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​ <Living in harmony with different standards>

已有 587 次阅读| 2024-6-24 11:54 |个人分类:智能化社会|系统分类:生活杂谈| When, some, of, the, virtues

 To all who may be concerned in an endeavor to acquire information relating to affairs beyond the range of physical vision we offer for consideration what may be regarded as an incredible narrative of journeys, 

and we entreat that you shall not pass unfriendly judgment upon that which may impress you as a merely imaginative composition, 

have thought it well to present it in colloquial form, 

in many minds, 

her energy and such ability, 

or set apart,'' extended from time to time, 

or soul consciousness of our instrument was controlled to write certain observations and experiences, 

fragmentary and altogether too voluminous for the purpose in view. 

she expressed her readiness to permit herself to pass under my control for the purpose of revising the manuscript, 

persistent endeavor on the part of our instrument, 

we all consider a not very satisfactory rendition of experiences as unique as ever have occurred to one yet embodied in physical form. 

and it is only through the persistent entreaties of friends on both sides of life that finally she has decided to offer for publication the rather sketchy narrative of our journeys to Garden of Eden. 

for a pictured presentation of form, 

they convey a fairly correct idea of the form and color, 

of the species of plant life they represent. 

I may state that our mission to Garden of Eden was undertaken for a specific purpose, 

it has been written for the purpose of affording our  information which only through the mediation of discarnated spirits can be obtained. 

through earnest investigation and lofty aspiration, 

and rejoice to perceive that our last prolonged visit to Luna has not proven detrimental to your health, 

but hereafter we must endeavor to be more prudent. 

for a definite purpose, 

Soon after your son Bernard passed to our side of life, 

we informed you that you no longer would be used for automatic writing, 

to-day will end our investigations. 

We are aware that in the minds of Earth's thinkers there is a lively interest relating to a world of our Solar System, 

Surely you safely may trust us for the future.

 injury to my health. 

I should like to be informed concerning the proposed undertaking. 

but always circumstances have prevented my gaining more than a very slight knowledge of this, 

without further hesitation I accept your proposal to attempt to make use of my organism for what I feel assured is a wise and beneficent purpose.

Organization for Economic formations, 

social conditions, 

For the most part these persons are interested in such sciences and pursuits as engaged their attention while in physical form, 

thus they are specially fitted for such purposes as they have been chosen to serve.

your health might receive injury, 

so you will weigh the matter well before positively deciding to devote yourself to what I may assure you is a beneficent purpose. 

it will be necessary that we shall make certain arrangements for the successful inception and after-progress of our journeys and investigations.

and doubtless there will be occasions when it will be difficult to harmonize conditions; 

and his close associate, 

and that I shall take upon myself the responsibility of conducting our observations and investigations. 

for certain purposes, 

in whom we indeed live, 

controlling every atom of the Universe. 

well knowing that in Thee are the issues of all things, 

Through personal observation you will learn that the geological formations, 

but should they suggest to you questions which may be relevant to our purpose I shall be pleased to attempt replies.

first came into existence? And also I should like to know how Planets are formed.

magnetic stations or centres of magnetic energy, 

That periods arrive when through magnetic attraction of elemental substances Suns become surcharged and their pregnant energies exhibit inconceivable activity, 

casting into space the extremely attenuated elemental substances of which worlds are made.

Intelligent Law brings order out of chaos and formless aggregations of atoms become observable bodies of incandescent matter. 

and these gaseous bodies contract to the measurable dimensions of globes. 

and in the course of time about either Planet a crust was formed, 

Continuously their confined energies burst forth with tremendous force, 

some of which formed satellites of the Planets. 

anon these were engulfed within fiery abysses whose measureless energies tumultuously threatened to burst asunder the entire surfaces of the young Worlds. 

The lapse of time from the beginning of the formation of a Planet to a period when the crust has cooled and thickened sufficiently to have become somewhat stable, 

 atmosphere and consequent condensation and deposition of moisture shall have made life conditions possible; 

but that far off in the depths of space innumerable Worlds are now being formed, 

just as this Planet and Earth have been formed. 

as change the forms in the kaleidoscope. 

the waters of a suitable temperature and atmospheric conditions favorable to a degree that life in its earliest expression became possible, 

But in this connection I may say that the formative history of one Planet is the formative history of all Planets of all systems of Worlds. 

such authorities on our side of life as are known to be unquestionable, 

That during the ages when our globe was almost wholly incandescent, 

Mars' crust was measurably solid and cooled and its earliest life expressions were teeming in its tepid waters. 

The interval elapsing between the earliest appearance of life on Mars and the period when it became possible for the earliest life expressions to appear on our Planet is not to be computed through years or through centuries of years, 

but in so far as we may be able to use your organism we shall touch upon such recognized sciences as may subserve our purposes of comparing degrees of knowledge attained to, 

Medium��I should like to know how the lowest life forms of a new Planet originate, 

forms or expressions of life. 

but as the life, 

in the formation of every cell,

It is as truly substance as is the cell brought into form through its intelligent activity. 

On all Planets sufficiently evolved life expressions first appear in cell formations. 

are all the potentialities necessary for the evolvement of all forms of animal and vegetable life. 

and in the primordial cells are all the possibilities of all specific orders of animal and vegetable life. 

In every direction life expressions strive to advance on straight lines, 

intelligent energy toward definite ends. 

you perceive that all your senses are enlarged and intensified, 

with here and there clusters of many bright hued flowers. 

but the motive power must be different from that in use on our railways, 

others without any visible motive power. 

balloons or any propelling power. 

it is very impolite in you to laugh at me. 

and now it has landed on a great platform and passengers are alighting and others are entering, 

How they are constructed, 

and what their motive power is, 

but as this is an experimental trip we do not think it prudent to hold you longer. 

May divine and loving influences guide and guard you. 

How close your eyes and endeavor to compose your too active mind by joining us in harmonizing prayer.

How deep is Earth's atmosphere? He who estimates the depth of the oxygenated portion of Earth's atmospheric envelope at ten English miles may safely add another half-mile, 

radiant Sun sheds its life-preserving beams. 

quicken into activity latent energies, 

Mars' atmosphere is such as to both receive and retain an amount of solar heat sufficient to render its climatic conditions very favorable for its various life expressions, 

as you will have opportunity to observe, 

the panorama now below us is a reminder of many similar views on various portions of our far distant World, 

As to its qualities you already are informed. 

Even the polar regions are under the influence of this exceptionally humid condition, 

but of this presently you will become better informed.

and welcome you to a land visited for the first time by a spirit yet embodied in the physical form. 

The energetic and adventurous American is a born pioneer, 

returning to Earth safely. 

For purposes of comparison, 

I shall further inform you.

which in solution form nature's remedial springs.

during which largely the coal fields were formed, 

it served for the Marsians the purposes of fuel and illumination.

sustaining luxuriant verdure and a wealth of grains and other vegetation. 

partly revealing, 

partly obscuring its exquisite beauty, 

 those creatures are strangely formed, 

We desire that you shall attempt a description of that one standing apart from the others.

and it is formed very like the head of a giraffe, 

I wonder what purpose it may serve?

Another reason for the existence of such queer-looking animals may be that nature intends them as a background on which to exhibit the good looking ones, 

This animal reminds me of a horse, 

Its head is well proportioned to the size of its body and is as delicately formed as the head of a deer. 

Its legs are well proportioned and its hoofs are daintily formed and semi-transparent. 

As I already have intimated on this Planet there are in its animal kingdom forms bearing striking resemblances to some existing on Earth, 

You are to remember that all life germs are homogeneous, 

Thus throughout the myriad life expressions of different Planets there are endless strong resemblances. 

inherent energy impelling him ever onward, 

Man is the culmination not only of forces but of qualities which set him apart from all other physical existences. 

expression of God in form, 

From its dimensions and imposing style we may conclude that it is the home of persons of wealth and distinction. 

which impart a sense of restfulness.

through which a Spirit comes into harmonious relations with its 

and they experience what may be termed a sense of unrest or inharmony, 

As it is a good example of the many imposing residences to be found throughout this North temperate region, 

and on either side of the entrance are sculptured life-size forms in bas-relief. 

among which are groups of life forms of various kinds. 

No doubt these forms hold certain meanings, 

here is a sort of annex and evidently devoted to pious purposes. 

these spacious and comfortable apartments at the rear of the dwelling are occupied by the domestics. 

so we safely may enter the dwelling to have a view of the interior, 

which part of the dwelling shall we first investigate? Ah, 

but I shall expect you to describe this apartment, 

It appears to be better fitted for chemical experiments than for a kitchen. 

or the owner of this residence very rich. 

As sure as I live here is a weighing ap

lighting and as a motive power used electricity. 

we have in mind a certain dining-hall which we purpose showing to you.

What a superb apartment, 

we anticipate the pleasure of showing you many evidences of the wealth and

 culture of the Marsians. 

Before proceeding further we desire to inform you of something which, 

who with other living things should manifest the power and greatness of His Divinity. 

and during our journeyings and investigations you will learn that on Garden of Eden there is a state of civilization and consequent culture quite in advance of that of our own immature Planet.

And those sculptured forms, 

Only the mind of a genius and the hand of a master could have conceived and executed either of them.

I shall name it ''Love's Awakening.'' It represents the sculptured form of a young girl just budding into womanhood. 

So eloquent is the silence of her slightly parted lips, 

half revealing the exquisite form, 

their forms lightly clothed in loose garments, 

which but partly conceal their rounded, 

their beautiful faces expressing liveliest emotion. 

a descriptive composition, 

but an instructive reminder of a religious rite of happily bygone centuries.

on which lies the draped form of a young girl, 

holding in his upraised hand a long, 

as being a horrible reminder of the many crimes and cruelties, 

have informed us concerning their religious rites and customs, 

one feels impelled to admire the heroic and generous nature of one willing to yield his or her life as a sacrifice for the real or fancied good of others.

In this adjoining recess is another composition, 

are formed as are we, 

Disabuse your mind, 

different Planets must produce entirely different expressions of life. 

does a spirit entity take possession of any other than the evolved human organism. 

he becomes a partially self-conscious soul, 

I quite understand your mental state, 

Observe now the very beautiful hangings of this apartment. 

 shades of crimson and gold form an excellent background for these superb paintings and marbles. 

and live.

We now will pass into the adjoining apartment. 

in which form and color combined have produced some fine effects. 

lifelike flower pieces, 

forms a fitting frame to the lovely floor picture, 

in a design partly arabesque, 

partly floral, 

madame? Do not you yet comprehend that the inherent attributes of the genus homo, 

but inevitably compels him in one common direction? This is a universal law, 

 apartment are rather quiet in tone, 

for this figure is wonderfully lifelike, 

I thought it a living creature. 

you will see living specimens of the same creature, 

Enough cannot be said of the fidelity with which the artificer has reproduced the form, 

and expression of the living animal. 

Of what metal is it made? Of a composition of copper and tin, 

parted lips, 

form a perfect Cupid's bow, 

and above them is a nose as straight and finely formed as ever graced the face of a Grecian statue. 

graceful form, 

which scarcely conceals the outlines of a fragile but perfect form. 

for a certain purpose, 

From a rocky formation in the upper end of the valley debouches a considerable volume of water, 

forming this sparkling stream, 

Those rather fragile looking bridges thrown from island to island form continuous passageways to either side of the valley. 

do not vex yourself that we cannot use your organism for all purposes. 

Were we engaged in a purely scientific work it would be altogether necessary that we should have a Sensitive through whom we might express technicalities pertaining to matters under investigation or discussion. 


There are indications that the occupants of this residence are about to return to it, 

You will arrange quickly for our departure, 

yet through intelligently directed energy, 

in conformity with unvarying law. 

Only Infinite Intelligence can compass a thought so far beyond the limit of the finite mind.

We near the residence, 

previous to coming for you we investigated their condition. 

may obtain a general view of the apartments and their occupants, 

and are decorated in designs harmonizing with those of the ceiling. 

in an ornamental tub, 

Observe carefully the forms of both calyx and flower, 

The invasion of the privacy of her apartment, 

her slightly parted lips revealing a hint of two rows of pearls, 

so closely inlaid with pearl that one can imagine it the former abode of some great ocean creature and the white fleecy covering of its present occupant the foam of storm tossed waters.

We now will pass to the apartment across the hallway.

ornamental silver clasps, 

and finely formed, 

A bath and dressing room adjoins this apartment, 

forming a broad rim. 

The outer surface of the bath is chiselled into a composition of aquatic plants and grasses, 

I recall that during my Earth life I imagined that if any of the Planets might be the abodes of intelligent life forms owing to varying conditions, 

necessarily such forms, 

and most pleasing surprises awaiting my renewed acquaintance with the spirit side of life was the realization, 

that not only was the genus homo of other worlds essentially like myself in appearance, 

and that the Spirits of all Planetary spirit worlds recognized their common origin, 

Your mental state is similar to what mine was, 

in harmony with intelligent, 

distance from Solar influences, 

are to scientific minds the pivotal points upon which certain results must of necessity turn, 

But while drawing conclusions from real or apparent facts scientific minds seldom consider the one all-powerful factor, 

Intelligent energy, 

the adjuster of causes and effects into a harmonious whole. 

This door opens into the sleeping apartments of the wife of the slumbering gentleman. 

that you may acquire certain information, 

One looks like gold filagree set with different colored stones forming flower sprays, 

May I ask if you looked into the apartment adjoining the one you visited? George informs us that in it is a younger and handsomer woman than the one you have described.

Garden of Eden time and for suburban and country residences is yet much favored. 

It was designed for the requirements of a large family and has served its purpose during several generations and still is so substantial that its massive walls may shelter generations yet to come. 

resides in the Capitol and that occasionally he and they come here for recreation and to look after his estate.

Later on we will have occasion to further inform you concerning this regulation.

I will inform you, 

These private Istoiras are attached to the residences of all large country estates and are used, 

not only for religious purposes, 

sacrifices involving animal life will be known no more on Garden of Eden.

You have informed me that the Entoans, 

but as yet he is too immature to associate effects with causes of which he has no conception. 

and in accordance with the degree of his spiritual unfoldment he invests this cause or causes with beneficent or maleficent qualities, 

The former he reverently adores, 

he formulates into facts, 

You are aware that at this time among Earth's peoples many are in this unhappy state of mind, 

holding tenaciously to old traditions, 

the expression of Infinite Intelligence and Infinite Energy in form.

and toward all living creatures whom He had created for their uses and pleasure. 

curiosity is not a powerful enough incentive to induce the Entoans to risk their chiefest treasure, 


The Holy Writings do not forbid an investigation into, 

nowhere in the Holy Writings is there even a suggestion of human or other living sacrifice. 

It was not until after a fanatical and powerful Priesthood became the sole interpreters of the mysteries of religion that And&ucirc;mana?, 

At another time I may inform you further in relation to the Garden of Eden Scriptures, 

How far back do the Garden of Eden Scriptures date? We have been informed that unquestionably this supposed revelation occurred nearly fifty centuries ago. 

will gladly afford us exact information upon this and other subjects of interest. 

Both base and capital are

The surface of the shaft is divided into sections on which are engraved names and brief records of departed Entoans. 

Through such knowledge of their written language as I possess I shall attempt to gain some information relating to these people of a bygone day.

Their sculptured faces indicate that they were handsome and intellectual persons and that all lived to a good old age.

the present proprietor of the residence we have been viewing. 

where the ashes of the departed are deposited, 

ornamental receptacles are the incinerated remains of past generations. 

