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RTL synthesis is an automated design task in which high-level design descriptions written in Hardware Description Languages (such as Vhdl, verilog, or SystemVerilog) are transformed into gate-level netlists. Gate-level netlist is basically a circuit implementation of the design made of library components (both combinational and sequential cells) available in the technology library and their interconnections. The netlist is generated by the synthesis tool according to the constraints set by the designer. Figure 1 below shows an overview of the synthesis.
FIGURE 1: An overview of the synthesis.
Design Compiler is RTL Synthesis tool by Synopsys. It supports UNIX platforms and is installed on Institute's computer systems (see here for available versions on each platform.: mustatikli/ linux). Design Compiler is not supported on Windows platform.
This tutorial is intended for users with no previous experience with Design Compiler. It introduces you how to set up the synthesis tool and the basic tasks of logic synthesis with Design Compiler: analyzing and elaborating the design, setting constraints, optimizing the design, analyzing the results, and saving generated netlists. Specifically, this tutorial considers only synchronous systems and basic synthesis tasks. Subjects as asynchronous systems or advanced synthesis techniques will not be discussed. In addition to Design Compiler, this tutorial introduces the basics of the Design Compiler GUI (called Design Vision).
This tutorial includes several examples written in VHDL but, excluding a few commands using VHDL specific command options, all information shown here can also be applied with designs written in Verilog or SystemVerilog. This tutorial was made by using Design Compiler version 2007.03 SP2 on Linux.
Note: the Y Foundation (i.e. versions starting from version 2007.03) introduced some important changes in Synopsys Desing Compiler tool:
Therefore, this tutorial and its examples consider only Design Compiler running in XG mode using DCTCL command language even though older tools are still available and installed on Institute's computer systems.
In order to use Design Compiler, you must set up your environment correctly. This includes setting up a few variables, files, and licensing information and can be done by sourcing the scripts shown below.
First, check this link to find out the available versions of synthesis tools currently installed on Linux machines. Then, initialize the tool by running the respective source script. You should always select the latest version available unless you have a reason to use an older version.
$ source /share/tktprog/synopsys/syn-2007.03-SP2/syn.sh
First, check this link (mustatikli) to find out the available versions of synthesis tools currently installed on Solaris machine. Then, initialize the tool by running the respective source script. On Solaris platform. you may use either 32-bit or 64-bit binaries. You should always select the latest version available unless you have a reason to use an older version.
$ source /opt/synopsys/syn-2007.03-SP2/syn32.sh
After sourcing the given script. you should see a message similar to the one below (the actual message may differ depending on the tool version and platform) indicating that the source script. was read and your environment set up correctly:
######################################################################## SYNOPSYS Synthesis Tools version 2007.03-SP2 (32 bit binaries) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - There is no /tmp/synopsys_cache directory... creating a new one. NOTE: By default, Design Compiler is now starting in XG mode. If you want to revert back to DB mode, please use: dc_shell-t -db_mode OR dc_shell -tcl_mode -db_mode RTFM: synopsys_help & read man pages: man <command_name> eg. man set_clock_uncertainty Ensure that your .synopsys_dc.setup etc. is valid for this version. ########################################################################
Instructions for setting up a project directory and Design Compiler setup file for your project.
In order to keep your project data well-organized and safe, it is recommended to store files in each project into a separate project directory. The following example proposes one possible directory structure for small projects.
The example below includes an optional simulation directory (SIM/) for ModelSim which is not needed in these exercises but is shown as an example of what sort of subdirectories might be needed in real projects.
