热度 37| |||
Stretch Type:Horizontal (Qualified) //拉伸类型:水平
Name or Expression for Stretch:strR3 //拉伸名称或表达式:
Stretch Directions(Default):right //拉伸方向(默认):
Reference Dimension(Default):0.81 //参考尺寸(默认):
Stretch Horizontally Repeated Figures¨ //拉伸水平重复的图形
Stretch Type:Horizontal (Qualified)
Name or Expression for Stretch:strR2
Stretch Directions(Default):right
Reference Dimension(Default):0.5
Stretch Horizontally Repeated Figures¨
Stretch Type:Horizontal (Qualified)
Name or Expression for Stretch:strR1
Stretch Directions(Default):right
Reference Dimension(Default):0.5
Stretch Horizontally Repeated Figures¨
Stretch Type:Horizontal (Qualified)
Name or Expression for Stretch:strR
Stretch Directions(Default):right
Reference Dimension(Default):0.9
Stretch Horizontally Repeated Figures¨
Stretch Type:Horizontal
Name or Expression for Stretch:L
Stretch Directions:right
Reference Dimension(Default):0.5
Min Value:0.5 //最小值:
Stretch Horizontally Repeated Figuresþ //所有情况只有L需要拉伸水平重复
Stretch Type:Horizontal
Name or Expression for Stretch:L
Stretch Directions:right
Reference Dimension(Default):0.5
Min Value:0.5 //最小值:
Stretch Horizontally Repeated Figuresþ //所有情况只有L需要拉伸水平重复
Stretch Type:Vertical (Qualified)
Name or Expression for Stretch:W
Stretch Directions:upAndDown
Reference Dimension(Default):0.6
Min Value:0.6 //最小值:
Stretch Horizontally Repeated Figures¨
Stretch Type:Vertical
Name or Expression for Stretch:W
Stretch Directions:up
Reference Dimension(Default):0.9
Stretch Horizontally Repeated Figures¨
1.2 Conditional Inclusion (pcell>Conditional Inclusion)*左上角的pl5管子定义两个名称或表达式:Parallel、(W<0.9)
Number of Object in this group:10 //选中该组的对象数量:
Name or Expression:Parallel //名称或表达式:并联
Dependent Stretch: //依赖性拉伸:
Adjustment to Stretch: //调节拉伸:
Number of Object in this group:10
Name or Expression:(W<0.9)
Dependent Stretch:
Adjustment to Stretch:
Number of Object in this group:10
Name or Expression:Series
Dependent Stretch:
Adjustment to Stretch:
Number of Object in this group:10
Name or Expression:(W<0.9)
Dependent Stretch:
Adjustment to Stretch:
Number of Object in this group:8
Name or Expression:Parallel
Dependent Stretch:
Adjustment to Stretch:
Number of Object in this group:8
Name or Expression:(W>=0.9)
Dependent Stretch:
Adjustment to Stretch:
Number of Object in this group:8
Name or Expression:Series
Dependent Stretch:
Adjustment to Stretch:
Number of Object in this group:8
Name or Expression:(W>=0.9)
Dependent Stretch:
Adjustment to Stretch:
1.3 Repetition (pcell>Repetition)*当条件为Parallel、W>=0.9时,管子左侧的cont进行Y方向上的重复。
Objects Repeated in:Y
Number of Object in this group:1
Stepping Distance:0.9
Number of Repetition:(W/pcStepY)
Dependent Stretch:strR
Adjustment to Stretch:0
Objects Repeated in:X and Y
Number of Object in this group:1
X Stepping Distance:(1.05+L)
Y Stepping Distance:0.9
Number of X Repetition:M
Number of Y Repetition:(W/pcStepY)
Dependent X Stretch:strR
Dependent Y Stretch:
Adjustment to X Stretch:0.0
Adjustment to Y Stretch:
Objects Repeated in:X
Number of Object in this group:1
Stepping Distance:(1.05+L)
Number of Repetition:M
Dependent Stretch:strR
Adjustment to Stretch:((fix(pcRepeatX)-1)*pcStepX)
Objects Repeated in:X
Number of Object in this group:1
Stepping Distance:(0.5+L)
Number of Repetition:M
Dependent Stretch:strR2
Adjustment to Stretch:((fix(pcRepeatX)-1)*pcStepX)
Objects Repeated in:Y
Number of Object in this group:1
Stepping Distance:0.9
Number of Repetition:(W/pcStepY)
Dependent Stretch:strR2
Adjustment to Stretch:
Objects Repeated in:Y
Number of Object in this group:1
Stepping Distance:0.9
Number of Repetition:(W/pcStepY)
Dependent Stretch:strR2
Adjustment to Stretch:
Objects Repeated in:X
Number of Object in this group:1
Stepping Distance:(0.5+L)
Number of Repetition:M
Dependent Stretch:strR3
Adjustment to Stretch:((fix(pcRepeatX)-1)*pcStepX)
Objects Repeated in:X
Number of Object in this group:1
Stepping Distance:(1.3+L)
Number of Repetition:M
Dependent Stretch:strR1
Adjustment to Stretch:((fix(pcRepeatX)-1)*pcStepX)
Objects Repeated in:X
Number of Object in this group:3
Stepping Distance:(1.3+L)
Number of Repetition:M
Dependent Stretch:strR1
Adjustment to Stretch:0
1.4Edit Parameters (pcell>Parameters)如上图设置L,M,W的最小值,不勾选Parallel和Series的False.
zcs841017: 博主你好,你的日志上点击图片,就能弹出新的窗口查看图片,为什么我写日志就不行呢?能否指导一下?我传的图片,都很不清晰,无奈只能再传图片附件,太麻烦了 ...
monika.er: 请问control line是如何高亮显示的呢?我stretch line不显示,所以需要选中时无法操作