }
set netname [lindex $line 0]
set flag 1
foreach_in_collection p [get_pins -of [get_net $netname]] {
set pn [get_attr $p full_name]
if {[regexp tmac $pn] || [regexp mesh $pn] || [regexp mbf $pn]} {
append_to_collection clknets [get_net $netname]
set flag 0
# if {[regexp BPHY $netname]} {
# append_to_collection pciessb [get_net $netname]
# set flag 0
# }
if {$flag} {
append_to_collection nets [get_net $netname]
close $in
change_selection $nets
if {[ sizeof_collection $clknets] > 0 } {
set skipclk [sizeof_collection $clknets]
puts "## skip clk $skipclk"
# set skippcie [sizeof_collection $pciessb]
# puts "## skip pciessb $skippcie"
proc list_std { } {
array unset count
foreach_in_collection std [get_cells -hier -filter "mask_layout_type==std"] {
set ref [get_attr $std ref_name]
if (![info exist count($ref)]) {
set count($ref) 1
} else {
incr count($ref)
foreach ref [lsort [array names count]] {
puts [format "%20s %10d" $ref $count($ref)]
proc list_vt { } {
set vts [list ul ur urd uh uhd]
foreach vt $vts {
set count($vt) 0
foreach_in_collection std [get_cells -hier -filter "mask_layout_type==std"] {
set ref [get_attr $std ref_name]
regsub {.*\d} $ref {} ref;
incr count($ref)
foreach vt $vts {
puts "## $vt $count($vt)"
proc rewire { p1 p2 } {
#p1: output, p2 input
set net1 [get_nets -quiet -of [get_pins $p1]]
set net2 [get_nets -quiet -of [get_pins $p2]]
if {[sizeof_collection $net1] ==0 || [sizeof_collection $net2] == 0 } {
puts "WARN: no nets on pin $p1 or $p2"
} else {
disconnect_net $net2 [get_pins $p2]
#connect_net $net1 [get_pins $p2]
connect_pin -driver [get_pins $p1] [get_pins $p2] -port_name rewire
proc sc { cell } {
change_selection [get_cells $cell]
gui_zoom -fit -selection -window [gui_get_current_window -types Layout -mru]
proc sp { pin } {
change_selection [get_pins $pin]
gui_zoom -fit -selection -window [gui_get_current_window -types Layout -mru]
proc spo { pin } {
change_selection [get_ports $pin]
#proc s { pin } {
# change_selection [get_nets -of [get_pins $pin]]
# hilight_collection red [get_pins -leaf -of [get_nets -of $pin] -filter "direction == out"]
# hilight_collection green [get_pins -leaf -of [get_nets -of $pin] -filter "direction == in"]
# #change_selection [get_pins -leaf -of [get_nets -of $pin]]
# gui_zoom -fit -selection -window [gui_get_current_window -types Layout -mru]
# #change_selection [get_pins -leaf -of [get_nets -of $pin] -filter "direction == in"]
# puts "## [sizeof_collection [get_pins -leaf -of [get_nets -of $pin] -filter "direction == in"]]"
proc sn { net } {
change_selection [get_nets $net]
hilight_collection red [get_pins -leaf -of [get_nets $net] -filter "direction == out"]
hilight_collection green [get_pins -leaf -of [get_nets $net] -filter "direction == in"]
gui_zoom -fit -selection -window [gui_get_current_window -types Layout -mru]
puts "## [sizeof_collection [get_pins -leaf -of [get_nets $net] -filter "direction == in"]]"
#foreach_in_collection pin [get_pins -leaf -of [get_nets $net] -filter "direction == in"] {
# puts "[get_attr [get_pins $pin] full_name]"
proc hilight_collection { color collection } {
# gui_change_highlight -remove -color $color
gui_set_highlight_options -current_color $color
gui_change_highlight -collection $collection
proc split_load_2 { net { eco_string ECO } { buf BUFFD4BWP16P90CPD }} {
## when loads in different hier, insert_buffer cmd will insert more than 1 buffers
if { [string match "ECO" $eco_string] } {
set tmp1 [ lindex [date] 1]
set tmp2 [ lindex [date] 2]
set eco_string ECO_${tmp1}_${tmp2}
set win_llx [lindex [lindex [ gui_get_setting -window [gui_get_current_window -types Layout -mru] -setting designWindow ] 0] 0]
set win_lly [lindex [lindex [ gui_get_setting -window [gui_get_current_window -types Layout -mru] -setting designWindow ] 1] 1]
set win_urx [lindex [lindex [ gui_get_setting -window [gui_get_current_window -types Layout -mru] -setting designWindow ] 1] 0]
set win_ury [lindex [lindex [ gui_get_setting -window [gui_get_current_window -types Layout -mru] -setting designWindow ] 0] 1]
set pin_in_window [list ]
foreach_in_collection pin [get_pins -leaf -of [get_nets $net] -filter "direction == in"] {
set pin_llx [lindex [lindex [get_attribute [get_pins $pin ] bbox ] 0 ] 0 ]
set pin_lly [lindex [lindex [get_attribute [get_pins $pin ] bbox ] 0 ] 1 ]
if { ( $pin_llx > $win_llx ) && ($pin_llx < $win_urx ) && ($pin_lly > $win_lly ) && ($pin_lly < $win_ury ) } {
lappend pin_in_window [get_attr $pin full_name]
set net_shape [ get_net_shapes -of [get_nets $net ] -intersect " $win_llx $win_lly $win_urx $win_ury"]