<PROJECT>/ -- project directory .synopsys_dc.setup -- Synopsys Design Compiler initialization file modelsim.ini -- ModelSim initialization file SRC/ -- HDL source files SYN/ -- synthesis subdirectory DDC/ -- Design Compiler database NETLIST/ -- mapped Verilog/VHDL netlists RPT/ -- reports SCR/ -- synthesis scripts WORK/ -- intermediate files from synthesis tool SIM/ -- simulation subdirectory (not needed in these examples) SCR/ -- simulation scripts WORK/ -- ModelSim work directory
You may copy the directory structure shown above and use it as such, modify it as you like, or create your own directory structure according to your needs for your own projects. Whichever way you choose do, keep in mind that consistent and simple directory structure helps you to reuse your code from different projects and to automate some tasks in the design flow.
Note that unless otherwise stated, the examples in this tutorial assume that the directory structure described above is used.
The .synopsys_dc.setup file is the setup file for Synopsys' Design Compiler. Setup file is used for initializing design parameters and variables, declare design libraries, and so on. Shortly, the setup file defines the behavior. of the tool and is required for setting the tool up correctly. The commands in this file are executed when Design Compiler is invoked. There are three different locations from where this file is searched for:
The files are read in the order shown above. Settings in user-specific setup file override the settings from system-wide setup file and settings in design-specific setup file overrides settings from both system-wide and user-specific setup file. You should have at least design-specific setup file for each of your projects.
The following shows an example of a minimal setup file using dctcl syntax. The example setup file has also been adapted to use the directory structure described above:
# Minimal .synopsys_dc.setup file # Define the UMC L180 GII library set UMC /share/tktprog/IC/umc set L180_GII ${UMC}/L180_GII/core/UMCL18G212D3_1.0/design_compiler # Define the libraries and search path set search_path [concat $search_path ./SRC ./SYN/SCR ${L180_GII}] set target_library ${L180_GII}/umcl18g212t3_tc_180V_25C.db set synthetic_library dw_foundation.sldb set link_library [concat "*" $target_library $synthetic_library] set symbol_library ${L180_GII}/umcl18g212t3.sdb define_design_lib WORK -path ./SYN/WORK
The example file does the following:
Note that since the search path variable defines directories ${L180_GII} and <SYNOPSYS>/libraries/syn, we can reference the UMC technology library and dw_foundation library just by their name.
Synthesis is a complex task consisting of many phases and requires various inputs in order to produce a functionally correct netlist. The following chapter presents the basic synthesis flow with Synopsys Design Compiler. It assumes that you have a synthesizable and functionally correct HDL description available.
Synthesis with Design Compiler include the following main tasks: reading in the design, setting constraints, optimizing the design, analyzing the results and saving the design database. These tasks are described below:
The first task in synthesis is to read the design into Design Compiler memory. Reading in an HDL design description consist of two tasks: analyzing and elaborating the description. The analysis command (analyze) performs the following tasks:
If the analysis reports errors, they must be fixed, and the design reanalyzed before continuing.
The elaboration command (elaborate) does e.g. the following:
Note: check the elaboration reports carefully to see the number and the type of memory elements Design Compiler thinks it should infer and whether you agree with it or not. Badly modeled hardware description may result as excessive or wrong type of memory elements inferred.
At this point, if the elaboration completed successfully, the design is represented in GTECH format, which is an internal, equation-based, technology-independent design format.
The next task is to set the design constraints. Constraints are the instructions that the designer gives to Design Compiler. They define what the synthesis tool can or cannot do with the design or how the tool behaves. Usually this information can be derived from the various design specifications (e.g. from timing specification).
There are basically two types of design constraints:
Design rule constraints comprise:
The optimization constraints comprise timing and maximum area constraints. The most common timing constraints include:
Note that Design Compiler tries to meet both design rule and optimization constraints but design rule constraints always have precedence over the optimization constraints. This means that Design Compiler can violate optimization constraints if necessary to avoid violating design rule constraints.
Examples that follow show how to set these constraints.
You also need to describe the environment in which the design is supposed to operate. The design environment description includes:
The following section presents the behavior. of Design Compiler optimization step. The optimization step translates the HDL description into gate-level netlist using the cells available in the technology library. The optimization is done in several phases. In each optimization phase different optimization techniques are applied according to the design constraints. The following is somewhat simplified description of optimizations performed during synthesis.