Observe the many sculptured forms on this and on the opposite wall. 

and here are others of the midday of life, 

me! Were mortal life the end of all, 

who loved with intensest devotion and who passed to their spirit world without either hope or expectation of reunion.

all lived and loved, 

How could it have been otherwise? To live, 

so vague indeed that they do not appear to have influenced those who formulated the Garden of Eden religion.

You have been informed that planetary influences are controlling factors, 

The influences dominating the Entoans ever have tended toward a positive mental materialism, 

But for them a brighter day is dawning, 

for bright rays from their spirit realms are irradiating their inner consciousness and death, 

and we must act prudently, 

some one attempted to enter your apartments. 

The locked doors prevented the intrusion but you were so disturbed that it was all we could do to keep control of you. 

but at times I cannot prevent it.

watch the progress of our mission of loving endeavor to which you and many other devoted ones are for its accomplishment applying such talents and energy as are at your and their command. 

little do or can mortals know of the wonderful existence on our side of life, 

but in either area or depth it is not to be compared with many such formations on our Planet.

partly screened from view by shrubs and several species of conifera. 

There is no sight or sound of bird or bee or of any living thing. 

From yonder cleft in the mountain side a volume of water gushes with such energy that as it strikes the ledge lower down it is dashed into silvery spray whose myriad drops fall into the deep, 

Then see those pretty purple flowers, 

but I did imagine that surely there must exist more striking dissimilarities between the life expressions of this Planet and our own. 

neither do the crystallized forms of either ever vary. 

particularly as to their density; 

but life germs of fauna and flora ever are the same, 

As for chemical

Intelligent Energy seeks to express itself not only in harmony and beauty, 

but whom you name God? From my own observation and through association with spirits of advanced spheres whose mission, 

I can say with assurance that among the life expressions of all sufficiently evolved Planets there is what may be termed a universal homogeneity, 

Aside from affording you a general idea of the varied formations and scenery of Garden of Eden, 

we have a special purpose in bringing you to this spot. 

these purplish blue flowers, 

in form, 

it is a small spur? I have said that in bringing you here we have had a special purpose in view. 

flowering plant our purpose stands revealed. 

 of an inquiring turn of mind she investigates for herself, 

at times gaining information at some cost, 

I confess that I am of a very inquiring turn of mind, 

I offer you my hand with my heart in it and thus the fancied wound is healed.

Its structural formation, 

but we have been informed that during the mid-summer season of this latitude a species of water-fowl comes here for breeding purposes, 

leading into a cavernous formation which they consider worthy of observation. 

How? Through the ignition of elemental substances. 

Sooner or later all Spirits learn the laws of chemical affinities. 

forming seemingly endless rows of columns, 

We now will approach more nearly yonder grotesque formations, 

Sufficiently so to suggest a sermon on what some learned persons might term unintelligent energy in unintelligent matter. 

though in these peculiar formations there are many sermons of a nature to arouse earnest inquiry; 

One readily can imagine them animal forms of some far away age whom suddenly death stilled into immobility, 

apparently composed of the forms of a man, 

would require uncommon artistic ability to surpass, 

Here is another formation still more wonderful than those we have been observing. 

How many years have elapsed since nature began these strangely beautiful formations? Who can say? Not I,

On no other Planet have we found formations of this nature excelling these, 

These formations differ somewhat from those we have seen, 

all apparently forming a gateway to a veritable garden of snow trees and vegetation, 

I know that on our Planet there are formations similar to these; 

may I ask are such formations features of all Planets you have visited?

but of rather diminutive proportions? You also may remember that we demonstrated to your satisfaction that there was a time when Luna was capable of and did sustain many life expressions of both fauna and flora, 

but that now the internal heat of the little Planet is so nearly exhausted that but a limited number of peculiar life expressions survive the rigor of its extremely low temperature? The history of a planet may be likened to that of a human. 

with a gradual but unceasing withdrawal of vitalizing heat and energy, 

which finally must culminate in the extinction of all its life forms, 

of even the cohesive energy which has so long held it in form, 

then gradual withdrawal of vital energy, 

verse and the disintegrated particles of the physical body afford material for new life expressions, 

vitalizing spirit force which held the mortal body in form assumes other and higher relations and thus revolves the wheel of evolution whose circumference is the universe, 

safe and sound, 

we have experienced some misgiving as to the amount of courage you might exhibit on occasions to which, 

have been informed that cer

suited to a special purpose, 

Finally it became possible to control you for our purpose and I, 

with the purpose of arranging a programme against the time when we should have you with us. 

As unfavoring events may oblige us to accommodate our movements to such circumstances as may occur, 

and we feel assured that Divine influences will aid us in our mission which, 

One purpose we have in view is to show you much that will be of interest to you, 

has much in common with Earth.

it contains no formation to break its immensity. 

for with safety you may, 

wonderfully beautiful? See how it forms itself into a rose shape, 

forming a magnificent pyrotechnic display.

Not for one moment could a mortal live in this mephitic atmosphere. 

and of such mineral formations as are found on other Planets, 

electricity became almost the sole illuminant and heating energy, 

Soon an opportunity will be afforded you for observing the devastation it has wrought elsewhere.

Medium��May I ask if you still are interested in such researches as engaged your attention while in earth life?

the bent of mind which, 

during earth life, 

is an inherent part of each individual. 

Entering upon an advanced plane of existence I found myself possessed of the same inclinations and traits as formerly characterized me. 

The chemist, 

sciences or pursuits as dominated their lives on the physical plane.

all pervading energy and in every atom of the universe this indivisible spirit is manifested. 

You now are apart from your physical body, 

Our chemist is ready to light our way to the outer world and you will allow me to assist you. 

and the hour of my departure from earth life drew near. 

though really I was fully alive to all that was transpiring about me, 

I did not associate it with the change called death. 

and I am as alive as a man can be. 

I began to investigate my surroundings which, 

but glowing with life, 

each vieing with the others in joyous congratulations upon my having been freed from Earth life. 

the realms which know neither death or hopeless partings.

for only through your instrumentality can we hope to attain the fulfillment of the emprise so ardently desired by countless hosts of many spirit worlds.

that it may have occurred at about the period during which our planet was assuming recognizable form, 

and ever are hovering about the places where formerly they existed. 

Not alone to those whose mortal lives were passed amid vice and squalor and wretchedness; 

to the spirit side of life, 

but as they can work us no injury we need not hasten our departure. 

the entire valley is covered as with a parti-colored mantle. 

and living creatures shun the pestilent locality. 

Previous to the conflagration the valley afforded sustenance for a large number of agriculturists and others engaged in various occupations. 

At the further end of the valley we yet perceive vestiges of the wrecked homes and industries of a busy community.

On our right the mountain spur separates this valley from another of about the same conformation and area. 

which forms the western boundary of the Valley of Desolation, 

ever-changing forms of fleecy clouds.

was for the most part devoted to the cultivation of grains and fruits. 

and its private residences, 

Its various industries flourished and prosperity smiled upon a cultivated and opulent community. 

and public buildings and private dwellings were shaken from their foundations in ruinous masses. 

all who survived the sudden disaster strove to escape from the deadly peril to a place of safety. 

and being thoroughly cultivated it produced certain grains, 

and trees and undergrowth are alive with small animals, 

but this locality will remain undisturbed for as long as occasional slight seismic disturbances occur or those ruins serve as reminders of the terrible catastrophe which destroyed P��t&ucirc;sa?a? Tyl&ucirc;.

To the Entoans life is the chiefest consideration, 

and you will have an opportunity for observing that it is coined in flat, 

Repeatedly you have been told that the components of all Planets are the same. 

From unquestionable sources the truth has come to us that the formulas of the Divine Chemist never vary. 

contain a due amount of each universal component. 

and this has led to their application to common uses.

 form the nucleus about which other atoms may congregate, 

until a world is in process of formation. 

But such was not the formative process which brought this Planet and our distant World into recognition as members of our Solar System.

are at times used for such purposes as the peoples of our planet use

In my arms I safely hold you;

Alas! how often genius excites jealousy or goes unrecognized save by superior minds. 

You have been informed that the Garden of Eden word Loisa? stands for our words water, 

He is a very right minded person, 

as the word is a common one and used in varying senses.

but among what you might term the common people of different Provinces there are dialects and provincialisms, 

In every community there are industrial and other schools, 

They are more competent to afford you special information relating to Garden of Eden educational matters than are we.

having all my life heard of but one Heaven, 

through earnest endeavor he progresses so rapidly that we purpose attempting soon to bring him with us. 

Earth life with its temptations, 

are the influences which act as character builders. 

We have not yet informed you that a dear friend, 

has come to take an active part in our plans. 

But Giordino Bruno lives. 

he lives and knows as many of earth's learned ones now know, 

Despite Papal excommunication and condemnation to eternal torment, 

Giordino Bruno lives in a realm so surpassingly fair that even tongue of archangel cannot declare the glory thereof.

child Republic. 

art the brightest jewel in earth's diadem of nations. 

lest selfish greed and love of power may seek to wrest it from thee, 

that neither political nor religious intolerance shall find foothold upon your soil. 


The heart-beats of your Republic send a vitalizing current through all the peoples of our planet. 

that this life current shall flow unpolluted to the hearts and brains of all nations.

explored this portion of Garden of Eden it is thought that I am qualified to offer you such information as may be pertinent to the present stage of our mission. 

gigantic forms of that early time. 

their uncouth forms or their extreme ferocity, 

but against other species equally huge and aggressive. 

on our side of life, 

when the steaming waters teemed with countless life forms and on unstable shores huge creatures fought to the death, 

Previous to the spiritualized man epoch there was an enormous production and destruction of life forms, 

the germinal man of Garden of Eden appeared when the first life cells swarmed in the warm waters of the young Planet. 

who were more highly evolved expressions of life.

in the mind of an uninformed auditor it is likely to occasion a sense of incredulity. 

But I safely may say that the lapse of time which merged the Reptilian into the Mammalian Age, 

which rests in a basin-shaped formation of limestone. 

For the double purpose of draining the morass, 

At a depth of about eighty feet the excavators unearthed some petrifications of remote life forms. 

and the waters of the entire chain of lakes teemed with forms of

 life now extinct. 

or having through some mischance lost its life, 

Having prepared homes suited to their needs He created all living creatures. 

for the most part, 

society became organized, 

consequently their ideas relating to social obligations and other niceties of civilization were extremely crude. 

a fine sense of justice and a wonderful ability for controlling other men. 

but all who cared for their own safety and the welfare of the people, 

When through peace and prosperity the peoples of the Planet were brought into harmonious relations with each other and with their newly found freedom from oppression and dissension, 

their deliverer and Supreme Ruler announced that through a shining messenger, 

And&ucirc;mana? had communicated to him certain instructions relating to His now obedient children. 

and from these writings a creed was formulated and a ritual established.

but from time to time the ritual has been added to or modified to suit the views or aims of an all-powerful priesthood.

quite a large assemblage which will afford you an opportunity of seeing some of the eminent personages of Garden of Eden, 

Professor��I have been requested to express an opinion as to what order of life this fossilized structure may represent. 

I need only allude to a fact that is well understood that all this order of life, 

scribe huge forms of life similar to, 

and the formations about it is positive evidence that the creation of Garden of Eden dates incalculably further back than two hundred centuries.

Aside from the large and very perfect petrifaction there are numerous smaller ones which do not appear to interest the investigators. 

but I cannot say what the motive power may be.

De L'Ester��Electricity furnishes the motive power, 

but as you will have occasion to observe for nearly all mechanical purposes of the Entoans.

Gentola��One noticeable feature of this scene is the behavior of those laborers who move about so quietly and speak in such a polite and gentle fashion. 

or exhibits the least excitement or impatience.

parted in the middle or on one side, 

which you perceive is a very nicely formed shoe, 

olive skinned men and women, 

form and settings of the fillets indicate the official positions and occupations of the wearers. 

As our mission progresses you will have opportunities of further observing such matters.

for decorative purposes the Entoans do not wear head coverings. 

It is worth the experiences of an ordinary lifetime.

but of scientific technicalities we know next to nothing. 

May divine and loving influences abide with you until we again come for you. 

Yours is a harmonious combination of the Mary and Martha natures. 

for publication rewrite the record, 

We perceive that the learned visitors have departed and

This being an agricultural region, 

and you will observe how thickly populated is the region over which we shall pass and that the inhabitants enjoy a degree of the comforts and luxuries of life found only among a highly civilized, 

You are surprised at the paucity of animal life, 

that agricultural machinery and most vehicles are propelled by electrical appliances, 

and for the most part it lies almost parallel with the equator. 

Carefully parting the grass with his hands, 

which he also decapitates and casts from him. 

and though simply constructed, 


intensely religious. 

later we will afford you an opportunity of seeing them. 

but you possess the greater virtues of conscientiousness and conciseness. 

I gather from their conversation that in this region the presence of venomous serpents is very uncommon, 

simple minded folk are faithful observers of the all pervading religion, 

the upper floor is used for storage purposes, 

that reminds me of a question I have wished to ask. 

I mean the locality and their manner of living.

De L'Ester��Time and opportunity permitting, 

they must occupy on our side of life, 

associations and pursuits. 

According as life on the physical plane has been elevated, 

for some special purpose, 

return to their former place of abode, 

Ever descending angel teachers reach downward to those walking in darkness on both the mortal and the spirit side of life, 

after they have learned how to accommodate themselves to Earth's conditions. 

She tells him that the serpent's life is not gone, 

not that it is likely to be of particular interest, 

but it is a part of our plan to show you various features of Garden of Eden life. 

and again we offer thanks for the good one we have eaten.'' Oira?h means praise, 

The Souvanallos occupy a position midway between Garden of Eden's most advanced races and several isolated communities of people who are little more than semi-civilized, 

through a reverential regard for life, 

which they exchange for such commodities as they require, 

agricultural implements, 


differences seldom occur to mar the serenity of their lives.

often spirits are drawn to their former abodes, 

are aware that we now return for a special purpose, 

And may divinest influences aid us in this, 

believing that whatever information may, 

will be for a kind and wise purpose. 

a former governor of the province of Ond&ucirc;, 

at times certain duties have sent us far apart, 

our despair that we were about to part to meet no more, 

my spirit departed from the physical body and I was received by our dear parents and friends to be borne into our spirit realms and to my own place. 

I find no words to express my overwhelming surprise and joy when I at last realized that I still lived, 

that dreaded death was but a birth into a higher life. 



life forevermore. 

life is continuous, 

life is continuous, 

for we were aware that his despair that he was left alone and that never again would he behold the forms and faces of his beloved ones was fast sapping his vital force and that soon his breaking heart would be stilled and he would be with us.

familiar face and form of my brother, 

Do I yet live? Have not I died? Phra, 

you who have ever known that life is continuous,

but without even a thought that life may not end with death of the body. 

the shadows ever brooding over the lives of our people shall forever flee away.

in your present but partly freed state, 

and during the life of our father, 

hospitable and industrious race, 

They occupied rather rudely constructed wooden houses, 

As it was for the purpose of teaching Souvanallos better modes of living that our father had come to them, 

Artisans and laborers soon throughout the country erected stone dwellings and constructed furniture suited to the simple needs of the people. 

