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分享 MTK 轨迹球(JOG_BALL)(转)
cdfldf1984 2010-8-24 14:49
1.轨迹球(JOG_BALL) 1.1.JOG_BALL原理 如下图所示,轨迹球里面有4个霍尔传感器+4个小的径向充磁的小磁铁。当从上到下推球或者从左到右推动球时,如果球接触到齿条,并带动齿条旋转一个小角度,此时齿条上的磁环也跟着旋转同样的角度,此时磁铁会转动另一个极性(南极北极的切换或者北极南极的切换),这样磁通量会发 ...
2126 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 阻容降压原理及设计
cdfldf1984 2010-8-24 10:20
电容降压实际上利用容抗限流,即利用电容在一定的交流信号频率下产生的容抗来限制最大工作电流。 如在50Hz的工作频率下,1UF的电容容抗为3180欧姆,在220V交流电下,流过电容的最大电流未70mA。当在电容上在串一个电阻时,该电阻的电压和和功耗完全取决于自身阻抗。 ...
716 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 烘干机电磁加热装置热源详解及回转煤泥烘干机的设计优势
ov640852 2010-8-23 03:42
郑州程翔作为 烘干机 行业的核心企业,率先将电磁加热技术引入干燥行业,使节能效果有了很大的提升。同时受到了越来越多客户的亲睐,采用电磁感应原理,使导磁金属内的涡电流发热。我厂长期致力于复肥造粒成套生产线设备的开发和研制,专业从事复肥新技术、新工艺、新设备的研究和设计及技术咨询服务,包括为年产1-10万吨级 ...
1055 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Interlaken MAC 64bits
hpiclab 2010-8-21 21:36
Specification 1. Compliant with the Interlaken Protocol Definition, Rev 1.2 2. Internal data bus width of 64bits 3. In-Band flow control, up to 256 channels 4. Data striping and de-striping acros ...
558 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 I would like to acknowledge this debt
bushenter234 2010-8-21 08:29
I would like to acknowledge this debt. Students from two separate classes have used the manuscript. as a text and have offered many helpful suggestions. Some of the people who have been most instrumental in bringing about changes in t ...
1047 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 Chicago could not
bushenter234 2010-8-21 08:26
A year later, I again was surprised when 1 learned that faculty members at The University of Chicago could not IK- employed reebok zigtech after age 65. that he was 65. and that he was about to depart. He considered offers from ihe Universities ...
332 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The appendix in Spc.trman's book
bushenter234 2010-8-21 08:26
The appendix in Spc.trman's book provides the tetrad equations, the mathematics underlying factor analysis, while die much longer text reebok easytone is intended to justify the jimmy c ...
305 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Technology and earlier had earned
bushenter234 2010-8-21 08:25
Waller Bingham was (he Instil of lite Division of Applied Psychology at the Camegie Inslilule of Technology and earlier had earned a jimmy choo shoes PhD al Chicago. He visited the Psychol ...
294 次阅读|0 个评论

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