DCUG; p. 266-->Design Compiler performs optimizations on three levels: architectural, logic-level, and gate-level.
Architectural optimizations are high-level optimizations which are performed on the HDL description level. These optimizations include tasks such as:
At this point, the design is represented by GTECH library parts (i.e. generic, technology-independent netlist).
Logic-level optimizations are performed on GTECH netlist and consists of two processes: structuring and flattening.
Before Structuring | After Structuring |
P = ax + ay + c | P = aI + c |
Q = x + y + z | Q = I + z |
I = x + y |
Gate-level optimizations work on the technology-independent netlist and maps it to the library cells to produce a technology-specific gate-level netlist. Gate-level optimizations include the following processes:
Note: the optimizations Design Compiler performs (or does not perform) depend on the constraints you set. Therefore, setting realistic constraints is one of the most important synthesis tasks.
Once the synthesis has been completed, you need to analyze the results. Design Compiler provides together with its graphical user interface (Design Vision) various means to debug the synthesized design. These include both textual reports that can be generated for different design objects and graphical views that help inspecting and visualizing the design.
There are basically two types of analysis methods and tools:
These methods and tools are used to verify that the design meets the goals set by the designer and described with design constraints. If the design does not meet a design goal then the analysis methods can help determining the cause of the problem.
The final task in synthesis with Design Compiler is to save the synthesized design. The design can be saved in many formats but you should save for example the gate-level netlist (usually in Verilog) and/or the design database. Remember that by default, Design Compiler does not save anything when exiting.
This section illustrates the synthesis flow and some of the tasks described above with a few examples.
Note that you may get different results from synthesis depending on the platform. and version used. These examples were made with the version Z-2007.03-SP2 running on Linux.
The first example is a simple Ripple Carry Adder (RCA). This example illustrates the basic synthesis flow: reading the design, setting constraints, optimizing the design, reporting and analyzing, and saving the design.
This adder has modular structure as illustrated in pictures below. Figure 2 shows the gate-level structure of the Half Adder (HA) module, which is composed of two gates, AND and exclusive OR. This design is described in file ha.vhd.
FIGURE 2: Half Adder Module
The Full Adder (FA) module is composed of two instances of Half Adders and single OR gate as shown in Figure 3. This design is described in file fa.vhd.
FIGURE 3: Full Adder Module
The Ripple Carry Adder (RCA) design is generic instantiation of Full Adder Modules as shown in Figure 4. The RCA design is described in file rca.vhd.
FIGURE 4: 4-bit Ripple Carry Adder
The last part of the design instantiates the RCA design using bus width of 4 bits. The design also registers the output of the adder as shown in Figure 5. The carry in (CI) bit of the RCA is connected low (0) and the carry out (CI) bit is the most significant bit (MSB) of the output bus. This design is described in file adder.vhd.
FIGURE 5: An adder block using the above RCA design for the '+'-operator. The Reset and Clock signals have been omitted for clarity.
This example uses the directory structure described earlier in section Directory Structure. Create a directory structure as described and copy the following files (SRC/ha.vhd, SRC/fa.vhd, SRC/rca.vhd,SRC/adder.vhd) into the directory SRC/. Copy also the .synopsys_dc.setup file into your project root directory.
Initialize Design Compiler as shown in section Initialization and invoke the Design Compiler GUI:
$ design_vision
Note that there is no ampersand (&) at the end of the command. In a moment, you should see a screen similar to the one below:
Design Compiler GUI (aka Design Vision).
The Hierarchy Browser displays information about the design in textual form. The Hierarchy Browser is divided into two panes: instance tree (left) and objects list (right). The instance tree displays the design's hierarchy and the objects list information about the objects in current instance.
The Console views display information between the designer and the synthesis tool (commands entered by the designer and messages resulting the commands). Commands can be entered in Console Command Line (or from menubar menus and toolbar buttons).
