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分享 LayoutMisc
twoyyf 2024-7-31 18:01
match noise EM reliability
个人分类: layout|124 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 calibre layout replace text
twoyyf 2024-7-19 15:55
LAYOUT RENAME TEXT “/\\[//g” /\\[//g
个人分类: layout|136 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 merge gds
twoyyf 2024-7-15 13:42
##merge GDS:add filling cell to top cell, not create new top. set layout1 set layout2 set output topCell.merged.gds set topcell set topcell_fill foreach cell { if { } { puts In conflict cell in $topcell and $topcell fill: $cell. Exit } ##$L import layout {handle | fi ...
个人分类: layout|141 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 flatten GDS except golden cells
twoyyf 2024-6-11 16:54
##usage command: calibredrv ./flatten_gds_partial.tcl topcell_name ## this command will flatten the given gds, except the cells define in GOLDEN_CELL ## topcell.swap.gds should be found in the same folder, #or change the LAYOUT_IN to gds file. Output flatten GDS top cell cel na ...
个人分类: layout|164 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 删除steiners,修正版图边界
twoyyf 2024-5-11 11:29
;;remove steiners foreach(st geGetEditCellView()-steiners dbDeleteObject(st)) ;;Remove logic information. The net name will be removed, but not sure any objects are removed. ;;be careful to use! The logic information will be shown again once updated connection. ;;more information referring ...
个人分类: layout|268 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 VIM删除重复的行
twoyyf 2024-5-11 11:15
排序:sort 保留相同行的第一行:sort n
个人分类: VIM|255 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 flatten gds
twoyyf 2024-5-11 10:29
##calibredrv ./flatten_gds.tcl set L1 $L1 flatten cell top_cell_name $L1 gdsout ./top_cell_name_flatten.gds
个人分类: layout|289 次阅读|0 个评论

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