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  • 自我介绍I man Nasir Khan




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伯利兹sky 2024-6-19 14:06
Can you share with me the documentation or RTL code about Soundwire? If you can add me on WeChat 18595453584, it's important to me. Thank you
chris2013 2021-12-11 06:38
Hi Could you please share this VM on any drive ?
链接: 提取码: yr4s 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦
nasirkhanpak25 2020-9-25 18:15
T>hanks thanks thanks thanks you did an amazing job thanks a lot. it is a reference image for us to work with. thanks a lot.
phyTylor_ 2020-9-25 09:53
nasirkhanpak25: Hi good soul. the synopses docker image is best, can you please VCS, Verdi and other Sysnopsys software's to the image. Please make it as comprehensiv ...
The images has updated. Now the image including vcs2016 and verdi2016. See details in my original blog.
nasirkhanpak25 2020-9-22 13:11
thanks thanks a lot for consider my request. it will surely make the design environment complete and comprehensive. A one time effort will save us from all time trouble. thanks for your relay. thanks a lot
phyTylor_ 2020-9-21 22:53
nasirkhanpak25: Hi good soul. the synopses docker image is best, can you please VCS, Verdi and other Sysnopsys software's to the image. Please make it as comprehensiv ...
anpengfei 2020-9-15 21:55
nasirkhanpak25: Hi good soul. can you please help me in extracting source code from Synopsys DesignWare System-Level Library. i desperately need it. Please help me. P ...
Sorry... I can't get them either... It seems to be charged... I really have no access
kang.kang 2020-9-14 09:51
nasirkhanpak25 : Hi good soul. can you please help me in extracting source code from Share Synopsys DesignWare System-Level Library. i desperately need it. Please help ... I'm so sorry to hear that.but for some reason,I didn't use this library,and have no idea to help you. you may connect the original uploader for help from ...

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