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分享 九把刀《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》北大宣传
2012-1-10 11:01
谈恋爱就是让你人格崩溃,让你装腔作势,为了你喜欢的人变成一个你其实根本瞧不起也不认识的人,这就对了。——九把刀北大演讲 来源: 杜亚希的日志 非常非常开心能够来北京大学演讲,我能表现出的最大的诚意就是,今天的演讲将是原汁原味非常忠于台湾版本的“人生就是不停的战斗”,还加 ...
个人分类: 转帖|1283 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 target library&link library
2011-10-25 17:36
The target_library variable specifies the library that Design Compiler uses to select cells for optimization and re-mapping. It is typically set to only the standard cells library . The link_library variable specifies every library that has cells referenced by the netlist. The tool uses th ...
个人分类: 知识积累|3339 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 milkway
2011-10-25 14:42
1、Milkyway library means the design in layout format and you need the reference milkyway library to create your layout design. Reference milkyway library consists the predesigned layout of basic cells like AND, OR, NAND so on. Milkway is a term used in Synopsys tool, but different vendors(like ca ...
个人分类: 知识积累|1273 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 tap cell(ZZ)
2011-10-12 15:32
A: tapping is done to avoid latch up effect......hope u know latch up effect... so for that n tap is connected to p transistor....by connecting p tap over VDD similarly for p tap ....is connected to n transistor....connected to VSS... B: well tap cells are used to limit resistance between power o ...
个人分类: 知识积累|3532 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Vi操作
2011-10-8 10:38
1、剪切多行 输入命令行:n1,n2 m n3(将n1到n2之间的行剪切到n3行之后)。 而对于复制多行,只需将上面命令中的m改为co。 2、转义字符 \s 空格   ...
个人分类: Linux应用|804 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 怎样计算综合之后门数(ZZ)
2011-9-22 15:12
怎样计算综合之后门数?(ZZ) Solution 1: 就是report_area 除以一个标准nand2 的面积啊,我看到前端的人都这么干的; 后端的人一般看instance, 门不太准,如果硬要的话,就是instance X 4。 Solution 2: 如果在DC里check,可加指令: set cell_num ] echo "$cell_num" (但是布局布线后数量会有变化) ...
个人分类: 知识积累|1340 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 问题:Bucket是什么
2011-9-15 17:28
Global routing will split the entire floorplan into equally sized logical elements known as Buckets. And what is the buckets at earth?  ...
个人分类: unsolved question|770 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Global routing和detail routing(ZZ)
2011-9-13 15:52
第一种说法: Global routing is focused on resolving congestion and timing issues. Global routing creates net segments and defines the initial routing topologies. The topologies include a layer assignment for each segment of each net . Each net segment is a total contiguous length of intercon ...
个人分类: 知识积累|2273 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 spare cell(ZZ)
2011-9-5 09:33
In order to address the last minute changes or need to fix any functional or any timing changes we go for a stage called as ECO . So at this stage we use the free cells or spare cells during Metal only Fixes. so what this spare -cells ? By the name calls these are some extra cells dumped in ...
个人分类: 转帖|1683 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 静态时序分析基础知识准备(ZZ)
2011-9-4 15:38
转自 http://www.chalayout.com/Article/%E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%95%E9%AA%8C%E8%AF%81/200911/20091110162033.html 工艺极限 (Process Corner) 如果采用5-corner model会有TT,FF,SS,FS,SF 5个corners。如TT指NFET-Typical corner PFET-Typical corner。其中, Typical指晶体管驱动电 ...
个人分类: 转帖|3929 次阅读|0 个评论
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