1.split string delimeter
% set x "anita san,35,vp marketing"
anita san,35,vp marketing
% split $x ,
{anita san} 35 {vp marketing}
% set y 38,72,,-17
% split $y ,
38 72 {} -17
% split xbaybz ab
x {} y z
% split {a b c} {}
a { } b { } c
% split {a b c} { }#空格
a b c
% join { {} usr include sys types.h} /
% join {usr include sys types.h} /
%set x 50 50 41
3.dict get
% set ex {firstname joe surname schmoe title mr}
firstname joe surname schmoe title mr
% dict get $ex surname
set prefers {
joe {the easy life}
jermy {fast car}
{uncle sam} {motherhood and apple pie}
hell world
joe {the easy life}
jermy {fast car}
{uncle sam} {motherhood and apple pie}
hell world
% dict get $prefers hell
% dict get $prefers joe
the easy life
% set employees {
0001 {
firstname joe
surname schmoe
title mr
0002 {
firstname ann
initial e
surname huan
title miss
0001 {
firstname joe
surname schmoe
title mr
0002 {
firstname ann
initial e
surname huan
title miss
% dict get [dict get $employees 0002] surname
dict get 可以接受多个参数
% dict get $employees 0001 firstname
% set g(0,1) 01
% set g(0,2) 02
% array get g 0,*
0,1 01 0,2 02
注意array get 不带 $
4.创建字典dict create
% dict create a b c {d e} {f g} h a "b repeat"
a {b repeat} c {d e} {f g} h
5.dict replace
% set ex [dict create firstname ann initial e surname huan]
firstname ann initial e surname huan
% dict replace $ex initial y
firstname ann initial y surname huan
6.dict remove,注意试图删除一个不存在的键并不会导致错误
% dict remove $ex initial
firstname ann surname huan
7.dict merge 融合两个或更多字典,创建一个新字典,当两个或多个字典由同样的关键字时,删除的字典会把这个关键字映射到命中做活出现该关键字的字典中的关联值
% set c1 {foreground white background black}
foreground white background black
% set c2 {highligh red foreground green}
highligh red foreground green
% dict merge $c1 $c2
foreground green background black highligh red
8.dict set ,dict unset
% set ex [dict create firstname anne initial e surname huan title miss]
firstname anne initial e surname huan title miss
% dict set ex title mrs
firstname anne initial e surname huan title mrs
% dict get $ex title
% dict set ex surname boddie
firstname anne initial e surname boddie title mrs
% dict get $ex surname
% dict unset ex initial
firstname anne surname boddie title mrs
% dict get $ex initial
key "initial" not known in dictionary
9.dict size,keys,values,exists
% set ex {}
% dict set ex a alpha
a alpha
% dict set ex b bravo
a alpha b bravo
% dict set ex c charlie
a alpha b bravo c charlie
% dict size $ex
% dict exists $ex a
% dict exists $ex initial
% dict keys $ex
a b c
% dict keys $ex {abc}
% dict keys $ex {*name}
% dict values $ex
alpha bravo charlie
% dict values $ex *n*
% dict values $ex *r*
bravo charlie
10.dict for
% dict for {key value } $ex {
puts [format "%s: %s" $key $value]
a: alpha
b: bravo
c: charlie
% proc sortdict {dict} {
set sorted {}
foreach key [lsort [dict keys $dict]] {
dict set sorted $key {}
return [dict merge $sorted $dict]
% set ex [dict create ba 3 d 66 a 77]
ba 3 d 66 a 77
% sortdict $ex
a 77 ba 3 d 66