More thorough communication was established between the singularly isolated race and the different provincial governments, 

and for the elevation of the people schools were more perfectly organized, 

industrial arts and educational branches should be taught. 

 when their necessities obliged them to barter their wool and pelts for such commodities as their simple tastes and wants required. 

Previous to the visit of our father only rude vehicles drawn by animals were used for draught and other purposes; 

Clothing of a finer texture had replaced the former coarse and badly fashioned garments, 

and the niceties of polite conduct generally were observed.

There are depots where Air transports deliver and receive freight and travellers, 

There are others of larger means and finer culture, 

others still of smaller means who are refined and well informed. 

and the good citizen must be a man of many virtues.

Across the meadow a party of three men and two women also come this way. 

leaving the gentlemen to the society of Giant, 

which indicates that though they live somewhat apart from the world they are interested and informed as to its movements. 

We will hope that the family and guests may possess good digestive power, 

it promises to be a rich and savory compound. 

and having gotten this important feature of the feast off her mind, 

closing the lid of the great jug to prevent the escape of the spice-laden steam. 

on our entrance prudently retired to his lair, 

and now Giantess politely and very cordially says: ''Em��ntos, 

rimoh and we wish you to partake of our hospitality.'' Giant sits at one end, 

You require less assistance than formerly. 

See how its luminous envelope pulses and palpitates as though imprisoning the throbbing heart of some living thing. 

with one or more of your great telescopes, 

Bruno and others might use your organism for a grand purpose, 

can scarcely realize that once on the swiftly flying globe I, 

Heretofore no opportunity has favored my acquainting you with the story of my Earth life. 

For services rendered their sovereign some of my ancestors were rewarded with wealth and distinction. 

Thus the members of our family were regarded as eminently respectable Commoners. 

with a party of youths I went boating on the river Thames. 

the remonstrances of the more prudent ones only serving to render them more reckless. 

Some of the party could swim, 

and there my dear parents immediately found me and with loving ministrations assisted my recovery from the terror of my sudden change from Earth life to the spirit world. 

 When your and Inez's mother came to our side of life she of course, 

its disintegrated particles will be attracted to other combinations of matter, 

It is the purpose of our Band to some time afford you another series of visits to Luna, 

1893? No? It would be well that all mortals should cease setting up milestones along the roadway of life. 

On our side of life there is only the ever present now. 

spirits realize what mortal mind cannot grasp, 

on both the mortal and spiritual planes of life evolution goes steadily, 

and what is termed time as a separation of periods for the purpose of making definite statements, 

For purposes of convenience, 

conscious mortal mind takes cognizance of phenomena, 

unlike mortal mind (which is the intelligent human animal soul), 

is not it reasonable to assume that if all spirits in or apart from physical bodies are in

separable parts of the Infinite Spirit, 

but I endured years of agony of mind while passing through the process. 

and for the selfish purpose of having their real or fancied wants supplied. 

in whom all things live, 

Success that means life for death, 

will you come to our side of life, 

Our satisfaction over the departure of your early visitor quite equals your own. 

The entire region is dotted with residences and other structures. 

Having already informed you as to their uses, 

for the most part, 

though formerly some of them were diminutive lakes which have been enlarged. 

Along the entire length of the river at intervals its banks are pierced by channels through which its surplusage is conveyed into reservoirs to be used for irrigation and other purposes. 

Inidora? informs us that previous to his father's visit to these people their methods of irrigation were very imperfect, 

Apart from general irrigation, 

you have been informed that there is what is termed the Irrigating and Waterways System; 

so only such portions and features of it as may best subserve our purpose will be shown you.

and densely populated by highly civilized and cultured people. 

do not so much accommodate themselves to their environments as that they, 

and a vestige of a once great mountain chain extending in a southwesterly direction and forming the northern boundary of Indoloisa?, 

over which people in motor vehicles or on foot are passing, 

mechanics and all that constitutes a very advanced social condition. 

 machinery through which the waterways and irrigating system is controlled. 

and the soil was supplied with life giving streams, 

and gradually the then very infrequent rains came to be of common occurrence, 

and for centuries its levelled summit was beautified by the residences of the governors of this Province of Ond&ucirc;, 

We lived to see our work only well begun; 

and other educational purposes of a most comprehensive nature, 

and our father lived to witness the successful inception and assured progress of an undertaking which promised perpetual prosperity to the children of Garden of Eden, 

then with a mind at peace with himself and all men, 

pass to all parts of the city. 

beautifully constructed bridges, 

affording passageways for pedestrians and vehicles of various kinds.

Electricity is the motive power urging it swiftly forward. 

Our friends inform me that on your planet, 

as a motive power, 

nearly superseded all other applied energies. 

will return to their own people to serve as teachers in industrial and other vocations. 

they will reside in the Galaresa? until sufficiently educated to assume the duties of instructors. 

The imposing structures crowning the height to the north and south are devoted to educational and beneficent purposes, 

present a most harmonious and pleasing effect. 

The group surmounting the roof of the central portico represents the forms of eminent Entoans. 

with features as harmoniously beautiful as a musical chord, 

for like our father you are an embodiment of all the virtues and graces.

and their motive power is electric, 

I am informed that in your tongue Indoloisa? would be quiet or tranquil water. 

Yonder massive sea wall is being constructed for the purpose of arresting its aggressive waters, 

Were it a fresh water sea long ago the plateau would have been pierced to form a connection between it and the Central Waterway. 

From time to time we have intimated to you that our purpose in bringing you to Garden of Eden, 

trusting that its gradual unfoldment might induce in you a willing acquiescence with our desires until now we have deferred acquainting you with our entire purposes. 

that your personal safety and welfare is to us as sacred as is our mission, 

On yonder slightly raised platform are several scholarly, 

With their spiritual and mental states we have made ourselves acquainted, 

The commotion is disturbing conditions. 

proach the student clothed in purple. 

and oblivious of his surroundings, 

and who are gently advised to walk in the open air until they regain composure. 

Sitting somewhat apart from the others, 

They are a very symmetrically formed and handsome race, 

Being more ardent than prudent, 

disturbed manner indicates that they have not quite regained composure. 

and your diverse surroundings have to a degree engendered in your minds a diversity of ideas, 

whose laws control all things. 

it is of paramount importance that the unformed minds of our youths and maidens shall be trained to think and act aright. 

and all examples of right living should serve as incentives for righteous endeavor.

On this commemorative occasion I shall attempt to repeat the story of one whose name ever will be set above and apart from all other names. 

will set him above and apart from the renowned ones of the past, 

became not only discontented but to an extent rebellious against the ruling powers, 

ascribing to them lack of wisdom as well as lack of interest in the general welfare. 

during the past centuries in Indoloisa?'s basin had been deposited the disintegrated substances of the lessening mountain range and the wreckage of other parts carried into it by the annual floods. 

at once issued a proclamation to the R&ucirc;ha?s (governors) of all the provinces, 

The very necessities of the situation created in their minds and in the minds of the people a sort of enthusiasm and ere long the gigantic undertaking was inaugurated. 

we can form no estimate. 

and it was Genessano Allis Immo's comprehensive mind that conceived the idea of turning to advantage that which at first seemed a deplorable requirement. 

as the results of his grandly conceived and executed plans he beheld fertile fields yielding rich abundance and growing communities of industrious, 

He lived to realize that even as a child nestles in the arms of its mother, 

so would the thirsty lands of his beloved Garden of Eden nestle in the encircling embrace of the life giving element. 

He lived to behold the infant city Camarissa? smiling downward upon the sparkling waters of the Central Waterway, 

He lived to see great vessels traversing the waterway between Camarissa? and Gand&ucirc;lana? Loisa?. 

He lived to see his adored wife, 

whose virtues and beauty were themes for poets, 

while over her beloved form rained his and their two sons' woful tears. 

He yet lived to see the basin of Indoloisa? greatly deepened and confined by

He lived until he arranged for the erection of this, 

emulated the virtuous example of his revered father, 

It is related of them that the life of one seemed inseparably involved in the existence of the other. 

so were the lives of the two youths interblended. 

unable to endure the despair of knowing that no more should he behold the dear face and form of the brother he loved so well, 

were life continuous with what gracious approval might they not regard this grand institution which, 

On yonder flower wreathed pedestals their sculptured images form lovely groups. 

mother and sons to revisit their former domain, 

and may not And&ucirc;mana? in some blest abode still continue the existence of those whose lives were so nearly Deific? Only And&ucirc;mana? knoweth. 

whose lives are most virtuous and exalted, 

may we leave in the minds and hearts of those who may succeed us, 

their faces wear an expression of serene composure.

but to my mind they also wear an expression of profound pathos. 

What a grand thing it is to have lived to such splendid purpose as have Genessano Allis Immo, 

and that through their lofty spirituality they exert over the minds of the Entoans an incalculable influence.

and I will add that pathos is the minor chord of their being ever moaning out an appeal for that light whose radiance alone can pierce the veil between mortal consciousness and the spirit side of life.

and as I have been informed, 

through the retarding influences of special environments, 

through the retarding influences of special mental environments, 

chemistry and other sciences and also were wonderful seers. 

one Sivonadas more than hinted that the children of Garden of Eden had evolved from lower life forms. 

though during later centuries the spiritual impulses of the Entoans have been greatly intensified, 

they tenaciously have clung to their hopeless beliefs as being the only known channel through which their spiritual energy might find expression. 

whose beams are effulgent and life giving because they are reflections of His majesty and power, 

Believing that life, 

whose energies ceaselessly, 

sciences and social conditions of a high order, 

and the revelations of their Yohoida?s and Ts&ucirc;fa?len (teachers of the divine mysteries) of Garden of Eden and those of the alchemists, 

It is quite as true that all life forms of all inhabited planets invariably evolve from involved conditions, 

ing generation becomes heir to the accumulated energies of their predecessors. 

and the very heavens will resound with their p&aelig;ans of joy and praise to the Supreme One, 

has at last vouchsafed them the priceless boon of an assurance of a continuity of life. 

in further commemoration of the virtues and deeds of the illustrious dead, 

I shall venture to touch upon subjects hitherto considered too abstruse for immature minds. 

it is well that youthful minds shall also consider speculative theories, 

thoughtful minds is that that which is true is indestructible, 

and that the intelligence of the people is quickened through comparing the spurious with the genuine. 

At least it will inform you of some of the strange and erroneous, 

By many it was and is believed that because of the sublime purity and nobility of their stainless lives they were, 

stand near the youth in purple. 

With utmost seriousness he declared that in man was an essence which was his life, 

took form and somewhere continued to exist. 

he had even seen these essences in form, 

he claimed to have recognized in certain forms, 

Of course these assertions were the ravings of one of lost mind or the hallucination of one who irreverently sought to gain knowledge of things known only to the Deific Ones. 

can well understand that Z��nano Yoda? may have been bereft of his dearest ones and in his despair became so disturbed in mind as to really have thought the vagaries of a diseased imagination were realities. 

It is well known that similar cases have been and are treated in our retreats for mental illness. 

Certainly no man mentally whole would have dared to be so impious as was he, 

and only one of unbalanced senses could have imagined a thing so strangely preposterous as that the life essence continued to exist after the form which had contained it had been wholly consumed and whose ashes����

I see a form. 

His mind is so full of misgivings as to the propriety of having called attention to such an unusual subject that he declines, 

What a commotion. 

asserts that he did see a form, 

the form of a strange appearing woman who was clothed in shining garments. 

who possesses a very fine and exceedingly handsome face and form.

and having for the present no further designs upon Dano or others we will now return you to your physical form.

and thus far the result is so encouraging that it leads us to hope and expect that you will return home renewed in health and with a willingness to fulfill your promise to us.

De L'Ester��We do not consider it safe to hold you longer. 

You shall be informed as to what may further occur or be said that may indicate that the present state of involution is likely to be superseded by a marked evolution of the religious thought of the Entoans.

who will bear you safely to your soul self, 

your ever faithful friends are here to greet and congratulate you on your improved health.

Should we say that largely the marvellous exhibit was the reflex of activities of the spirit side of life, 

We also observed your lively interest in the Orientals and their expositions of their various faiths, 

What they may accept as truth is not so momentous as is their manner of living it. 

influence conduct, 

Gentola��Doubtless you are aware that among scientists of our planet there is much speculation as to a possible missing link between the earliest humans and the most highly evolved animal forms preceding them. 

Humboldt��You have been informed that apart from the physical plane the term time has no significance. 

the life impulse, 

In their tepid waters the first life expressions of the vegetable, 

they instinctively drew themselves apart from all other life forms. 

and through their organisms they are re-embodied, 

Worlds yet too young to receive in their waters the first influx of life germs. 

the wombs containing the germs of all life forms are teeming. 

Worlds which have evolved vegetable and animal forms so huge, 

No such thought was in my mind. 

counselled his disciples to be as humble as little children, 

Le tout ensemble reminded you of scenes you could not at once localize.

then it came to me that on Garden of Eden I had beheld that of which the White City reminded me. 

and in affright many of the more timorous or prudent fled to other parts for safety; 

and smaller edifices and private residences were utterly demolished. 

seeking to save their own and the lives of their dear ones; 

and thus passed from death to unlooked-for life in our spirit realms. 

Great public structures fallen. 

The living seeking the dead, 

 spheres are so in harmony with each other that spirits sufficiently progressed, 

The cries and lamentations of the living that no more shall they behold the forms of their dear ones is pitiable in the extreme. 

I shall rejoice that I have not lived in vain.

no one lives in vain. 

may or may not have been former inhabitants of such planet. 

Through the law of fitness all re-embodiments are controlled. 

glowing and palpitating like the heart of some living creature. 

not the least noticeable is the educational institution erected near the site of my former home.

Long ere our departure into the world of spirits, 

but also should serve the nobler purpose of educating future generations in science, 


and gentle modes of living. 

Age and most arduous duties had brought him quite beyond the years of middle life, 

the life of his life, 

Since passing into our spirit world my husband and I have been informed as to events and affairs occurring on Garden of Eden, 

and where in former times was an abrupt declivity, 

built during the lives of my husband and myself has disappeared beneath the waves of Indoloisa?, 

At the time of my departure from Garden of Eden, 

None too soon is yonder massive barrier being constructed as a protection against further destruction of the greatly narrowed shoreland. 

my husband and I walked to the margin of the declivity, 

whose minds became filled with despair, 

Have the pitiful Gods put into your mind any thought that may serve to direct our future course? After some hesitation I replied, ''

''Lord of my life and love of my heart, 

and hurried breathing gave evidence of intense emotion.

and everywhere all things seemed to be breathing praise and thankfulness to And&ucirc;mana?, 

that the time approaches nearly when Garden of Eden's sorrowful peoples shall rejoice in the knowledge that life is continuous, 

To you who are devoting toward its accomplishment your time and very life force will come your reward. 

After classes I as usual retired to my apartment where I amused myself by sketching whatever for the moment caught my imagination. 

I give you a loving welcome to our world of living ones, 

and mourns that no more shall he behold your beloved form or feel the warm clasp of your ever generous hands.'' Then I cried: ''Has not death claimed you? Do you indeed live here in Astranola?? I remember the lamentations of your family and friends over your dead body and urned ashes, 

I dream or my mind wanders, 

the life of the body ceased, 

hopeless anguish that filled my mind, 

I only recall such sorrowful memories that you may be reminded that the belief that death ends all of existence still holds in bondage the heavy hearted children of Garden of Eden; 

women and children who once lived, 

loved and labored and then passed into this world of living ones, 

He further said that when death has stilled the activities of the body the living principle, 

and all things are partakers of it and cannot cease to exist. 

