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Take as many quests as possible at the same time

已有 570 次阅读| 2008-5-9 13:30

Take as many quests as possible at the same time Take as many quests as possible at the same time, try not to do quests one at a time. When entering a new area, find all thewow power level quests from NPC''s first, before you start killing things. The principle of multiple quests becomes more profound the more you advance in level. Many times you will find yourself accepting a quest to kill 10 x monsters that you just got done killing for another item. It is tempting to:talk to NPC --> Get Quest --> Do Quest --> Return = BAD!!!!
Once you get out of the first newbie stage and are past level 5, this approach will slow you down dramatically. You want to gain maximum levels, at maximum speed! The right approach, therefore looks like this:
Talk to all NPC''s in the greater vacinity --> Get All The Quests you can muster. Collect quests like candy. Accept them from NPC''s, accept them from other players (when you are in a group, players can ''share'' quests).warcraft gold Quest A may say \"Kill 10 of monster X\", and Quest B may say \"Kill 10 of monster Y\". You will find that as you kill monster X, you have to plow your way through several monster Y''s. In essence, you are completing two quests simultaneously. Doing multiple quests at once is the only way to fly.
Questing v Grinding has been a big debate in this game. Some people just want to kill and grind without bothering to do quests. But quests are an important component of powerleveling as they give additional EXP, money, and items. By taking the quest at the start, players have increased the efficiency of their character gains. Grinding is always good, but thewow power leveling benefits of questing is that you get additional exp for finishing a quest, and cash or valued items. But on the same note: Don’t be afraid to dump quests
It''s so tempting to keep it....you just don''t want to let go of that quest that''s been in your books for several days. It requires you to run around the world - see this person, see that person...will take you 3 hours. Or that quest you forgot to do way back in Elwynn Forest, and now you''re all the way in the Wetlands. DUMP IT.
However: level Grinding still works!
This is killing monsters that are GREEN to you. You kill them fast and with very little down time. You can basically steamroll through dozens of con-green enemies in minutes! Spend an hour or two doing this and you''ll see what a difference in EXP it makes! Small EXP gains over a long period time really add up.
Green quests are your friends!
These are quests that are 2-3 levels beneath you. When you get a bunch of yellow colored quests, sometimes you can just ''level grind'' 2-3 levels, then power through the quests solo. It comes to this: If you are getting killed more than once doing a single quest, you are wasting time- its better to grind a level and do it later.
Play a Multi-Zone game. href=wow goldWhen you hit level 10 or so, its time to run to the nearest \"other\" starting area and do the quests there. You will do them fast, and get exp for all the kills (as long as they are colored green to you) Doing a load of quests 3-5 levels beneath you really racks up EXP fast

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