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已有 4377 次阅读| 2009-6-3 17:13 |个人分类:专业知识

[转帖]Synopys tools and enviroment variables setup directions


# Synopsys Tools Setup Directions   new!!
#Synopsys enviroment variables setup directions  new!!
1. Synopsys Design compiler setup method Directions
Synopsys Core Synthesis Linux Install HOWTO,You can only
install Redhat Linux7.2

File requirement:
1) syn_2003.06_common.tar (common database files)
2) syn_2003.06_linux.tar (platform. database files)
3) scl_linux.tar.gz (license management files)
4) libncurses.tar.gz
5) license.dat
Quick Install:
1) Install the SCL(Synopsys Common Licensing)first. Extract the
scl_linux.tar.gz to a temp dir, and run the script. "install.now".
This will install the SCL2.1 onto your Linux box.
Select a different dir , not use the default one(/usr/synopsys),
something like /usr/scl.
Install Platform. Independent Package for scl, select y
Enter the list of platform(s) to isntall, select linux
Then install the scl.
2) Extract the syn_2003.06_common.tar and the syn_2003.06_linux.tar to
another dir.Then the "ls -l" will look something like this:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1062 31 52620 Aug 17 2001 install.now
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 176 Aug 23 2001 LABEL.SYS
drwxr-xr-x 4 1062 31 4096 Apr 24 14:36 linux
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 7717713 Aug 17 2001 pc.taz
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 4480 Aug 17 2001 README.1ST
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 372 Aug 23 2001 README.pc
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 369 Aug 18 2001 README.sf3
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 373 Aug 18 2001 README.sf4
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 582 Aug 23 2001 README.syn
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 5683 Aug 17 2001 sf3.taz
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 5684 Aug 17 2001 sf4.taz
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 112316905 Aug 17 2001 syn.taz
3) Run the script. install.now.
Use the default install dir (/usr/synopsys)
Enter the list of product(s) to install, enter "syn"
Install Platform. Independent Package for syn, select y
Enter the list of platform(s) to install, enter "linux"
Then install the Synopsys Core Synthesis 2003.06
4) Goto the /usr/synopsys/linux/syn/bin dir , type "ldd dc_shell_exec" to check
what library needed to run the dc_shell_exec. If your RedHat is 6.2+, then
the installed ncurses rpm is too new, you need the libncurses.so.4 come with
the RedHat 6.1. You can install the ncurses-4.2-25.i386.rpm in the RedHat
6.1 distribute, or just use the provided libncurses.so.4.To use the provided
libncurses.so.4, first extract the libncurses.tar.gz, and then copy the
libncurses.so.4 to your /usr/lib dir.
5) Setup license. Copy the provided license.dat to your /usr/sc/admin/license
dir. In the dir, type "./modkeyfile license.dat" , this will custom the
license file for you.
Enter 1 (Modify "SERVER" Line), enter the host name, you can get your linux
box's hostname by typing "hostname" in console. Enter the tcp Port number,
I always use 27100.
Enter 2 (Modify "VENDOR snpslmd" Line), enter "snpslmd" daemon path,
/usr/scl/linux/bin. Enter option file path, "lmgrd", tcp port number not set
Save and quit
6) Edit your /etc/bashrc , add following line at the end of file:
export SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE=27100@yourhostnamehere
Be sure change the "yourhostnamehere" to your linux box's hostname!
7) Start your license daemon. First, make sure to shut down any currently
running snpslmd process with the following command:
/usr/scl/linux/bin/lmdown -c /usr/scl/admin/license/license.dat
Then you can start your license daemon as follow:
/usr/scl/linux/bin/lmgrd -c /usr/scl/admin/license/license.dat
If your like to start the daemon every time when your system powerup,
you can add this line to the end of /etc/init.d/rc.local.
8) Copy any foundry lib and db to the /usr/synopsys/libraries, edit your
/usr/synopsys/admin/setup/.synopsys_dc.setup , modify your search path,
target lib, syn lib, etc. Save
9) Open a new console, goto /usr/synopsys/linux/syn/bin dir, type "./dc_shell".
If everything ok, you will see the dc_shell console window.
Run the design_analyzer to get the graphic window.

2. Synopsys Enviroment Variable Path Setup
First, identify which package it is that you're interested in and determine the install directory Then add the following lines to your .cshrc or to a small set-up file that you intend to source prior to running the application, replacing instdir with the correct path.
Core Synthesis Tools (design compiler, primetime, primepower, etc.)
setenv SYNOPSYS instdir
set path=($SYNOPSYS/platform/syn/bin $SYNOPSYS $path)
setenv SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE $SYNOPSYS/admin/license/key
setenv VCS_HOME instdir
set path=($VCS_HOME/bin $path)
Epic Tools (nanosim, pwarc, etc.)
source instdir/CSHRC
set path=(instdir/platform/pm or amps/bin $path)
setenv SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE instdir/license.dat
FPGA Compiler II
set path=(instdir/bin $path)
Module Compiler
source instdir/localadm/setup.csh
source instdir/star-rcxt_setup
setenv VERA_HOME instdir
set path=($VERA_HOME/bin $path)
set path=(instdir/platform/fm/bin $path)
setenv SYNOPSYS_TMAX instdir
setenv SNPSLMD_LICENSE_FILE $SYNOPSYS_TMAX/admin/license/key
set path=($SYNOPSYS_TMAX/bin $path)
setenv AILM_LICENSE_FILE instdir/license.dat
set path=(instdir/ai_bin $path)
setenv AILM_LICENSE_FILE instdir/CosmosScope/license.dat
set path=(instdir/ai_bin $path)
See sold for details on using Smartmodels and Mempro with various simulators.
source instdir/bin/cshrc.meta
set path=(instdir/bin $path)
setenv TMAPLOT_XLIB /usr/dt/lib (if you use CDE)
Note: the TMAPLOT_REPLOT setting will allow you to create postscript. files directly by typing "d" while the cursor is over the plot window.


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