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已有 3538 次阅读| 2012-8-21 09:43 |个人分类:Imbeded Software

1   Ymodem is a simple file transfer protocol that supports basic error detection methods to ensure that information is not lost or corrupted during a transfer. Ymodem is based on Xmodem and is essentially the same except that Ymodem sends the file's name, size, and timestamp before actually transferring the file.

The SecureCRT Ymodem implementation supports both 128-byte and Ymodem-1K (1024-byte) packet sizes.

Unlike Xmodem, Ymodem supports multiple-file (“batch”) transfers.

2 利用SecureCRT 利用Ymodem协议 上传下载flash文件


To download a file from a remote machine, complete the following steps:

1. On the remote machine, issue the appropriate Ymodem command to instruct the Ymodem software to send the file that you want to download. The remote machine software should then prompt you to initiate the transfer.

2. To initiate the Ymodem download, open the SecureCRT Transfer menu and select Receive Ymodem. The file will be transferred and saved to the default download directory when you select the command.


To upload a file to a remote machine, complete the following steps:

1. On the remote machine, issue the appropriate Ymodem command to instruct the Ymodem software to receive the file that you want to upload. This will cause SecureCRT to open the Select Files to Send using Ymodem dialog (shown below). Note that Ymodem must be installed on the remote machine to transfer files with Ymodem.

Note: Another way to open this dialog is to open the Transfer menu and select Send Ymodem.

2. In the Select Files to Send using Ymodem dialog, select the file(s) that you want to upload to the remote machine and click on the Add button to add the file(s) to the Files to send list. You can also choose to send your file(s) in ASCII instead of binary by checking the Upload files as ASCII check box.

3. When you have finished adding all the files that you want to upload, click on the OK button.

Select Files to Send using Ymodem Dialog


The Terminal/X/Y/Zmodem category of the Session Options dialog allows you to configure your Xmodem, Ymodem, and Zmodem settings.

Directories group


Enter the path of a local directory that is to be used as the source folder when the Upload command is used. Click on the browser button to select the directory.


Enter the path of a local directory that is to be used as the destination folder when the Download command is used. Click on the browser button to select the directory.

X/Ymodem send packet size group

This group allows you to select the size of the Xmodem and Ymodem packets you send. Your options are as follows:

128 bytes

1024 bytes (Xmodem-1k/Ymodem-1k)


Disable Zmodem

Check this option to turn off the ability to make Zmodem transfers.




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