Throughout our realms of the living ones there is one thought, 

brood over your lives, 

have no part. 

I am not fully informed as to how this glorious event is to be brought about. 

but remember that surely you will again come to this realm of living ones, 

I shall not attempt to account for your singular dream further than that I presume that your waking thoughts and imaginings were so impressed upon your mind that during sleep they assumed familiar shapes, 

sometimes irradiates the sky reminding Garden of Eden's children that their sleepless eyes ever observe our good or evil deeds. 

Always has it been and always must it be that when the breath of life ceases the dead go into perpetual silence. 

scarcely do we learn to live, 

Dano��Think me not impious that I question why And&ucirc;mana? has so decreed that a life full of good deeds, 

shall end as ends the life of the animal; 

cease to live and be no more. 

is to my mind, 

such loveliness of face and form, 

stilling the breath of her life, 

through His love for His ignorant children instructed the gods to commune with them, 

Then And&ucirc;mana? wrathfully forbade His Messengers to hold further communion with His sinful children. 

but for their sins And&ucirc;mana? decreed that henceforth death should serve as a constant reminder that the Creator is greater than the created. 

and the Holy Writings mention no other realm of living ones. 

To my mind, 

your dream partakes of the nature of the hallucination which recently possessed you in the lecture hall. 

and his friends are somewhat anxious for his health, 

that even in my youth I may pass into oblivion. 

that after death has seized the breath of our life, 

that a spiritual force is agitating the minds of some of Garden of Eden's people. 

All through the centuries of their established religion there have been minds more or less illumined by gleams of Spirit Inspiration, 

will be able to communicate with many sensitives.

We have shown you that all organisms throw off certain emanations, 

the condition of the organism determining the quality of the emanation. 

energetically passive, 

and they form about inhabited planets like, 

hence we can use you as a means of communication with persons upon whom we can make no impression.

Around all planets inhabited by Spiritualized humans and other organisms, 

suited to the requirements of more highly evolved beings are formed, 

No spirit can long remain in a sphere with whose vibrations he or she is not in harmony. 

It occurs to me that of one feature relating to emanations I have not informed you. 

I have stated that all organisms throw off certain emanations, 

After physical death the myriad forms of animal, 

indeed of all organized forms of life, 

the soul of the horse never reappears in the form of an ox, 

or the soul of the ox in the form of the dog, 

No expression of life is ever lost. 

and the bird of prey swooping down upon the finned beauty of lake or stream is quite oblivious of the fact that he desires to dine off a distant relative of whose family he is a highly evolved representative.

and it reminds me of an experience of Inidora?'s and my own. 

through which we might find closer association with our adored parents.

Now he calls the attention of the class to the well known fact that Garden of Eden is not a perfectly globular body, 

that thus life giving beams of his abode might vivify all portions of the home of his children. 

which declare that in a very remote time And&ucirc;mana? revealed to certain holy men an account of the creation of Garden of Eden and of the living creatures who came into existence through the exercise of His Will,

It would not serve a useful purpose to further speak of his lecture to his deeply attentive pupils, 

on which is an object suggesting a globe, 

The globe, 

The surface of the globe is divided into spaces by metal bands suggesting latitude and longitude. 

Midway between the extremities of the globe is a broad band with three narrower ones on either side of it. 

The globe begins to revolve and now its velocity is so great that the star tipped rods appear to form a luminous, 

We have neither anticipated or desired that you should more than offer your impressions of the scene and of this object which the Entoans believe represents the form of this planet. 

Presently we will show you a marvellous piece of mechanism which is an embodiment of vibratory energy. 

These wires form a connection between it and this globe, 

and through its measureless energy this and all the mechanical apparatus of the great Galar��sa? may be set in motion. 

for many purposes, 

vibratory energy has superseded electrical energy, 

vibratory energy is an expression of electrical force, 

which is the basic principle of all energy. 

its ever present energy is a fact. 

Garden of Eden is but one of many planets whose inhabitants understand and apply both electrical and vibratory energy, 

 that in the Sacred Writings there are intimations of the form of the planet, 

and Garden of Eden's peoples shall dare to investigate in all directions, 

we are informed as to all important affairs of Earth, 

and we are aware that daring minds contemplate the possibility of establishing communication between Earth and Garden of Eden. 

but historians have written that antecedent to the establishment of Garden of Eden's Religion there was a powerful nation south of the equator which was in a very advanced state of civilization. 

That the luxuries and refinements of living are within the reach of all. 

sheds its life-giving beams over our beautiful world. 

 all living things precious in the sight of their Creator? From the lowest to the highest expression of His love all find their allotted places. 

This esploina? not only conveys a correct idea of the form of Garden of Eden, 

truly their religious beliefs dominate the lives of the Entoans. 

and it seems remarkable that they yield obedience to a creed so utterly at variance with common

partial consciousness of previous states of existence. 

their Soul consciousness has found expression in ceaseless prayers that death may not seize upon their lives, 

and then they joyfully will claim their birthright of ever increasing happiness and life eternal.

which was the life of the body, 

or life Principle, 

and to be merciful to all living things. 

Not content with filling the minds of people with these vain imaginings he also hinted that these newly discovered worlds might be peopled as was Garden of Eden. 

and partial darkness reigned, 

scientific minds he shines as a star of the first magnitude.

but from this recital you will perceive that notwithstanding opposing influences at various periods, 

light from Inspired minds has striven to dissipate the spiritual darkness overshadowing the lives of the Entoans. 

but so absorbed is he in his investigation that we doubt if you will succeed. 

We will wait for a less positive condition of the youth's mind. 

in which the young women take part. 

but slightly apart, 

Should a competent person give a technical description of these instruments, 

and object under investigation, 

and you would become too positive for our purposes, 

one of which is to inform the peoples of our planet that the Entoans are very like themselves, 

The controversy over the lesson grows very animated. 

To my mind it savors of impiety to question the accepted interpretation given our Sacred Writings by our scarcely less Sacred Priesthood.

and I do not question but that He creates in accordance with His own purposes, 

but I do not believe that any one living creature is a special act of His creative Will, 

but that through His fixed purposes or Laws,

 which are a part of Himself, 

If each living creature is a special act of His creative power, 

their organs of vision will become modified to fit them for their environment. 

Nitana��Ever our scientific investigations oppose themselves to the teachings of our Holy Religion, 

occasioning in our minds unrest and dissatisfaction with our conditions. 

Even while we strive to learn the complex meanings of life, 

whose dark form overshadows all our days.

Scientific research has reached a limit where boldest and most earnest minds pause uncertain and appalled. 

it is not we alone whose minds are full of unrest, 

may not consider me of lost mind, 

To Fav��on I have related a former experience, 

like bright plumaged song birds, 

from which emerged a female form, 

The form was tall, 

and of proportions suited to the form of a Goddess. 

I live, 

am as alive as when hand in hand we strayed by Naro's waters. 

for I shall again and again come to teach you the mystery of life after death of the body. 

As I dreamed I seemed to weep for joy that my beloved Onta? still lived, 

I have been brought to you by persons who once lived on either Earth or Garden of Eden, 

During their mortal lives they were known as Inidora?, 

Already in the minds of many of your people there is a sense of unrest and discontent with old beliefs and forms of worship. 

You would know the nature of the sorrow that is to come into your life? I shrink from saying that it has become necessary to inform you that your betrothed, 

and now he is arousing from his partially submerged state. 

It is to be regretted that such a heavy sorrow must fall into his young life, 

Heard you no one speaking? Saw you no form, 

ere long into my life will come a heavy sorrow and a great joy. 

I pray you compose yourself. 

and Mylta?'s humid eyes evince a lively sympathy if not a positive belief in Dano's hallucinations. 

That some are known to be inimical to health, 

even to life, 

will you inform us as to why And&ucirc;mana? has created these, 

Professor Doiko��Our purpose is to study the structure and habits of these growths, 

not to question the purpose of their Creator. 

fest the bodies of living organisms science regards some of them not as enemies, 

Through our lack of knowledge we count as foes many forms of life which probably, 

that when the body dies the breath of life does not die; 

how can the breath of life speak and move about without a body? I know not how Prince Dano explains that. 

De L'Ester��In Cassa's somewhat rash remarks we find further evidence of the unrest stirring the minds of the people, 

even youthful minds are questioning old beliefs.

Should we attempt further notice of the students and studies of this class room it would oblige us to exceed our purpose, 

You will bear in mind that in calling your attention to apparently trivial matters we do so that you may perceive that ideas and pursuits of the Entoans are noticeably like those of Earth's peoples. 

but always there is so much that is marvellous in this new experience that I have not found opportunity to speak of it. 

De L'Ester��All so termed solids are composed of extremely minute particles of substance. 

All energy is atomic, 

Expressions of energy known as attraction, 

but those composing so termed solids are each surrounded by an aura all its own. 

organized from the atomic aura of the physical body, 

Were your mortal existence on a low plane we could not use you for our present purpose; 

 would not occasionally be at cross purposes. 

and am full of regret that my entire life has not been devoted to highest aims and pursuits. 

Spirit bodies being organized from atomic aura, 

Gentola��At what period of a child's physical existence is its Spirit body fully formed?

De L'Ester��From the moment of conception the formation of the Spirit body begins, 

From this period onward the Law of Being compels the atoms composing the Spirit body to arrange themselves in accordance with the Divine plan of organization. 

At seven months' gestation the Spirit body of a child is fully formed.

children begin their mortal life journey well prepared for inevitable exigencies. 


the child will be brought into contact with the family life of persons as nearly related as possible to its parents. 

are subject to the same laws that govern children purposely thrust into the Spirit World. 

her form is rather diminutive and of a substance so refined as to remind one of that of a pure white lily.

and who afterward partially materialized her form. 

In form, 

it requires very robust faith to enable any one to realize the possibility of a mother bearing a child whose father is too etherealized to

As I am something of a chemist, 

As I am wholly unlearned in the science of chemistry, 

either in or apart from the physical body.

Some are in the form of powders, 

others in the form of liquids. 

but I may say that chemical affinities are qualities inherent in all substances and in all organisms. 

Equilibrium of chemical affinities means health; 

It may come about that in a physical organism, 

through the energies of attraction and affinity, 

and if extremely violent it may occasion dissolution of such organism. 

or continually under the influence of narcotics. 

through association with the father of her unborn child, 

her mental emotions, 

are reflected or impressed upon its organism, 

and if she is not strong enough spiritually to equalize the influences of her environment, 

During the period of gestation such unfortunates form not only the atomic physical body, 

This overpowering desire for the gratification of abnormal propensities leads many spirits to strive to influence unwary ones to indulge in intoxicants, 

in narcotics and to commit various offences against decency and against the interests of society, 

when some one quality or qualities preponderates over some other quality or qualities of an organism, 

through partaking of certain foods or liquids. 

The atoms composing their organisms have, 

We have drifted somewhat apart from our starting point, 

That both in and apart from the physical body, 

That mortal life is the preparatory school in which all learn their lessons well or ill, 

I may add that every emotion of the mind, 

in fact the atoms composing all substances, 

very light shades of purple and a certain light shade of green are the colors suited to your temperament. 

In chemistry I am well enough versed to perceive that this is a splendidly equipped laboratory and I learn from his remarks that the stately Professor is a competent Instructor.

an authority in the science of chemistry, 

compared with Garden of Eden chemists, 

have made of the elements tractable servants whose energies are tireless; 

but will turn our attention to the zo&ouml;logical department of this very comprehensive institution. 

What appears to be heavy metal netting divides the lake into numerous compartments and there are lightly constructed bridges from which attendants are casting food to creatures in the water. 

and in many of the compartments are luxurious growths of aquatic plants. 

and in their many compartments are specimens of Garden of Eden's various amphibious creatures and fishes. 

that we are not showing you these creatures for the mere purpose of gratifying a curious interest, 

note the striking resemblance of many of Garden of Eden's to many of Earth's life forms, 

unite in declaring that everywhere life expressions are alike or very similar. 

That dissimilarities through environments pertain more to bulk and density than to form.

As we move along you perceive that these compartments are occupied by a great variety of fishes. 

and others still too minute and pretty to serve a nicer purpose than to flash their scales of gold or of silver within the crystal walls of an aquarium.

With both pleasure and profit we might devote more time to this department, 

are qualities of the personalities of all highly organized creatures, 

by some of your thinkers designated as conscious mind or objective self. 

They are independent of physical visuality and are controlled through vibratory activity. 

Nature knows no vacuum, that the atom is everywhere and mind is as much substance as is the body of this forbidding looking creature in whom we see a representative of a species of anthropoid named Bom&ucirc;z himm&ucirc;, 

indicate a disposition to defend his rights. 

If you feel poetically inclined in this adjoining compartment, 

George��Since you have grown so sentimental I shall not be surprised to soon find my occupation gone. 

De L'Ester��With your illustrious example ever present I shall endeavor to emulate your exalted virtues. 

appears to take a lively interest in Monsieur Bom&ucirc;z who utters peculiar sounds, 

pounds his hands against the bars and probably is informing her of the proximity of strange, 

and as a means of communication with you he must avail himself of De L'Ester's kind assistance. 

You may not have been informed that on Garden of Eden nearly always the first born son takes the name of the father as the first born daughter takes the name of the mother. 

so for the most part I shall confine myself to a relation of events occurring within the years of my mortal existence, 

and of those following my departure into Garden of Eden's Spirit World, 

and thus through observation and association with recently freed spirits I have kept myself informed as to many things relating to Garden of Eden's peoples and affairs to which I may find it expedient to refer. 

but the greater part of my education I received in this Galar��sa? of Camarissa?, 

An exhaustive investigation of natural history possessing for me an absorbing interest, 

At this moment it occurs to me that to avoid confusion of mind it may be well for me to use your standard of time. 

During all these years my restless mind and untiring investigations led me to an exploration not only of easily accessible climes, 

Doubtless you have become informed that air transports traverse the entire planet, 

my pursuit affording me little time or inclination for the society of women. 

With pitying eyes and a pained heart I had often had occasion to sympathize with those whose light of life went out, 

(museum) of the Acclinum (zo&ouml;logical department) and the Rinvoh (aquarium). 

some living, 

sciences and industries are afforded every possible opportunity for favorable progress, 

and on yonder ornate pedestal symbolizing Commerce and Agriculture is a statue, 

the work of his dexterous mind and hands, 

which is admirable enough to command attention and high praise. 

tic pose of the stately form, 

You are aware that the Entoans have no knowledge or even hope of a continuity of life, 

I lived, 

I lived, 

and the unlooked for joy of it for a time rendered me oblivious of the memories of mortal existence, 

About ten years prior to my demise a party of adventurous hunters journeyed to a far northern region known as Tsomana?. 

Well equipped for their purpose these hunters journeyed by air transport to one of the mining centres,

De L'Ester and others have informed me that on your planet there is no weapon even remotely resembling our yar&ucirc;-testo, 

which is an electric instrument of deadly power. 

in apartments sufficiently cooled, 

Perhaps you may not have been told that through various natural causes animal life on Garden of Eden is not very abundant, 

more especially domestic animal life. 

but for a purpose have been assigned for this duty which affords me much pleasure. 

On my return to my pupils we will visit and investigate a planet on which De L'Ester was once re-embodied. 

