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从论坛找到的skill 官方文档说明
sklanguser : skill 语言的用户指南,入门必读。怎么用skill,不会教怎么调用Cadence的工具。
sklangref :skill 语言的参考手册,语言本身的问题都可以在参考手册中找到。
skdfref: 如何使用skill 调用cadence 数据库的手册,主要是版图数据库,如果你想直接改你的cell的话,本质上就是改这个cell的数据库,不用打开图形界面就可以更改。
sklayoutref : 如何用skill 调用cadence 版图界面的手册。注意,它需要打开版图界面才能使用。
skcompref : 如何用skill 调用cadence 原理图界面和数据库的手册。
remove() : returns a copy of a list with all top-level elements equal to a SKILL object removed. Can also be used to remove an entry from an association table, in which case the removal is distructive , that is ,any other reference to the label will also see the changes. remove uses equal for comparison . remove can also be used with an association table to identify and remove an entry corresponding to the key specified in the function .
eg: remove("x" `("a" "b" "x" "d" "f")) => ("a" "b" "d" "f")
geGetSelSetFigPoint() : returns a list indicating whether points are selected for an object. the list contains boolean values corresponding to the point list of object d_figId. each boolean is t if the corresponding object point is selected ; otherwise, it is nil . since instances, mosaics ,labels ,and dots cannot be partially selected, the list contains a single boolean specifying whether the object is selected or not.
dbGetTrueOverlaps() : returns a list of all objects(such as , shapes,instances, and mosaics) in a cellview that overlap the area specified by l_bBox. if the object comes from a lower level in the hierarchy , instead of from the specified cellview , the object is represented by a list (potentially a nested list , if it comes from more than one level down). each level of the list has the ID of the instance in the corresponding level in the hierachy .
eg: shapeList finds all the shapes on the device layer with drawing purpose on the top level .
shapeList = dbGetTrueOverlaps(cv cv~>bBox "device")