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vasya 2024-2-16 20:48
can you please share syn V-2023.12? I can help you to fix license issue and share back
azkandf 2020-4-23 17:04
yes, I patched. And I started demon server ok.
Can you give my your synopsys.src and synopsys.dat. I try to config my demon server to run with your license
tinytera 2020-4-23 10:30
azkandf: Hi tinytera.
"RE: tanker's new synopsys2019 crack, updated on the 16th [ modify ]
    tinytera posted on 2020-4-22 13:42
You should have the wro ...
have you patched the SCL_2018.06-SP1?
azkandf 2020-4-4 00:50
any way to help me? do you want to exchange some software? I have some cadence tools such as genus, modus, spectre, stratus, conformal.
azkandf 2020-4-3 16:45
I have tried to create QQ account but can not. I'm foreigner and they do not accept my mobile number
leadway1314 2020-4-3 15:24
azkandf: can you share it to me?
talk on tencent double Q
azkandf 2020-4-3 11:52
sorry, I dont have QQ user and don't know how to create it.
azkandf 2020-4-3 11:51
can you share it?
leadway1314 2020-4-1 19:50
I have spyglass 2018, 2019, 2020. my Q is 2960532559

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