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团队情况:①创始团队来自国际知名半导体公司,曾经带领团队研发设计量产几十款芯片,在人工智能,SOC 芯片设计,系统集成,低功耗设计具备丰富的经验
②研发团队包括有国内外世界级别的人工智能及芯片设计专家,过往研发人工智能和 GPU 大型芯片,累计出货量超一亿片芯片
亮 点:福利待遇从优,资深者享期权配额,快速成长期晋升空间广阔,可享企业课程培训及培养
Job description:
1.Work on AI machine learning project verification using Systemverilog, UVM or C++.
2.Coworking with architects and design engineers on the function/performance test plan.
3.Responsible for test cases development and debug.
4.Implement directed and random testcase in UVM/SV/C++, as well as checkers and assertions.
5.Doing coverage analysis and bug cleanup in regression.
Minimum Requirements:
1.MS with 2+years or BS with 3+ years experience in asic/SoC design verification.
2.Experience in any PCIE/DDR/Video/arm/dsp/MCU verification is a big plus.
3. Knowledge of complex SoC DV flow from plan to coverage.
4.Strong problem solving and communication skills, team player.
5.Familiar with scripting languages like Perl, Makefile is a plus.