set net_poly [convert_to_polygon $net_shape]
set win_poly "$win_llx $win_ury $win_urx $win_ury $win_urx $win_lly $win_llx $win_lly $win_llx $win_ury"
set win_poly_2 [resize_polygon -size 0.01 $win_poly]
set win_poly_3 [compute_polygons -boolean NOT $win_poly_2 $win_poly]
set int_sect_poly [compute_polygons -boolean AND $win_poly_3 $net_poly]
set x [lindex [lindex [lindex $int_sect_poly 0] 0] 0]
set y [lindex [lindex [lindex $int_sect_poly 0] 0] 1]
puts "set ecobufs \[insert_buffer \"$pin_in_window\" -new_cell_names $eco_string -new_net_names $eco_string $buf\]"
puts "move_objects \$ecobufs -to \"$x $y\""
proc split_load { net { eco_string ECO } { buf BUFFD4BWP16P90CPD }} {
if { [string match "ECO" $eco_string] } {
set tmp1 [ lindex [date] 1]
set tmp2 [ lindex [date] 2]
set eco_string ECO_${tmp1}_${tmp2}
set win_llx [lindex [lindex [ gui_get_setting -window [gui_get_current_window -types Layout -mru] -setting designWindow ] 0] 0]
set win_lly [lindex [lindex [ gui_get_setting -window [gui_get_current_window -types Layout -mru] -setting designWindow ] 1] 1]
set win_urx [lindex [lindex [ gui_get_setting -window [gui_get_current_window -types Layout -mru] -setting designWindow ] 1] 0]
set win_ury [lindex [lindex [ gui_get_setting -window [gui_get_current_window -types Layout -mru] -setting designWindow ] 0] 1]
set pin_in_window [list ]
foreach_in_collection pin [get_pins -leaf -of [get_nets $net] -filter "direction == in"] {
set pin_llx [lindex [lindex [get_attribute [get_pins $pin ] bbox ] 0 ] 0 ]
set pin_lly [lindex [lindex [get_attribute [get_pins $pin ] bbox ] 0 ] 1 ]
if { ( $pin_llx > $win_llx ) && ($pin_llx < $win_urx ) && ($pin_lly > $win_lly ) && ($pin_lly < $win_ury ) } {
lappend pin_in_window [get_attr $pin full_name]
if { [llength $pin_in_window ] == 0 } {
puts "WARN: nothing found belongs to net $net inside current window\n"
} else {
set net_shape [ get_net_shapes -of [get_nets $net ] -intersect " $win_llx $win_lly $win_urx $win_ury"]
set net_poly [convert_to_polygon $net_shape]
set win_poly "$win_llx $win_ury $win_urx $win_ury $win_urx $win_lly $win_llx $win_lly $win_llx $win_ury"
set win_poly_2 [resize_polygon -size 0.01 $win_poly]
set win_poly_3 [compute_polygons -boolean NOT $win_poly_2 $win_poly]
set int_sect_poly [compute_polygons -boolean AND $win_poly_3 $net_poly]
set x [lindex [lindex [lindex $int_sect_poly 0] 0] 0]
set y [lindex [lindex [lindex $int_sect_poly 0] 0] 1]
set drv_pin_name [get_attr [get_pins -of [get_nets $net] -leaf -filter "direction == out"] full_name]
set drv_name [get_attr [get_cells -of $drv_pin_name ] full_name]
set drv_net_name [get_attr [get_nets $net] full_name]
set eco_buf_name ${drv_name}_${eco_string}
#create_cell $eco_buf_name $buf
puts "create_cell $eco_buf_name $buf"
#connect_pin -from [get_pins $drv_pin_name] -to [get_pins $eco_buf_name/I]
puts "connect_pin -from \[get_pins $drv_pin_name\] -to \[get_pins $eco_buf_name/I\]"
foreach pin $pin_in_window {
#rewire $eco_buf_name/Z $pin
puts "rewire $eco_buf_name/Z $pin"
puts "move_objects \[get_cells $eco_buf_name*\] -to \"$x $y\""
proc move { x y } {
if { [sizeof_collection [get_selection ]] < 1 } {
echo "WARN: Nothing is selected"
} else {
set_attr [get_selection] is_fixed false
move_object -delta [list $x $y] [get_selection]
echo "INFO: moved [sizeof_collection [get_selection]] objects"
proc rl {} {
if { [sizeof_collection [get_selection] ] < 1 } {
echo "WRAN: Nothing is selected"
} else {
set ori [get_attr [get_selection] origin]
set x [lindex $ori 0]
set y [lindex $ori 1]
set width [get_attribute [get_selection ] width ]
set height [get_attribute [get_selection ] height ]
set orient [get_attr [get_selection] orientation]
if { $orient == "R0" } {
echo "set_cell_location \[get_cells [get_attr [get_selection] full_name] \] -coordinates \"$ori\" -orientation $orient -ignore_fixed"
} elseif { $orient == "MY" } {
set x_new [expr $x - $width ]
set y_new $y
echo "set_cell_location \[get_cells [get_attr [get_selection] full_name] \] -coordinates \"$x_new $y_new \" -orientation $orient -ignore_fixed"
} elseif { $orient == "MX" } {
set x_new $x
set y_new [expr $y - $height ]
echo "set_cell_location \[get_cells [get_attr [get_selection] full_name] \] -coordinates \"$x_new $y_new \" -orientation $orient -ignore_fixed"
} elseif { $orient == "R180" } {
set x_new [expr $x - $width ]
set y_new [expr $y - $height ]
echo "set_cell_location \[get_cells [get_attr [get_selection] full_name] \] -coordinates \"$x_new $y_new \" -orientation $orient -ignore_fixed"