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"World of Warcraft: Burning the expedition"

已有 436 次阅读| 2008-4-30 14:06

"World of Warcraft: Burning the expedition" mainland China-the highest number of breakthroughs 1000000

April 11, 2008 - Shanghai - The9 announced today that the United States Blizzard Entertainment's massively multiplayer online role-playing online games (MMORPG) "World of Warcraft," the first information on "burning the expedition," since 2007 September 6 on the line, the rising number of on-line, following the October, November-the highest number of breakthroughs were 800,000, 900,000 mark, again a record high recently, the success exceeded 1 million mark.

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With the information on "burning the expedition," the listing, an increasing number of old players to return to the game, but also attracted a lot of new players to join. "World of Warcraft: Burning the expedition" with its undisputed epic-class, following the "World of Warcraft," and once again become the industry leader for online games set off a new upsurge. "World of Warcraft: Burning the expedition ?" is Blizzard Entertainment products, the ninth city agency massively multiplayer online game network masterpiece "World of Warcraft," the first film of the information. As for the new giant, "World of Warcraft: Burning the expedition ?" game on the content of the various aspects of development, pushing the original work rose to a new height. The9 wholeheartedly welcome new and old players, enthusiastically join the millions of troops, outside the domain expedition to enjoy the epic level of gaming experience.


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