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已有 15720 次阅读| 2011-12-19 09:53 |个人分类:quartus开发

最近看ALTERA FPGA资料,遇到QAR文件,第一次遇到,网上查找得到如下:

1)        .qar   Quartus II Archive File

A compressed file (with the file extension .qar) that contains compressed versions of the Quartus II project files as they existed when they were archived. The Quartus II software automatically selects files to include in a QAR File, but you can rearrange, remove, or add files to the contents of a QAR File before you create it. A QAR File can include a project's design files, source files, and ancillary files, as well as system libraries. You can restore a QAR File multiple times.


layout-GRID-MODE: char; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left>使用Quartus II自带的工程文件压缩功能可以省去取舍文件的麻烦。但是.qar文件把众多文件压缩成一个文件,只有解压缩才能获取具体文件的信息。如果使用版本控制工具(如CVS)的话,对.qar文件无法进行版本比较。甚至当.qar文件受损时,部分甚至全部文件都无法恢复了。而且,缺省配置的.qar文件也包含了一些非关键文件,存在一定的冗余。

The following file types are available for use in the Quartus II software:

Ahdl Include File
ATOM Netlist File
Block Design File
Block Symbol File
BSDL file
Chain Description File
Comma-Separated Value File
Component Declaration File
Compressed Vector Waveform. File
Conversion Setup File
Cross-Reference File
database files
.cdb, .hdb, .rdb, .tdb
dsp Block Region File
EDIF Input File
.edf, .edif, .edn
Global Clock File
Graphic Design File
HardCopy files
.datasheet, .sdo, .tcl, .vo
Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) File
Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) Output File
HSPICE Simulation Deck File
HTML-Format Report File
I/O Pin State File
IBIS Output File
In System Configuration File
Jam Byte Code File
Jam File
JTAG Indirect Configuration File
Library Mapping File
License File
Logic Analyzer Interface File
Memory Initialization File
Memory Map File
PartMiner edaXML-Format File
Pin-Out File
placement constraints file
Programmer Object File
programming files
.cdf, .cof
Quartus II Archive File
Quartus II Archive Log File
Quartus User-Defined Device File
Quartus II Default Settings File
Quartus II Exported Partition File
Quartus II Project File
Quartus II Settings File
Quartus II Workspace File
RAM Initialization File
Raw Binary File
Raw Programming Data File
Routing Constraints File
Signal Activity File
SignalTap II File
Simulator Channel File
SRAM Object File
Standard Delay Format Output File
Symbol File
Synopsys Design Constraints File
Tab-Separated Value File
Tabular Text File
Tcl Script. File
Text Design File
Text-Format Report File
Text-Format Timing Summary File
Timing Analysis Output File
Token File
Vector File
Vector Table Output File
vector source files
.tbl, .vwf, .vec
Vector Waveform. File
verilog Design File
.v, .vh, .verilog, .vlg
Verilog Output File
Verilog Quartus Mapping File
Verilog Test Bench File
Value Change Dump File
version-compatible database files
.atm, .hdbx, .rcf, .xml
VHDL Design File
.vhd, .vhdl
VHDL Output File
VHDL Test Bench File
XML files
.cof, .stp, .xml
waveform. files
.scf, .stp, .tbl, .vec, .vwf
    1. 编译必需的文件:设计文件(.gdf、.bdf、EDIF输入文件、.tdf、verilog设计文件、.vqm、.vt、VHDL设计文件、.vht)、存储器初始化文件(.mif、.rif、.hex)、配置文件(.qsf、.tcl)、工程文件(.qpf)。
    2. 编译过程中生成的中间文件(.eqn文件和db目录下的所有文件)
    3. 编译结束后生成的报告文件(.rpt、.qsmg等)
    4. 根据个人使用习惯生成的界面配置文件(.qws等)
    5. 编程文件(.sof、.pof、.ttf等)






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