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1.关于和Quartus II8.1相配合使用的Modelsim SE版本
Make sure you have installed the following versions of the Quartus II software and the ModelSim software:
ModelSim |
Altera |
Mentor Graphics ModelSim PE or SE (non-OEM) version |
Quartus II |
This version of the ModelSim software supports all Altera devices supported by the Quartus II software.
2.关于和Quartus II8.1相配合使用的Synplify Pro版本
Make sure you have installed the correct versions of the Quartus II software and the Synplify software:
Synopsys |
Altera |
Synplify or Synplify Pro |
Quartus II |
This version of the Synplify software supports all Altera devices supported by the Quartus II software.