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1634892410 2024-4-3 09:53
hi,could you share with me xa 2018 version?thanks.my mail:17754643205@163.com
ac1ac 2024-3-15 17:42
大佬能分享下xa 2018吗,邮箱2721161618@qq.com
tuanhai1989 2023-10-20 20:59
can you share with me the s_fpga_d_vO-2018.09-SP1 version? thank you
jiawei2426 2022-6-30 17:34
你好,大神。是否可以分享xa 2018?邮箱:179055673@qq.com
团练副使 2020-10-16 11:08
Hi, can you share me synplify2018 (linux version)? thanks a lot. Email: 07214027@163.com.
Thanks again.
zz110911 2020-9-24 10:28
hi friend, can you share me icadv 12.3? thanks. email:295767244@qq.com
小红帽奶爸 2020-9-8 10:14
Hi, Can you share icadv12.3 install package to me? And if possible, could you told me how to get lisence patch. Thanks.
My email: 846543961@qq.com.
ddrr 2020-5-20 21:06
你好,能分享xa 2018么?35248060@qq.com,多谢!
zhww722 2020-4-30 09:27
你好,能够提供xa 2018么?233952206@qq.com
lida2008 2020-2-13 20:39
hi friend, can you share me icadv 12.3? thanks. email: 631752548@qq.com
linlincoln 2019-12-22 15:02
Hi,could you share xa 2018,thks. linlincoln@qq.com
sunyongshuai 2019-12-20 19:35
Can you share verdi2018 ?
hbhdzyj 2019-10-23 20:15
can you share vcs and verdi to me(2017 or 2018)
无为12345 2019-10-17 21:17
hi, can you share  xa 2018 to me。 thanks!  871411576@qq.com
245950258 2019-9-20 11:40
can you share verdi2018.
vopor 2019-9-18 15:59
can you share  xa 2018。 thanks。 390140@qq.com

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