Note that only some of the most common commands can be entered by using the Design Compiler GUI menubars and buttons. All commands can always be executed by writing them into the console. Therefore, in this tutorial we will mostly write the commands into the console. At the end of the synthesis, we will create a synthesis script. file from commands that were executed during this example. This synthesis script. file can then be used in subsequent synthesis runs.
Before proceeding with the example you need check that the tool has been set up correctly (i.e. the .synopsys_dc.setup file was read at the start up and there wasn't any problems with that). Our setup file merely sets the libraries that are required for synthesis and defines a library for work files.
Check libraries by selecting File -> Setup... from the menubar. This will open an Application Setup dialog box. In Application Setup check the values for target_library, link_library,symbol_library, and synthetic_library. They should be the same as in the setup file. The search_path should contain ./SRC, ./SYN/SCR, and ${L180_GII} directories in addition to default search path directories.
If the values for libraries or search path is something else then there was a problem with the setup file. In particular, if the values for libraries are your_library.db, your setup file was not read at all. In that case, the most probable reason is that the Design Vision was invoked in a wrong directory (Design Compiler/Vision searches for the setup file from the same directory it is invoked).
Check also that the design library is mapped correctly by writing the following command to the Console Command Line:
get_design_lib_path WORK
This should print the full path to the ./SYN/WORK/ library.
The first thing to do is to load the design into the Design Compiler memory. This task consists of two operations: analyzing and elaborating the design as described earlier (see the section Reading in the Design).
There are two commands for reading in the design: analyze and read_file. The read_file command is used with designs that are already in .ddc format so you should use the analyze command:
analyze -library WORK -format vhdl {./SRC/ha.vhd ./SRC/fa.vhd ./SRC/rca.vhd ./SRC/adder.vhd}
The same command can be found from the menubar (File -> Analyze...):
Analyze Designs Dialog Box
Select Add... and browse in to SRC directory in the file browser dialog and select your VHDL files. Check that Format is VHDL and Work library is WORK and click OK.
If there are syntactical errors or any non-synthesizable descriptions in your files the analysis will fail (and you need to fix them until you may proceed). In this case there shouldn't be any problems.
The next step is to elaborate the design:
elaborate ADDER -architecture RTL -library WORK -parameters "N=4"
The same command can be found from the menubar (File -> Elaborate...):
Elaborate Designs Dialog Box
Check that Library is WORK, Design is ADDER(RTL), and in Parameters box set N to 4 and click OK.
Setting the parameter N to 4 overrides the default generic value (8) set in the file adder.vhd and creates a 4-bit RCA.
Always check the messages that Design Compiler generates in the console for each command you enter. For example, the elaboration command printed the following messages about the elaboration process:
design_vision-xg-t> elaborate ADDER -architecture RTL -library WORK -parameters "N=4" Running PRESTO HDLC Inferred memory devices in process in routine adder_N4 line 85 in file '/usr/oma/pirttimj/WORK/dc_tut/rca/SRC/adder.vhd'. =============================================================================== | Register Name | Type | Width | Bus | MB | AR | AS | SR | SS | ST | =============================================================================== | s_reg | Flip-flop | 5 | Y | N | Y | N | N | N | N | =============================================================================== Presto compilation completed successfully. Elaborated 1 design. Current design is now 'adder_N4'. Information: Building the design 'rca' instantiated from design 'adder_N4' with the parameters "N=4". (HDL-193) Presto compilation completed successfully. Information: Building the design 'fa'. (HDL-193) Presto compilation completed successfully. Information: Building the design 'ha'. (HDL-193) Presto compilation completed successfully. design_vision-xg-t> Current design is 'adder_N4'.
You should always check from the elaboration report what kind of memory devices (Type) Design Compiler wants to infer and the number (Width) of those devices. In this example, Design Compiler has decided to infer 5 flip-flops and that these registers are inferred for the process outregs in file adder.vhd. The number of registers and the type matches with what was expected for this design.