Structurally this tailless animal is very like the earlier human forms of young planets. 

secluded lives. 

For the most part their priests are their teachers, 

that air and water transportation are in constant demand for carrying to other parts these and other products. 

pronounces the kyn-n&ucirc;yna?o a marvel of structural formation, 

They are very cunning creatures who are given to forming themselves into multitudinous bands, 

followed by the aggressor, 

your spiritualized soul body differs only in being composed of more sublimated substance.

but we must attend to more commonplace matters. 

They are known as the frilvodii (housekeepers) from the fact that their habitations in the loftiest trees are constructed on a special plan and are kept with much neatness. 

Observe how this one picks up particles from the floor, 

His intelligence and affection were indeed remarkable and he was permitted to roam at will through our residence and grounds, 

he tore off every shred of his garments and with an air of intense mortification, 

De L'Ester��We have been expecting you to see the resemblance between this living creature and his metallic representative in the mansion we looked through during an early visit to Garden of Eden.

strong membrane connecting wings with thighs affords a tremendous lifting power, 

Their great plumed wings and tails and their heads so feline in form and appearance suggest the idea of composite creatures, 

partaking of the characteristics of both bird and animal, 

the females uniformly are of a dull brown color.

for the purpose of ascertaining the feasibility of reclaiming some portions of the waste lands, 

to our inquiring minds, 

shadowy form, 

curiosity seemingly impelling it to a closer scrutiny of our party. 

With the enthusiasm of one whose bent of mind mainly is in one direction I at once resolved to search for the habitat of our strange visitor. 

supply ourselves with food and possibly with some information relating to our strange visitor. 

gathering such information as might serve our purpose of a coming time. 

that an attempt to impress upon your memory anything of a technical nature immediately arouses your cautiousness and renders you so positive as to be unreceptive. 

I do indeed regret that I possess such an inconvenient mental trait, 

George��Never mind, 

On the contrary I am surprised and delighted with your docile and matter-of-fact manner of accommodating yourself to an experience that well might overwhelm you.

shadowy forms, 

As dawn brightened into day and the sun arose above the horizon the creatures slowly and with the same peculiar humming sound, 

for a time there was an unusual commotion, 

At earliest dawn there was the usual rush of wings and upward flight of shadowy forms, 

That we might remain within easy reach of fresh water and live fishes we travelled southward along the eastern shore of the lake. 

This great wire-covered compartment afforded the survivors conditions suited to their requirements, 

they are neither long lived or of a migratory habit, 

we will not risk your safety. 

is expressed in the same form. 

Were it possible for you to fully retain such memories you would become unfitted for the performance of the duties of your daily life. 

I also have been informed of the vicissitudes of your present embodiment. 

the Acclinum (zo&ouml;logical department), 

all forming a most comprehensive educational system, 

 life and that to fulfill to the utmost all righteous obligations and duties should be the chief pleasure of the life graciously bestowed upon His children by And&ucirc;mana?, 

This rule of righteous living requires no amendment; 

purple and bronze plumage. 

though I must say that his virtues are of a rather negative character.

I did anticipate that he would outlive me, 

which like a wall of living verdure, 

everyone else trend to the defense of her altitude.

on the morning of the third day of our waiting the birds exhibited much excitement, 

When old enough to be removed with safety, 

In a commodious water receptacle the four young birds were conveyed to Camarissa? and placed in this Rinvoh. 

The mate of this lonely widower lived until three years ago, 

they are intended to serve the purpose of acquainting you with certain life forms and conditions of Garden of Eden, 

thus enabling you to draw comparisons between what may come under your notice on this planet and such forms and conditions as you may have knowledge of on your own. 

After a glance at the creatures occupying compartments on the further side I shall regretfully leave you. 

with which it partly propels itself through the water, 

in structure and form, 

are said to closely resemble life forms of Earth. 

On other planets I have seen very similar forms.

Of course only a limited number of Garden of Eden's various aquatic creatures find homes in the different compartments of this Rinvoh, 

but they represent both the rarest and the commonest species. 

the latter containing a representation of life forms of the remote past and of more modern times. 

but as you will be shown all that may be considered necessary for the purpose in view, 

I need not particularize.

strength and an indulgence of personal aims for the welfare of others, 

the darkness of certain conditions may be dispelled from the minds of the children of Garden of Eden. 

You have been informed of their pitiable despair which ever grows more unbearable; 

who believe that I may serve a certain beneficent purpose. 

my mind filled with eager, 

Following my graduation I was offered the distinction of a professorship in the department of ancient and modern languages; 

through the years of our wedded life, 

my wife in the full maturity of comeliness and of many virtues. 

yet ever in our minds and hearts the shadows lurked, 

we who so loved that when apart time was robbed of half its value. 

One day a party of youths went pleasuring on 's treacherous water and our three sons were with them. 

then engulfed in the tempestuous waves and ere assistance reached them nearly all of the party were drowned. 

lost his life in a vain endeavor to save the life of a comrade who, 

brighten the darkness which overshadowed their young lives. 

our youngest daughter was stricken with a fatal illness and ere we reckoned it serious the breath of her life had ceased. 

sorrow stricken and without desire for a continuance of a life which no longer held for me either charm or hope. 

more power could put lives at risk

as one whom death had forgotten and at last I longed for oblivion.

Presently a sense of drowsiness stole over me and I entered my residence and laid down to rest, 

whose face and form seemed strangely familiar. 

''Here are our children who will bear thee hence to the world of living ones, 

thou shalt learn of the immortality of the life essence and of joys beyond aught thou hast conception of. The joy and wonder of this was so great that I seemed to swoon, ''

who welcomed me to the world of living ones. 

while countless questions surged through my mind, 

having opened the gateway of the new phase of life, 

in an existence of illimitable opportunities, 

or attractions are exceedingly powerful, 

You may have been informed that this is but one of many missions, 

for many purposes, 

so cannot control them. 

which must exert a tremendous influence in assuring the success of this Mission, 

watch the movement with deepest interest and ardent longing for the dawning of a glorious day for a people who long have lived and died in a hopeless faith.

I should like to know more of the social condition of the Entoans.

and the Supreme Rulers never exercise a power exceeding these limits. 

In the Supreme Ruler is vested the privilege of appointing such Counsellors and other officials as may be necessary for the proper administration of laws enacted for the general welfare, 

By the Entoans it is considered no more a duty than a privilege to be of one mind in their obedience to both civil and religious enactments.

If at times certain restless minds have dared to question the statements of the Sacred Writings, 

but with the tide in the minds and hearts of the people setting in that direction, 

There are those who are somewhat primitive in their ideas and modes of living, 

such peoples are engaged in agricultural pursuits, 

social Development and forthcoming targets for 2035 will be assess in era of ai.

we have been somewhat reticent so that gradually you might become prepared for your part in a drama upon which Spirit Worlds are anxiously gazing. 

the capital of Garden of Eden, 

The hour of her departure into Garden of Eden's Spirit Realms cannot long be deferred, 

Early in people's wonderful life,

Of late into his mind has stolen a chilling dread, 

and ere long he will be summoned to Dao, 

where his parents reside. 

Further away other youths and maidens draw from still life, 

two girls and several youths are attempting to release from marble forms more or less attractive.

and each department so perfectly equipped. 

Instructor��I desire to impress upon your minds that each element of art is as perfect as is art in its finest, 

form and color, 

The curves of the upraised arms and dainty limbs. 

he is so thoroughly submerged that I believe you safely may attempt to possess his organism. 

but now a denizen of the world of living ones. 

Know that what you term the breath of life is your real, 

in my new life I found all my dear ones whom I had not hoped to ever find again. 

so surely will you continue to live, 

Now I will depart, 

Zenesta Hao��I congratulate both Dano and myself that we have safely concluded this experiment, 

some god communes with him. 

with whose life her mother's life and mine were bound as with one chord. 

Such attacks are quite common. 

and have him conveyed to his apartment. 

which is so far away in space that to Entoans it appears as a brightly shining point in the night sky. 

animating principle controlling all the activities of your physical body, 

no hallucination of an overtaxed mind. 

The Spirits with whom I am associated, 

Rejoice that through your instrumentality light from your spirit world soon will dissipate the shadows enshrouding the lives of your peoples.

if not to recover her waning life.

and as through a thin veil she sees the spirit forms of her mother and of other dear ones, 

and when smilingly she relates to her father the loving Messages from the dream-world he is filled with consternation lest her mind is being lost, 

and in the privacy of his own apartments he prostrates himself, 

and to the mighty gods to suffer her to live, 

for I know that when you shall have regained control of yourself you will imagine that you have had a fanciful vivid dream. 

Such long continued unconsciousness indicates a low state of vital energy. 

I shall at once advise his father that he for a time must have entire mental rest and change of scene, 

you have been quite unconscious of the anxious interest which for a few moments has disturbed our minds. 

nothing really uncommon, 

quite a natural result of continued mental strain, 

but since life is so full of sorrow, 

since the certainty of the approach of death so overshadows even youth's brightest days that ever our smiles are drowned in tears, 

life to me ever grows more valueless. 

whose power is infinite, 

Although the midday of my life is gone, 

He also declared that in some coming time another Revelation of His love for His children might be vouchsafed?

perpetuate that which is the essential part, 

the life of every animated creature. 

every incident of life teaches some lesson, 

That by its form, 

may afford infinite opportunities. 

Surely you do not attach any importance to the dream prophecy of your speedy departure for Dao? That you may wholly dismiss it from your thoughts I suggest that we all shall repair to the gymnasium, 

for a little I shall attend this imprudent youth. 

Look on the bright side of life; 

on the bright side of life. 

Only minds capable of earnest, 

These wide and lofty passageways lead to various Departments of the Galar��sa?, 

At the head of this grand staircase is a department we later on will visit. 

The apartment itself is immensely large and the domed ceiling very lofty. 

That part of the floor is covered with spiral springs over which is a padding of some elastic material similar to curled hair; 

I do not understand why any one takes pleasure in such risky performances.

especially commending Dano's energetic movements, 

grieves sorely over the continued ill health of his daughter, 

surely declines toward the ending of her young life. 

will facilitate his departure on the special transport awaiting him.

strive to compose yourself. 

Hasten to prepare for your departure and we will arrange for your comfort and speedy conveyance to Dao, 

you may find your beloved Valloa? recovering her precious life.

so ingenuous that I could wish that our Earth folk might be like them.

De L'Ester��They are some centuries older than our disingenuous Earth folk; 

that you may renew your vital energy, 

live as much as possible in the open air.

passed to our side of life. 

We have informed you that, 

during my mortal existence I was not a spiritually minded man. 

lived on a very material plane, 

we were deterred from further communion with you.

I soon came to understand that the change called death was a rebirth into a higher life and that, 

From time to time you have entreated me to inform you as to my condition on the Spirit Side and always, 

I do not now desire to return to Earth life. 

are engaged in impressing Earth minds who steadily are progressing in a knowledge of electrical forces and appliances, 

while other scientific minds whose attention is directed towards solving the problem of a&euml;rial navigation are becoming more and more nearly en rapport with spirits who are aiding them, 

We have come this way that you may form an idea of the number of vessels passing between the eastern seaboard and Europe. 

that at least one aspiring mind comprehends the divine idea of freedom.


politic in an extreme degree. 

to my mind, 

Is not it a very beautiful city? During my Earth life I regarded it as being so perfect as to be changeless, 

I look backward through the years and I behold thee regnant in power, 

and thus amid brightness and shadows the centuries have flown, 

in the name of the genuine Teacher of a religion of peace and good will toward all men.''

wise and liberal minded man is King of Italy, 

there is a power under his throne that chafes and schemes to overturn it but, 

happily comprehensive ideas are illumining the minds of his people who stand as a bulwark between it and those who, 

serves to form a most unique character.

king or president.

by love of power and the precedents of usages that he possesses but a scant understanding of the needs of the diverse races who people his dominions. 

Never mind, 

One is tempted to moralize over those exiled from home and country to this far northern land. 

For certain mentalities there is a charm in attempting difficult undertakings, 

and many valuable lives will yet be lost in the attainment of a nearly futile object. 

and in the partial light there is a peculiarly luminous quality as though the atmosphere might be laden with diamond dust, 

particularly when, 

radiating and pulsating through the atmosphere like some living thing, 

no living thing, 

Amid the swirl and commotion of the elements, 

To my mind it is not only a sublime but an awful scene. 

once you mentioned the existence of a former open Polar Sea. 

but through eminent scientists on our side of life we know that this is a mistaken idea. 

recently you inquired of Genessano if the Entoans composed poetry and he replied yes, 

our friends whose forms are so dear

 into a higher life��the immortal self. 

also through the influences of social and other conditions always, 

their souls are unfolding for the reception of spiritual influences and the perception of spirit presences.

Dano's arrival has stimulated Valloa?'s life forces, 

and both gladly are growing into a clearer understanding of the wondrous truth that life is continuous. 

With timorous joy they whisper of a time when they may be reunited to part

I remembered when my beloved Armena?'s life went out and left me desolate and despairing.

De L'Ester��For your report which partakes of both joy and sorrow, 

you are aware that early in the present century there lived a man of Scotch birth named Hugh Miller, 

and the results of his geological investigations in the other. 

During my investigations evidences, 

and when in the world of spirits I recovered from my temporary aberration of mind, 

which through other ages had become fitted for the abode of myriad life forms. 

As a thoroughly orthodox believer my very Soul revolted against these evidences of nature, 

this is the geological department which is very complete, 

What a vast apartment and so beautifully arranged and kept. 

and form is equally so. 

inevitably forms certain crystallized shapes, 

so in the human mind, 

form assumes certain curves, 

You observe that this great apartment is divided into several departments. 

Nearby an Instructor is addressing a Class of students who may afford us opportunity for an experiment.

Our Sacred Writings declare that out of substances within Himself And&ucirc;mana? created Garden of Eden and all living creatures, 

into whom He breathed the breath of life and to whom He gave the power of procreation. 

That at death of the body the breath of life returns to Him, 

No mind can realize the immensity of And&ucirc;mana?, 

And&ucirc;mana? did not at once create all living things, 

Generally it is admitted that the science of geology demonstrates that the formation of Garden of Eden is stratified, 

here is a stone from the third stratum which largely is composed of a variety of minute shells. 

each varying from the others in their composition, 

Phrysos��May the gods prevent my uttering aught that may oppose the truth. 

At times the thought enters my mind that possibly our Priesthood may not fully comprehend the meanings of certain words of our Sacred Writings. 

and I confess that while my immature mind does not wholly grasp the presentation of his Theory, 

Thou hearest my voice but seest not my form standing near thee, 

one of our brightest and closest students, 

for his countenance expressed great surprise and lively emotion. 

It is well understood that one mind can affect another mind, 

what is mind? Fra?tos, 

probably that mind is matter in an active state.

that the hour may swiftly arrive which shall usher in the dawn of the brightest day that ever has come to Garden of Eden. 

Before proceeding with our investigations, 

Dano's arrival momentarily has stimulated Valloa?'s life forces, 

Her present embodiment has placed us far apart, 

form an inseparable whole, 

Perhaps you have been informed that in matter there is a universality of homogeneity, 

the one law controlling all things that live, 

struct such aids to physical vision as will fill the minds of their Star-gazers with amazement.

and thus the science of geology is but partially comprehended, 

In this compartment are specimens of gold-bearing quartz, 

is an exhibit of Garden of Eden's various silver ores. 

