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【读书笔记0102】Beginning linux programming-3rd

已有 758 次阅读| 2011-12-21 10:27 |个人分类:linux

心情: 平静
Chapter 1: getting start

这章主要是介绍了unix linux gun的发展历史,
Unix is a trademark by The Open Group and source code belongs to SCO.
Unix phliosophy: The why we choose Unix.有点老掉牙的话题
1 what is Simplicity,
Small&simple in utilites
2 Focus,
It means,from the requirement ,we first break down the user needs.Then we try very small utilites which combined to perform. a single purpose so that easy to perform. and improve later for the better algorithms and interface.
3 Reusable,
To realize the reusable,you should have the ability to find out the core of your applications. then make it a lib.
And you should well documented with simple but flexible programming interface to helps others programmer.
4 Filters,
Filter is just transform. input and output ,to helps combining the programs.
5 Openfileformat
6 Flexibility:
is for the ingeniously users , never assume that user might want to do.
avoid arbitrary limits on field size,numbers limitation

Remember the famous name:AT&T,Linus Torvalds,Helsinki,Richard Stallman on GNU,Dennis Ritchie,

Programming Linux
1 Linux programs: two special typs: executables and scripts:
these two type can replace each other vice versa.

What the tips I learn form. this charpter:
1  / forward slash ,remember the UNIX got the first, the DOS not.
2  C compiler C89
3  emacs is a important editor in linux
4  ./  what that means
5  the RoadMap actually -- where the tools and development resources are located.
general applications: /usr/bin
administrator specific: /usr/local/bin  or /opt
usr/local will not remove while you reinstall the OS

You need to know the applications /include header files/ and the library files.

Some very useful flags for:
-I (uppercase letter for "i")  used for libs include path
-l (lowercase letter for "L")  find a lib's full path and name standard lib path. eg. -lm include a math libs in standard path
-L  add search directory , if not specify then it means just in current directory.

how to generate a lib and use
1 use -C while we compile the program:
2 use ar to creat a archive

then chapter said how a shared libraries are works

Getting helps show us the basic help method:
1 man
2 info
3 help  eg: used in bash shell:
help set


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