Set and propagate a value on a reg, variable, user-defined system function or a sequential UDP; procedurally
assign a reg or variable; force a reg, variable, or net.
acc_set_value(object_handle, value_p, delay_p)
acc_set_value() shall be used to perform. a procedural continuous assignment of a value to a reg or variable or to deassign the reg or variable. This shall be the same functionality as the procedural
assign and
deassign keywords in the
verilog hdl.
acc_set_value() shall also be used to perform. a precedural force of a value onto a reg, variable or net, or to release the reg, variable or net. This shall be the same functionality as the procedural force and release keywords in the Verilog HDL.
typedef struct t_setval_delay
s_acc_time time;
PLI_INT32 model;
} s_setval_delay, *p_setval_delay;
model: accNoDelay, accInertialDelay, accTransportDelay, ac
typedef struct t_setval_value
PLI_INT32 format;
PLI_BYTE8 *str;
PLI_INT32 scalar;
PLI_INT32 integer;
double real;
p_acc_vecval vector;
} value;
} s_setval_value, *p_setval_value, s_acc_value, *p_acc_value;
format: accBinStrVal, accOctStrVal, accDecStrVal, accHexStrVal, accStringVal, accScalarVal, accIntVal, accRealVal, accVectorVal
s_acc_value value;
value.format = accBinStrVal;
(void)acc_fetch_value(Net, “%%”, &value);