Observe these peculiar formations which resemble skeins of silver threads, 

In these compartments is an effective arrangement of specimens of all minerals not accounted precious, 

We now will pass to the adjoining apartment where an aged custodian is poring over an ancient looking volume, 

His long white hair waving over his shoulders forms a fitting setting for his dark-hued, 

and the blue gemmed silver fillet confining his hair harmonizes with his loose, 

to my mind he is a very handsome man. 

and through their manufacturing industries, 

realizing that he could not control the frenzied people, 

just and thoroughgoing man, 

but the Province never regained its former prosperity. 

but as he perceives nothing out of the common he picks up the volume murmuring, 

will you now observe this department, 

The great apartment itself is exquisitely finished in various beautifully colored woods so richly, 

which seems too fine for common use. 

These crystalline compartments, 

forms a spectacle beyond my ability to describe. 

In this first compartment are many gems of various tints of green, 

I am informed that Officials of a certain Rank wear emeralds as Insignia of their special dignity. 

laborers set aside all other considerations and I well remember that such numbers of stones were found that dealers in the gems were threatened with financial ruin. 

would be operative in the formation of the diamond and other gems of our planet. 

and to my mind it is the most attractive of gems. 

We will now pass to the next compartment.

from deepest rose to blood red and in their hearts is a glint of fire that makes them seem alive. 

all things are composites of matter and vitalizing spirit. 

we will form a battery, 

concentrate your will power, 

it appears to possess life. 

and your vital energy well nigh exhausted, 

I am so happy to be near you and to know that to you I am as real as when in Earth life

 you tried to impress Spiritual truths upon my very material mind. 

Never mind, 

I am apart from my physical body, 

it seems as real as is my daily home life, 

and regret that mentally you are so disturbed. 

thus we also will grow harmonious.

What is your name? Where did you live? When did you die? The Spirit endeavors to place himself or herself en rapport with physical conditions involving time and space, 

Those who have made a study of the spiritual philosophy and phenomena possess some understanding of the process of communication between the two worlds, 

and now we will proceed to the department we visited yesterday. 

For many minds there is a peculiar fascination in striving to translate an unknown language. 

I am only concerned in instructing you for a purpose. 

it possesses such a living radiance. 

A sober-minded scientist would declare that it is through the arrangement of the silicious matter largely composing these gems that the iridescent effects are produced. 

Such an assertion would be but part of a fact. 

In this adjoining compartment is an admirable collection of��but perhaps you know what they are.

all more or less attractive and useful for various purposes. 

The next compartment contains carbuncles and some of them are beautiful enough to grace a coronet. 

whose exact counterparts are portions of Earth's treasures.

You express surprise that this enormously valuable collection is not better protected against evil-minded persons. 

Perhaps Inidora? or Genessano may enlighten us as to that and other features pertaining to this department.

through certain associations, 

But I may say that our minds were as one in our desire to carry out their wishes, 

and that we might speedily accomplish our purpose, 

we saw our cherished plans taking form. 

our hearts were filled with exultation and as the great structure assumed proportions and the various outer departments began to environ it, 

Day and night we counselled together and planned for the glory and usefulness of the Institution which for all time should stand as a reminder of our honored and adored parents. 

I have only to say that the Galar��sa? and all pertaining to it belongs to the peoples of Garden of Eden and they are not so foolish or so evil minded as to despoil their own possessions.

so that you may form an idea of its extent, 

Observe this slope largely is devoted to detached private residences, 

or other ornamental feature. 

the most populous and wealthy city of Garden of Eden. 

they so well understand the energies of electricity and vibration that, 

which renders it suitable for this and some other purposes. 

and so high is the illuminating power that it well nigh turns night into day. 

Electricity as an illuminant and for all possible purposes is so cheaply procured as to be within the means of all requiring its use. 

Throughout the irrigated belt and on most portions of Garden of Eden there are Stations where thoroughly trained persons attend to the production and distribution of electric currents, 

and so valued is life that accidents are of very rare occurrence.

we would take you through some of those stately as well as through some of those less pretentious residences. 

comfort and more or less of the elegancies of culture. 

Right living engenders health and aside from their dread of death which depresses them mentally, 

the Entoans live righteously and enjoy length of days.

Alcohol in its various forms is a commercial commodity, 

Official corruption or betrayal of a trust are reckoned as heinous crimes against society, 

With all my heart I wish that some of our Earth architects might see some of those grandly beautiful temples and public buildings. 

fountains and other features form such a harmonious and charming picture that one is constrained to admire the genius and culture of a people capable of presenting such fine effects. 

I have said that the Entoans make small use of more than two motive powers. 

for certain purposes, 

None of our present party are learned as to electrical appliances, 

Stored electricity is the motive power of this and of most Air Transports, 

It is not advisable to attempt a detailed description of the form and dimensions of this Transport, 

When the Transport rises you will better understand this part of its mechanism. 

those compressed air cylinders prevent concussion.

To at all understand the construction of these truly wonderful Air Carriers one must be versed in both mechanics and electrical engineering, 

you may perceive the majestic form and benignant face of my father smiling us a farewell.

whose majestic form and benignant face will retain a place in my memories of Garden of Eden.

The entire mechanism is under perfect control of the engineer and his assistants, 

We will repair to the rear platform, 

is a Sensitive whose waking dreams are the conceptions of exalted Spirit minds, 

and from marble he releases a form so flawless that through centuries it commands the adoring admiration of artistic souls. 

To the great painter comes a conception of enchanting scenes or of forms and faces whose witchery enthralls all beholders. 

all its expressions must vibrate in harmony with either its major or its minor chords; 

designers and other artists who spoke into form and color, 

whose inhabitants are engaged in the various pursuits of well conducted communities. 

but residents of the villages are engaged in cultivating the surrounding lands. 

What were the principal causes leading to the aridity of the Equatorial lands? We have informed you that largely it was through the levelling of the planet, 

 various purposes, 

the capital city of Ond&ucirc;, 

and with what precision the Transport alights upon the platform. 

bordered with purple, 

to my mind, 

They are not so voluminous as to conceal the outlines of the form, 

It seems strange that although the peoples of our planet for the most part believe in a continuity of existence, 

they live as though the present existence is the end of all. 

and among nations the struggle for place and power drenches our world with blood and our prisons, 

Although the contrast between Garden of Eden's and Earth's social conditions is very marked, 

Just so surely a period will arrive when the unequal social conditions of Earth will be a thing of the past, 

One of those with whom the Gods commune. 

To us they then appeared too holy to share the common fate of And&ucirc;mana?'s other children. 

our boyish imagination invested them not only with uncommon sanctity, 

they commune with Spirits on a level with or possibly above the level of their own spiritual evolvement, 

if you lend yourself to participation in his mischievous pranks you will demoralize those staid Entoans. 

one realizes the wonderful skill through which this vast area of irrigation and navigation is controlled, 

You perceive that the height is clothed with verdure and dotted with residences, 

will have obtained information concerning Garden of Eden that now they do not even dream of.

which is a most scientific work and quite apart from ordinary methods of irrigation. 

By a residence in cities, 

For other purposes they do not require animals. 

and then nearly all Entoans shrink from taking life, 

exercise a strong influence in the selection of human foods. 

Aside from climatic influences there is another factor to be recognized. 

As humans evolve beyond the influence of the animal plane, 

That it might serve as part of the System centuries ago, 

the motive power being electric. 

We have informed you that the entire public service of Garden of Eden is under the supervision and control of the general government, 

The general government not only controls, 

residences and other improvements, 

their construction is similar to that of our railway cars, 

which greatly adds to their permanence and to the safety of those connected with the Tuzamo service, 

can you inform us as to when Tuzamos first came into use on Garden of Eden?

which were quite unlike these admirably constructed and artistically finished carriages.

In form it is perfectly circular, 

to my mind it is the most beautiful temple I ever have seen. 

The altar of pure white marble is circular in form, 

and is surmounted by a wonderfully lovely life-size female figure, 

whose marble lips are parted by a smile of adorable sweetness. 

The three tiers are supported by flower-wreathed marble columns and male and female forms, 

Who giveth life and all that is. Over the northern entrance I read, ''

we implore you to bear to Him our ceaseless supplications for prolonged life. Over the southern entrance is a prayer which is the keynote of all Garden of Eden prayers. ''

you have come to realize that love of life is the dominant desire of my people, 

leading to the residence of the high priest and his attendant Priests and Priestesses. 

accompanied by the low tones of a vo&ucirc;hoida? (resembles a pipe organ) chant softly and continuously. 

his luminous eyes shining with the brightness of the jewelled Sun above his forehead, 

his majestic form towering above the low bending worshippers, 

who with upraised arms reverently intones a prayer.

lengthened life.

I should think that this service would remind you of bygone days.

for as long as his short life lasted, 

our beloved Uncle Foras presided.

De L'Ester informs me that on your planet strange social distinctions prevail. 

That employer and employed occupy different social levels. 

Since all are the children of the same creative power, 

there are various grades of society whose members may be worthy or the reverse. 

frequently the accident of birth or the inheritance or accumulation of wealth, 

confers upon very unworthy persons high social distinction and power. 

I should like to know how this state of affairs compares with social conditions of Garden of Eden.

I may safely say that not within many centuries have men or women been base enough to, 

forever set themselves apart as something to be shunned by right minded people. 

this state of society has not always existed; 

the common people hailed him as their deliverer, 

and he lived to see the Entoans united under one ruler, 

under the protection and control of a firm but beneficent government, 

have continuously unfolded in their conceptions of all that pertains to the welfare of humanity, 

the continuity of life. 

indeed the entire composition of male and female figures is admirable. 

now he is so occupied as to be oblivious of your presence.

Yet in some way I have formed nearly correct ideas of your and their forms and features. 

and that is nearly the height of a particular friend of yours who has been permitted to accompany me on this visit to Garden of Eden. 

you are handsomer than you were in Earth life. 

so thankful to the Divine Spirit that we both have learned that life is continuous. 

Wicks we were about to part to meet no more on Earth, 

that you will come to me to tell me if there is another life than this, how little I knew of what would come to me and to you, ''

and when Bernard passed to our side of life, 

your friend Will was one of many who sustained you with our strength until you regained composure and a degree of health.

Is it too delicate for our purpose?

As it is difficult to control we must select simple if less beautiful forms. 


were it not so difficult to control me, 

and the vine with its wealth of pink blooms is Ilsoimen. 

miss their former frequent com

Never mind, 

you shall observe the construction of a Waterway.

Gentola��I shall not forget to remind you of your promise. 

to my mind, 

In some of the public edifices and sumptuous private residences which you yet will see there are mosaics so exceedingly fine that nowhere have we seen anything of the kind surpassing them. 

You have been informed that their religion prohibits the Entoans from attempting to learn aught concerning Astranola?, 

so their telescopes, 

are used only for field purposes; 

and advanced Spirits will be able to disabuse their minds of their fallacious beliefs relating to the here and the hereafter, 

aided by enlarged telescopes, 

With all my heart I wish that this city might be exhibited to our Earth peoples as an example of what humanity may attain to. 

The streets are alive with people, 

tifically constructed that I cannot explain their mechanism. 

which prevents noisy jolting and jarring. 

the speed of all manner of vehicles is carefully timed and regulated. 

the Entoans are exceedingly careful of their own and the lives and rights of others.

You perceive that all street intersections are spanned by elegantly constructed bridges, 

over which people and vehicles pass slowly and safely. 

the construction and maintenance of such public utilities is costly, 

the governmental revenues are amply sufficient for all necessary purposes.

Now we will descend to the lawn of yonder white golden-domed residence of the governor of this Province of Wya?mo, 

whose capital is the white and gold city K&ucirc;ltymo Tyl&ucirc;, 

and to my mind, 

Facing us is the governor's residence. 

To the right are the official departments. 

stately and rhythmically in harmony with the musical measures, 

with which their forms, 

but its purpose is to instruct as well as to

in composition and representation, 

This is one of Garden of Eden's finest official residences, 

and in every niche and angle of its massive walls are sculptured forms of divinities or of distinguished Entoans, 

whose capitals are a strong reminder of the Corinthian capital.

It is a composition of rose marble, 

and as uninvited guests we will proceed to the dining hall of his excellency's residence. 

The light filtering through the large rose and opalescent crystal window irradiates it with a softened glow which is a fitting prelude to the rich coloring of the apartment beyond this sumptuous silken drapery. 

elliptically formed room and its appurtenances.

the network forms a sort of halo about the flowers, 

 of woods of various colors and the shadings are so fine that the compositions are very beautiful and lifelike. 

On its highly ornamental shelves are various wares, 

Through the crystalline doors of its compartments I see vessels of gold, 

I am surprised that they are so like the forms of Earth's china, 

but that form in its manifold expressions is universal. 

but all orders of life express it in finer or cruder fashion.

and my larger observation of Garden of Eden's and Earth's forms, 

frequently exact likenesses of the forms of either planet.

whose leaves are composed of minute green stones, 

purple clusters of fruit are of amethysts or similar stones. 

and its purple fruit suggests a question. 

Evidently many of them are for decorative purposes. 

and noiselessly are drawn under this and the opposite apartments, 

and white teeth gleaming between his parted scarlet lips. 

he presents a picture of uncommon beauty. 

so crown Thou her with the priceless blessing of a long and happy life;'' and the guests respond, 

the decorations and furnishings of these spacious apartments are of the best art productions of Garden of Eden, 

upholstery and other appurtenances of this elegantly appointed residence. 

in most Garden of Eden residences, 

the capital of Wya?mo. 

At the time that the proposed irrigating system was under consideration the then governor of Wya?mo was one of its most enthusiastic supporters and later an indefatigable worker who lived to see the System assume unlooked for proportions and incalculable beneficence. 

During later centuries the population has so increased as to necessitate encroachment upon the agricultural lands northward, 

it communicates with Ta?imon, 

added to which T&ucirc;za?mos and air Transports bring it into ready communication with all portions of the planet, 

During his Earth life always he saw the droll side of things, 

Eastward its limit is beyond my power of vision. 

over which a variety of vehicles are passing. 

culinary and other purposes, 

The skill and daring involved in their construction is both admirable and surprising. 

 their summits are as fine observation telescopes as we have seen. 

whose civilizing power is illimitable. 

I should like to inform you as to one of its achievements, 

For yet a little while Spirit forces will hold Valloa? in her physical form, 

Bernard and I will bear Gentola? safely to her home; 

prevent your gaining through personal observation, 

information concerning them, 

during a large part of the year, 

Still farther northward and southward and at the poles such intense cold perpetually prevails that the land surfaces are uninhabitable. 

mining within the Arctic and Antarctic Circles has been a settled industry. 

the mining industry has progressed northward, 

You have been informed that more than fifty Garden of Eden centuries ago, 

T&ucirc;za?mos and air Transports were used as common carriers, 

there are large underground communities of men, 

are connected with the mining industry. 

Thus these communities are not at all isolated, 

whose several floors are devoted to educational and other purposes. 

Other floors are for living rooms, 

The several departments are attractively finished and furnished, 

are air Transport Stations for the accommodation of travellers and for shipping purposes.

