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分享 How to merge multiple lib into a single sglib files?
bairg521 2018-9-5 21:37
Presently spyglass does not support merging of sglib files. However multiple ".lib" files can be converted to a single "sglib" file using the below command: spyglass_lc -gateslib "mygates1.lib mygates2.lib" This will generate "aggregate_lib.sglib" file.
1696 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 PT report clock gating efficiency
bairg521 2018-8-31 09:51
"report_clock_gate_savings" reporteveryclock's toggle saving "report_clock_gate_savings -by_clock_gate" reporteveryCG's toggle saving
1931 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 vclp 命令
bairg521 2018-6-1 16:51
vclp抓取所有pg_pin: foreach_in_collection i {echo } get_pg_pins.list 搜索某个层次下所有pin: get_pins -of_objects U_SUBA/U_SUBB -h get_pins.list
2120 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
分享 PT report subsys detail power
bairg521 2018-3-14 10:15
current_instance Information: ... 'TOP' current_instance “u_SUBA/u_SUBB/u_SUBC” u_SUBA/u_SUBB/u_SUBC report_power ... Report: Averaged Power ... current_instance Information: ... 'TOP' current_instance “u_SUBA/u_SUBB/u_SUBD” u_SUBA/u_SUBB/u_SUBD report_power ...
1004 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 pt报所有register的toggle rate
bairg521 2018-3-7 17:19
get_pins -of_objects get_switching_activity ] report_power -groups register -cell_power set_switching_activity -toggle_rate 0.05
1977 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 PTPX产生字符格式功耗曲线
bairg521 2018-2-1 20:32
If you want to view the power waveforms in an ASCII format, use the PrimeTime PX tool to generate a .out file which is of the ASCII format using the following command: pt_shell set_power_analysis_options -waveform_format out -waveform_output file_name -waveform_forma ...
1054 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 PTPX报告每个cell的功耗
bairg521 2017-12-22 20:56
report_power -cell_power cells_power_rpt.log report_power -cell_power cells_power_rpt.log uses averaged mode, if uses time_based mode, power data is not complete.
2131 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 PT报告cells数量
bairg521 2017-12-6 21:47
InstanceName: sizeof_collection Module Name: sizeof_collection sizeof_collection
945 次阅读|0 个评论

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