Sometimes Design Compiler wishes to infer latches from your description (latch in colunm Type in elaboration report). Latches may be intentional or unintentional. Consider latches as design errors in your description unless you know that latches should be inferred.
You may now also check the design structure by using the Hierarchy Browser or by creating a desing schematic for your design.
Hierarchy Browser. On the left-hand side is the instance tree which shows the design hierarchy. On the right-hand side is theobjects list which shows information about the selected instance.
The design schematic can be generated with the 'Create Design Schematic' button () in the toolbar. The schematic is generated for the instance currently selected in the instance tree (or top level design by default). The following four figures display the design's structure after elaboration. You may move up and down in the design hierarchy e.g. by double clicking the instance in the design schematic, by using the toolbar buttons, or by using the Hierarchy Browser (select an instance, right-click the mouse and select the Schematic View).
Note that the following figures represents the design structure as it was understood and extracted by Design Compiler from your HDL design description. You should verify that Design Compiler did actually understand correctly what you intended. This extracted design structure will be the starting point for the optimizations but it does not necessarily represent the final design structure. Also note that the design is currently represented in an intermediate form. using GTECH cells. These cells are used internally by Design Compiler and will be replaced with the actual library cells at the end of synthesis, during technology mapping phase, as explained here.
The RCA adder design structure after elaboration. The i_rca is the RCA adder instance and s_reg are the output registers. Compare this schematic with this figure.
The RCA Adder Instance. The i_fas are Full Adder Modules. Compare this schema with this figure.
The Full Adder Instance. The i_has are Half Adder Modules. Compare this schema with this figure.
The Half Adder Module. Compare this schema with this figure.
The design is now read into the Design Compiler memory. It was analyzed for the syntactical errors and non-synthesizable structures and prepared for synthesis by the analyze and elaborate commands. However, it is still possible that there are some problems with the design. To check the design consistency, we need to run the check_design command on the design:
check_design -multiple_designs
This will produce the following messages:
design_vision-xg-t> check_design -multiple_designs Warning: In design 'adder_N4', a pin on submodule 'i_rca' is connected to logic 1 or logic 0. (LINT-32) Pin 'ci' is connected to logic 0. Information: Design 'fa' is instantiated 4 times. (LINT-45) Cell 'i_rca/i_fa_0' in design 'adder_N4' Cell 'i_rca/i_fa_1' in design 'adder_N4' Cell 'i_rca/i_fa_2' in design 'adder_N4' Cell 'i_rca/i_fa_3' in design 'adder_N4' Information: Design 'ha' is instantiated 8 times. (LINT-45) Cell 'i_rca/i_fa_0/i_ha_0' in design 'adder_N4' Cell 'i_rca/i_fa_0/i_ha_1' in design 'adder_N4' Cell 'i_rca/i_fa_1/i_ha_0' in design 'adder_N4' Cell 'i_rca/i_fa_1/i_ha_1' in design 'adder_N4' Cell 'i_rca/i_fa_2/i_ha_0' in design 'adder_N4' Cell 'i_rca/i_fa_2/i_ha_1' in design 'adder_N4' Cell 'i_rca/i_fa_3/i_ha_0' in design 'adder_N4' Cell 'i_rca/i_fa_3/i_ha_1' in design 'adder_N4' 1
The check_design command checks the internal representation of the current design and issues error, warning, and informative messages about the design to indicate potential design problems. In this example, the check_design command indicates that the design instantiates design fa four times and the design ha eight times which is how the design is described. It also issues a warning that there is a pin that has been permanently connected to ground or supply voltage (the input pin ci of the module rca in file adder.vhd). The ci pin is the carry in bit for the adder and it was intentionally connected to thelogic 0 so we can ignore this warning.
It is recommended to save the design every now and then