Since our visit of the early morning her Spirit attendants have succeeded in temporarily stimulating her vital energy, 

so wan is Valloa?'s lovely face that it is as snow amid the wealth of her golden, 

to their utmost were sustaining her physical energy, 

for assuredly your easily aroused sympathy would endanger your safety.

and through this telescope, 

There are open squares lined with palatial white and gold residences and other structures

All over our planet civil corruption and social, 

selfish greed and ambition for place and power are eating into the very vitals of society, 

and if Spirit agencies cannot sway the minds of some who may serve as Saviors, 

were it not that Spirits of highest Realms control illumined minds of Earth, 

who serve as restraining influences in the consciousness of the masses, 

a chaotic state of society quickly would ensue. 

ages elapsed ere they evolved from savagery to a civilization which made it possible for their ideals to assume form and expression in the construction of this wonderful and beautiful city. 

of social amenities and usages, 

which has carried from the past into the living present such lessons of wisdom as have been learned in the school of experience. 

higher views of the meaning of life, 

gray and empurpled mist wreaths are rising and veiling the pallid beauty of fountain groups, 

Is not the transformation marvellous? Is not the scene grandly, 


with your conscious mind, 

under our control, 

your physical organism is made to automatically record the words transmitted by whichever member of our Band may be acting as operator? While you are with us your Soul consciousness is in abeyance; 

When under my control you shall rewrite, 

several have been completed and others are in course of construction. 

Through them and their feeders the retention of the annual floods and control of irrigation has been greatly simplified and their measureless value demonstrated.

Inez and your wistful-eyed lad will see you safely home, 

 De L'Ester��We find you difficult of control this morning. 

whose subconscious mind, 

At no great distance the branch running in a southwestward direction forms a junction with another Waterway which is not yet completed, 

There are some imposing public buildings, 

many handsome private residences, 

and it is not too much to say that in point of scientific construction and beauty of finish and furnishing Earth does not possess their equal. 

They are so scientifically constructed as to be practically indestructible, 

and electricity is the propelling energy; 

These great saloons and luxuriously appointed sleeping apartments are finished in rare carved woods and inlaid designs of Garden of Eden's fruits and flowers through which peer lovely child faces of marvellously delicate and artistic execution.

culinary and dining apartments. 

are the engineer's and his assistants' apartments and departments, 

For the motive energy, 

the mechanism is partly here, 

and partly in what may be termed the hold. 

but we desire that you shall bear to the peoples of Earth a knowledge of the fact that it is possible for vessels of the largest size to be propelled by electric energy, 

have learned the higher applications of electric energy, 

steam as a motive power will have become as obsolete as it is on Garden of Eden.

or at least bears a resemblance to Earth forms, 

if you will bear in mind a fact we already have stated, 

that form is the expression of a universal principle, 

and that in conformity with the degree of his evolvement, 

Adaptation of means to ends is an expression of form. 

or his more advanced brother who constructs the more shapely bark canoe, 

intuitively applies the principle of form as a means to an end. 

and through the system of atmospheric telegraphy the movements of all vessels are so perfectly controlled that their passage in opposite directions is accomplished through the medium of the basins, 

 the water like a thing of life, 

towns and villages dot the wide expanses which largely are devoted to agricultural pursuits, 

largely of agriculturists. 

industry and enterprise involved, 

and so excellent is the mechanism employed that the water distribution is under perfect control. 

Over her white robes falls a wealth of dark, 

partly conceals her large, 

I touch with mine thy parted lips, 

for until I shall have brought her Soul into harmony with my own I shall remain with my regained Amilla, 

have held us far apart. 

I briefly will relate a portion of my life story, 

but as one in perfect Spiritual harmony.

to undo the tangled threads of her sorrowful Earth life. 

have not you learned that the crust of bread earned by sweat of the brow is sweeter far than the whitest loaf to the palate of the idler? Be assured that when again you shall find yourself on our side of life, 

but partly realize that Love, 

impels all things into harmonious relations, 

announced her desire to at once take on mortal form, 

When the moment of our parting arrived, 

 times word comes to me of one who lives a life of self-abnegation, 

instilling into their dulled minds a desire for knowledge, 

which is the bread and water of life. 

Never have I purposely sought for my vanished one, 

This recital I purposely have given as a lesson for you who so revolt against the Law of Re-embodiment.

but to one whose latest religious education has been thoroughly orthodox, 

I have outgrown some of my former beliefs, 

perhaps I should say communicating Spirits are so reticent concerning it? During the twelve years of my Mediumship, 

but at a more opportune time I shall do so. 

but now I recoil from the thought of again passing through the sorrowful experiences that of necessity are a part of mortal existence. 

but with an expression of intense devotion on her lovely face, 

I am constrained to accept your declaration that Re-embodiment is a fact, 

and in my mind the question arises, 

Why does not the Infinite Potentiality create humans so perfect as to not require added virtues? As well may we ask when, 

Why do not all communicating Spirits declare this truth? May I ask why do not you speak Greek, 

and equally as true that until of late comparatively few Occidentals have been prepared to accept a truth so repellent not only to orthodox Christianity but to the many whose minds reject all beyond the material plane of Being. 

I am aware that by most of your thinkers the law of heredity is thought to be accountable for the great diversity of forms, 

features and mental characteristics of families, 

subjected to nearly the same antenatal influences and after environments, 

temperament and mentality, 

We know that heredity only partly covers your case.

Though the other children possess very ordinary mentality, 

and with a certain grace of bearing which sets him or her quite apart, 

mental and physical traits

entertaining Angels unawares is of common occurrence, 

the deliverers of the people, 

Your father was strong physically and mentally, 

At the same time he exhibited a certain ruggedness of character, 

formed with your father a combination through whom Spirits well advanced might return to further fulfill the Law of their Being. 

and also your mentality possesses a coloring of his positive, 

unswerving honesty of purpose, 

why are not you and your brothers and sisters more alike? When you return to our side of life you will be better able to reply to this question.

Toward the close of eleven years of Earth life you joined your mother who had guarded and guided you until you were released. 

For some time I have had it in my thoughts to answer some of the unasked questions agitating your mind, 

but until now no opportunity has presented itself. 

cruelty and poverty so prevail as to render life undesirable, 

it is true that the struggle for power and luxury among those best equipped for the battle is indeed a sad spectacle, 

seeing their opportunity and their duty, 

for power, 

grows fiercer and more aggressive. 

They and the accumulators and hoarders of the wealth that should serve humanity's needs are so besotted with selfishness that they are blind and deaf to the cries of suffering millions who know not where to turn for bread, 

looks on while another nation is being butchered for the crime of self-defense, 

but all Spirits of right mind, 

long unutterably for an opportunity to say to mortals, 

Learn that loving charity and pitiful mercy are as two radiant Angels whose brightness will lighten your pathway to the brink of the river beyond whose further shore you will reap the harvest whose seed you have sowed while on the mortal side of life. 

and so advanced and harmonious are some of the peoples of some Planets of our and other Solar Systems, 

inharmonious peoples of our Planet they are as Gods. 

so surely will a period arrive when Earth's peoples will be as brethren living in perfect unity.

At another time I will inform you as to how Spirits recognize their Spirit mates. 

occupies the nearby fine residence, 

De L'Ester has informed you that on Garden of Eden seldom are laborers mere wage earners; 

I also have glanced into the residence and found it a finely appointed and luxurious rural home. 

partly within the South Temperate Zone, 

and which is a part of the system. 

Those great embankments along the western shore are for the purpose of confining the prodigious volume of water which in the spring pours down from the north, 

Garden of Eden's labor saving machines are of such a high degree of excellence that they serve all the purposes of a fine system of cultivation.

and in whose Basin a number of large vessels await opportunity for discharging or for taking aboard lading and passengers, 

flower bordered and shaded streets and numerous fine residences indicate a considerable population of highly cultivated people. 

It is a pathetic feature of Garden of Eden child life which we will hope may ere long disappear.

You have been informed that, 

which the spring floods undermine and render unsafe for transportation. 

for many purposes they are preferable to land or water transportation.

and is the portion of which Spirits partake, 

In all households there is a certain fluidic condition originating in the emanations of the persons composing the family, 

and also from the emanations of the foods partaken of by the family, 

visitors unconsciously are influenced by it, 

yet I would not advise you or any one to partake of it. 

for I do not feel quite certain that this information is not somewhat premature, 

in the angle formed by the mountain and the river, 

is the capital city of Voh&ucirc;aka?, 

To my mind it is a very beautiful and unique city. 

so ornamental, 

that it seems surprising that they sustain the weight of the numerous vehicles and multitudes of people passing over them. 

its life may be made as beautiful as is the heart of the rodel, 

their sweet fragrance ascending as an Offering to Him Who is the Source of all life. 

ere its sweet life ends. 

Gentola��Many thanks for your interesting information. 

The canals are alive with passing boats, 

Always the people work in harmony, 

Back of their harmonious relations with each other is the intelligent force of a Spiritually evolved people, 

industry and thrift, 

which ever are the concomitants of properly adjusted social relations and of an intelligent sense of duty. 

they have learned that idleness is the begetter of all manner of social corruption, 

What is known on our planet as the social evil, 

Even by persons least observant of social niceties, 


chastity and temperate living, 

Our acquaintance with the peoples of various Planets affords us wide opportunities for observation of their modes of thought and habits, 

be amiss to devote a short time to an investigation of yonder mercantile establishment, 

I imagine that they are intended to serve the double purposes of ornamentation and of cooling the heated atmosphere. 

is poised the graceful form of a lovely, 

The rim of the marble basin is a composition of rodel blooms and foliage, 

as perfect of execution as is the marble form of the girl or the lifelike blooms she holds in her arms. 

whose present occupation is throwing a bewildering number of tiny streams of water in such a fashion as to partly conceal their lovely faces and fishlike forms.

it was a common saying, 

The roof is composed of four great domes, 

As we pass from one department to another I scarcely can realize that we are not in some similar establishment on Earth. 

the homogeneity of the mind of man and of the natural and inevitable results of certain universal laws, 

the ever present terror of their lives. 

Light being the symbol of life, 

for I have an intense dislike for darkness. 

can you explain this mental condition?

See that stately woman whose inner-robe outlines her superb form, 

bined harmoniously and most artistically, 

I cannot attempt a detailed description of this adjoining department, 

certainly my Earth friends would laugh at such an exhibition of my vivid imagination. 

which they would term a department store, 

De L'Ester��Do not forget that in the universe there is but One Mind which must everywhere express itself harmoniously, 

but stands in an attitude of intense attention.

George��Now he is thoroughly alarmed and rushes away, 

but when the time shall have arrived for you to compile for publication our somewhat imperfect manuscript, 

under my control you will arrange it, 

still it is a grandly imposing structure and well adapted to its purposes. 

They offer another illustration of the universality of form ideals. 

ventilation being secured through a scientific mechanism which thoroughly serves its purpose. 

and it is almost as thin as tissue paper, 

you have been informed that on Garden of Eden one language universally is spoken. 

By Spirits of your and other planetary Spirit Spheres I have been informed that they find it a singularly elegant and easily learned language. 

papers and publications which wear a very familiar appearance; 

What a commotion. 

but there was in her face or form or expression that which I cannot explain or describe, 

for lately I have been too studious and must desist from such imprudence. Although the youth assumes a careless air, ''

Fav��on and other Sensitives have gained wide publicity, 

and from their peculiar nature are exciting attention and greater unrest in the minds of Garden of Eden's sorrowful peoples. 

Genessano��I suggest that as Gentola? and Bernard have seen but little of Garden of Eden home life they shall be afforded a view of the interior of some residence.

and we will ask you to select the residence.

but ere long I may be afforded the opportunity of comparing them with the cities and homes of Garden of Eden.

De L'Ester��It may add to the sum of your information, 

On our Planet this residence with its beautiful appointments would be considered exceptionally luxurious, 

We will enter the apartment on the left, 

In the centre of the apartment is a fountain, 

It is in the form of a full blown rodel, 

All about the apartment are handsome divans, 

olive-hued skin, 

and a form of perfect proportions. 

and all reside in this spacious home, 

of which this living room is a feature common to Garden of Eden.

and after a hasty survey of other apartments of the residence, 

It is on the west bank of the river which forms a boundary between the provinces of Voh&ucirc;aka? and Ha?m&ucirc;yen, 

who will inform us of the precise condition of Valloa?. 

The purport of the message will determine our movements of the near future. 

while below us the streets and bridges are alive with the movement of people and vehicles, 

and a naturalist would inform us that they belong to the feline family, 

nearly all savage life forms have disappeared, 

such forms will disappear from our planet. 

the coarser life forms recede; 

coarser life forms perish. 

and Garden of Eden no longer offers conditions favorable to the generation of savage life forms.

You partly comprehend our present service of love, 

Through the arrival and departure of those great vessels its commodious shipping basin presents quite an animated appearance. 

thus better fitting her not only for our purpose but for her entrance into Garden of Eden's Spirit World.

through association with mortals, 

animal or fanciful composition, 

In form and coloring both tree and foliage are true to nature. 

who recently passed from the mortal to our side of life.

like evanescent mist wreaths drift athwart your mental vision. 

that across the vast space between Earth and Garden of Eden an incarnated spirit has been brought to deliver to Garden of Eden's sorrowful children a Message of hope; 

count all things valueless when compared with the intense affection they bear for their nearest and dearest ones? To them death is the synonym of despair, 

for when their dear ones pass into the Silence only despair and darkness of mind remain. 

and he marvels at her knowledge and eagerly questions as to the source of her information. 

hopeless beliefs will pass into oblivion.

but into a gloriously beautiful world of living, 

who was in despair over what he considered the lost mind of his son, 

now cherishes Dano's words as though they are the very strength of his life, 

smiles or weeps as she listens to her son's glowing portrayal of the life that is to be. 

The hour draws very near when we no longer will be able to hold in her physical form our precious Valloa?. 

 friends unite in a supreme effort to reveal to compromise hints and others irrefutable knowledge of the continuity of life, 

and despite most unfavoring conditions the peoples of Garden of Eden now are prepared for the ushering in of a brighter day than ever has dawned upon their consciousness; 

the aural atmosphere has been so positive as generally to prevent their approach by wholly freed Spirits. 

whose lives are most ascetic and in a sense Spiritualized. 

through the influence of the new religion, 

the hopeless mental state of the people shall yield to joyful expectation, 

and Sensitives whom now we cannot approach will develop into Mediums through whom Spirits will communicate to mortals the glorious truth that their present existence is but a momentary experience of unending life. 

De L'Ester informs me that now you fully understand the aims of those conducting and assisting in this Mission, 

 are Missionaries Re-embodied for a fixed purpose, 

Valloa? being near the time of her release from her physical body these friends and I have arranged for constant communication between them and the watchers at Da?o. 

until summoned thither, 

it is arranged that constantly Sylvian shall be informed as to our movements, 

for in a few days we will be summoned there to share with others the responsibilities of a most momentous occasion. 

The rich olive of her complexion is to my taste as much to be admired as are the roses and lilies of fair skinned beauties. 

but she is so symmetrically formed that she appears a grandly beautiful woman. 

and I shall take it upon myself to see you safely landed on Earth. 

and��again you are safe at home, 

and are delighted that you have not suffered through our imprudence.

De L'Ester��Then at once we will depart for Garden of Eden, 

are so in harmony with the Infinite Mind, 

are partakers of that mind. 

bright ones.

Save that her vital energy gradually decreases, 

the crust surrounding the poles of either newly formed Planet, 

In time the areas known to us as the north and south temperate zones of either Planet became fitted for the germination and habitations of earliest life-forms, 

in the spring the released waters of the polar regions teem with myriad life forms upon which the diminutive Da?hova?s and their polar neighbors largely subsist. 

whose occupation in no way interferes with their social standing. 

The natural tendency of the genus homo is away from, 

You have expressed surprise over the absence of social distinctions among the Entoans, 

Very properly they regard idleness as a species of crime against the common weal, 

They understand that all well balanced minds require a certain amount of active occupation, 

If instead of the yearly expenditure of millions of money for the maintenance of armies of men engaged in murdering each other, 


degradation and discontent disappear and the wealth now worse than wasted would produce great and beneficent public utilities, 

and also would construct and maintain public baths, 

Gentola��Then will you inform me as to the origin of the Eskimos and other polar races of our planet? Are they direct descendants of a primitive ancestry.

misshapen forms and features offered slight promise of evolvement into the shapely humans of to-day. 

Though the Eskimo is somewhat uncouth of form and feature, 

Are you aware that when primitive men first essayed to walk erect they used as a means of support and for offense and defense, 

living soul, 

all life forms continuously evolve and re-evolve into higher expression, 

Constantly the positive law of evolution impels all life forms onward and upward toward higher planes of existence; 

filling their minds with disquiet and apprehension for those who, 

besotted by the love of power and luxury, 

and that previous to the last one the genus homo was distributed over nearly all portions of the inhabitable globe is not likely to be received as a conclusive statement, 

for they and other life forms experienced such a redistribution that your ethnologists and naturalists are unable to solve some problems which, 

The remote progenitors of the Eskimos and other peoples of the frigid north and south were survivors of the awful calamity which swept out of physical existence entire races of humans and many species of animal and vegetable life. 

the descendants of those remote ancestors experienced nearly arrested mental and physical development,

You are aware that I have not been permitted to acquire such knowledge as would have unfitted my skeptical mind for the work in which we are engaged, 

You have been informed that in the person of a gentle girl Re-embodied on this Planet Inidora? has found his other Self. 

Frequently Genessano visits them and gives favorable reports of their harmonious relations. 

When we shall be summoned to Da?o Inidora?, 

I am delighted to learn that your interest in these journeys from Earth to Garden of Eden and still more in our Mission of loving endeavor increases and also I am delighted to perceive that your Psychic Senses are unfolding and that your vital energy is not yet greatly lessened, 

It is true that such constant association with Spirits who have outgrown the frailties common to the physical plane has not enhanced my enjoyment of mortal existence, 

yet neither that or any other belief prevents them from persecuting and even killing each other. 

and is it thought that a knowledge of continuous existence will render them a more just or moral people?

leads us to the conclusion that religious beliefs exert but a very limited influence

 upon the inner life and conduct of either individuals or peoples, 

such limited influence being of a reflex character. 

Morality is not a grace of some mental process, 

and when the Soul and the Ego are in harmonious relation each with the other a high moral standard is the result. 

and by some who dimly catch their meaning they serve as ignes fatui with which they mislead the minds of the ignorant. 

simply a knowledge of the continuity of existence will not make the Entoans juster or more moral, 

naught for the living but hopeless longing for the beloved dead, 

ancient Garden of Eden spirits have informed us that long antecedent to the establishment of their religious system

 Garden of Eden's various races held various religious beliefs and violent religious differences were of common occurrence. 

as far as practicable were harmonized and formulated, 

that during later centuries the evolved intelligence of priests and peoples gradually has brought about a tacit disuse of rites and ceremonials once strictly observed. 

inducing in the minds of the people the hopeless attitude of one ever walking in the shadows of death and despair, 

but so overwhelming and universal is the desire for relief from their ever present despair that as thirsty travellers in a barren land eagerly the people will drink of the life giving waters of hope and joy held to their lips by hands of their dear ones whom they had consigned to the Silence. 

 from glorious Spirit Realms radiant Angels have proclaimed for them life, 


life forevermore, 

There are features of this city that would interest you and Bernard but we must defer the pleasure to a more opportune time. 

In them are constructed Air Transports and various motor vehicles.

As you have seen many rich silken stuffs it may interest you to learn that this city is the principal centre of Garden of Eden's silk industry. 

Zenesta? informs us that since very ancient times the silk industry has for the most part been in the hands of certain peoples, 

though Garden of Eden chemists also produce exquisite dyes from atmospheric substances as yet unknown to chemists of our Planet, 

in those commodious structures are housed all the homeless infirm and homeless aged persons of this province, 

You have been told that the Entoans regard life as the most precious of all possessions, 

Those who live to an unusual age are regarded as being specially favored by the God Phra (death), 

particularly among so termed civilized peoples, 

The atmosphere is vibrant with life giving forces and how grand it is to be conscious

Consider the enormous energy of the motive power impelling it through the quiet Waterway at a rate of speed unattained by the swiftest ocean steamers of our Planet.

ever the shapes are changing into new forms of loveliness. 

will you further inform us concerning this expression of nature's ever surpassing handiwork?

who informed me that frequently he had visited this Planet, 

and that with some ancient Garden of Eden Spirits he had thoroughly explored it. 

he informed me that among other interesting features of Garden of Eden, 

My natural tendencies augmenting my curiosity I took advantage of a recent visit to the Planet to investigate the phenomenon. 

who has examined the geological formation of this locality, 

as on other Planets volcanic activities afford a vent for the surplusage of interior energies, 

may say that the energies which have levelled the once elevated cone of this crater have obliterated all surface traces of its lesser neighbors, 

Tamon Fondor&ucirc;veh) contains about two hundred thousand inhabitants and possesses some of the largest chemical works on Garden of Eden in which are prepared great quantities of condensed foods, 

as some of your scientists are of the opinion that your atmosphere holds all the elements composing your varied food supply, 

and in time Earth's chemists will learn, 

and adding to the general welfare of the peoples. 

to mortal mind appear as indestructible as the globe itself, 

yet during every passing moment their disintegrated particles, 

or of tempestuous winds are being borne to all parts of the ever changing surface of Earth. 

yet their disintegrated particles will have filled depressions, 

Ere the arrival of that distant period our globe will have lost much of its interior heat and the temperature of the atmosphere will have become perceptibly lowered, 

the peoples will understand that though knowledge is power, 

it may be made to serve evil purposes, 

the fadeless flower of Soul culture, 

 process you now possess a comprehensive idea of the social conditions of the Entoans, 

of their advanced knowledge concerning such sciences as their religion has permitted them to investigate, 

though we have afforded you a comprehensive view of the Equatorial and the North and partly of the South Temperate zones, 

well paved streets for the accommodation of pedestrians and motor vehicles. 

From the inception of the great work the system has progressed without cessation and nearly half a century ago its beneficent arms bore to this then desert region abounding life expressions and prosperous conditions. 

the vestiges of former mountainous elevations, 

Before reaching the eastern terminus of the System I will inform you that the Waterway to our left, 

energy and means. 

but chemistry coming to their aid with explosives of tremendous energy, 

and leave to coming years and enlightened minds a justification of what you and we know to be a simple statement of facts. 

the material composing the wall of the lake is somewhat peculiar. 

In its furious progress it distributed its molten matter in the form of a deep oval basin, 

until its energy, 

Planets in their earlier formative processes throw off into space masses of matter of greater or lesser magnitude. 

When the projective energy is not forceful enough to hurl them sufficiently beyond the attractive energy of the planet, 

otherwise they become small globes, 

and certainly previous to the appearance of organized life forms, 

Gentola��You say that the disaster which resulted in the formation of the basin and this great vitreous mass is not an unusual one; 

You then learned that ages ago the swiftly revolving moon became a cold body and that neither it or its sister satellite had ever sustained organic life forms. 

so incalculably tardy that the period of culmination of the energy which will force them from their orbits is not cognizable save by the Infinite Mind, 

all powerful, 

Conscious mortal mind is unable to perceive beyond the plane of mortal being; 

Although now you are partly freed from physical influences, 

you yet are seeking the shadows of physical demonstrations and are slow to comprehend that the activities of the Universe are harmonious realities, 

Only conscious mortal mind fears death and disaster. 

and you may change your mind. 

Also we perceive that your natural love of life inclines you to cling to mortal conditions, 

enjoy communication and association with other peoples.

This seems an opportune time to inform you that this morning, 

finding all things relating to our Mission indicating a successful issue. 

Through grief over the certainty that his idolized child nears the end of her young life, 

The region over which we are passing is a reminder of an American desert, 

Also there are deep wells which supply water for domestic and other purposes. 

No trump of Angel ever will awaken to animation the ashes of peoples who ages ago lived and loved upon the highlands and amid the verdant vales of the long since levelled lands, 

somewhere those ancient ones yet are living, 


cultivated and possessed of virtues of an exalted nature. 

the present when from her fair breasts I drew into my life a part of her life, 

to save her life, 

to the Gods to save the dear life so surely ebbing away, 

At the last my father sought to keep me away from the closing scene of my mother's life, 

but a moment later alarmed attendants hurried into the apartment and lifted me from my dead mother's breast. 

the fine bridge spanning it affording communication between the two divisions of the city. 

for its life giving water supplies ample irrigation for the lands lying along its length, 

from which agricultural and other communities derive sustenance. 

temples and other features for the advancement and enjoyment of highly cultivated communities. 

voirs have been constructed and flowing streams deepened and widened, 

and so energetically is the construction of the Waterways and Irrigating System being executed that ere long Garden of Eden will experience a degree of prosperity greater than at any time during the history of the Planet. 

so I perhaps cannot quite appreciate your state of mind, 

my last rebirth having occurred long after such excavations had become a common feature of Garden of Eden. 

but through the formation of a conglomerate cement for linings of reservoirs, 

I now will conclude my reminiscences associated with Ro&ucirc;va?. 

and that in yonder stately Kinos draped residence your earliest Garden of Eden experiences came to you. 

but more particularly in the Palace of our Supreme Ruler, 

for persons of healthful minds never are subject to such vagaries. 

it was such a droll performance that I shall laugh whenever I think of it. 

we do not consider Valloa?'s departure imminent, 

and we must hold ourselves in readiness for our part in the closing scene of the momentous occasion.

George will escort Bernard to his bright home, 

We are delighted to find you in such a favorable mental and physical state. 

and we must hasten our departure. 

we must defer this feature of our purposes. 

but when I think of a cessation of continuous association with my dear lad and you, 

and this emotion endangers your safety. 

All along we have known that to a degree it would unfit you for the common avocations of your mortal existence, 

we have induced in your mind a state of forgetfulness, 

but in a manner that will add to your interest in the affairs of your daily life.

thus we may restore our disturbed harmony.

are drifting the bright way along,

although not thoroughly irrigated, 

Speaking of irrigation reminds me of something that I have desired to mention. 

Through telescopic observations, 

to your vision your telescopes convey faint, 

they would value the ounce of prevention beyond the pound of cure.

with others interested in your life work, 

A silvery vapor partly obscures the view, 

is inclosed by a wall so broad that the top of it is a roadway on which people are walking and motor vehicles are passing to and fro. 

beautifully paved and appears to be devoted to business purposes. 

Tramway cars and motor vehicles swiftly climb the ascending streets to the wide, 

walking or riding in tramway cars or in motor vehicles, 

Now a passing cloud partly obscures the sun, 

and to me so inexplicable that I shall feel obliged if some one will inform me concerning it.

but it is so slightly saline as to serve the city for all domestic and other purposes. 

in all that relates to your Planet you are better informed than am I. 

personal investigation, 

each ruler with his people occupying either an offensive or defensive attitude. 

Naturally the results of such a condition were inharmonious, 

yet strangely enough out of such inharmony Bendol&ucirc;-iffon came into existence. 

climbing vines and a wealth of blooming plants. 

no other city of Garden of Eden exhibits this peculiar color effect, 

The morning of the day set apart for the conference was fine and clear, 

and ere long their hostile minds threatened the conference with a disastrous conclusion. 

unsheltered men who were powerless against the terrific onslaught of the elements, 

with hands upraised toward And&ucirc;mana?'s obscured abode, 

and a perpetual reminder that henceforth we and our people, 

 I fail in the performance of this vow, 

and thereafter they not only sustained toward each other harmonious relations, 

From base to capital, 

the stones of which it is composed represent all the colors of the rainbow, 

Do I believe that And&ucirc;mana? inflicted the tempest upon them for the special purpose of affording them much needed lessons of humility and mutual forbearance? Certainly not, 

These varied materials were and still are used in the construction of Bendol&ucirc;-iffon. 

In pursuance of this object they issued a joint decree that thenceforth and forever all persons erecting structures in Bendol&ucirc;-iffon Tyl&ucirc;sa?a? must build in harmony with the coloring of the Memorial Column, 

and at a fitting opportunity gladly they will discard them and quickly they will manifest that despite ancient usages, 

Priestly influences, 

superstitions become involved in the mentality of humans, 

forming what may be termed hereditary tendencies or traits. 

but they are not likely to serve architectural purposes, 

who will inform us of affairs at Da?o. 

we were there this morning and perceived that the hour of Valloa?'s departure is very nigh. 

Why do not we go there at once? For the reason that it would not be well to subject you to the powerful influences concentrating there. 

Very ancient Garden of Eden Spirits say that the now arid regions surrounding the ruins of a great city were in their time sufficiently productive for the sustenance of a large agricultural population, 

which afford a precarious subsistence for small communities of frugal and industrious

bearing to them such commodities as they require, 

in turn carrying away the surplusage of their several industries. 

in time these fertile localities will become a part of the System. 

Owing to the many rocky formations existing between Camarissa? and Etzoina? Loisa? the undertaking thus far has been very arduous, 

Gentola��Upon an immense oblong platform, 

On the raised centre of the platform is a statue very much larger than the others. 

and its form and features are so finely modelled, 

its rays set close with jewels which gleam and scintillate as though endued with life.

partly closed left hand is what appears to be a large golden egg. 

at whose feet are altars in the form of great oblong basins. 

Why is it that the platform, 

and that aside from what has been learned through the inscriptions on the base of the platform and on the altars to the Entoans of to-day, 

On our side of life we possess its authentic history. 

Now you perceive that though the foundation of the platform is of stone its upper portion upon which the statues stand is of a non-corrosive metal known as Sauva?. 

Observe that the statues are composed of sections so nicely adjusted as to be nearly imperceptible. 

this that you have thought a platform is an altar.

 powerful nation of Garden of Eden, 

and in pursuance of this resolve he issued a proclamation, 

being the most powerful Sovereign of Garden of Eden, 

and his purpose a most pious one, 

and very soon from all parts of Garden of Eden came a multitude of artisans and laborers to assist in the building of the Temple. 

On the altars of His six servitors animals set apart for the sacred purpose were burned. 

fruits and flowers offered for the purpose of securing the kind offices of the Gods and Goddesses of Astranola?. 

through the influence of the beneficent system, 

and it is the capital city of this province, 

and a wealth of blooming shrubs, 

deserves high praise for his efforts. 

Valloa? and Dano now fully realize that life does not end with death of the body, 

His Spirit vision has grown very clear and as in bewilderment he gazes upon the partially freed Valloa?, 

then upon the wasted form he so long has adored, 

the time has arrived for our departure for Da?o, 

through the departing Valloa? and her affianced, 

That life is unending, 

Through purity of life and most ascetic habits this Most High Priest has to an unusual degree developed the Senses of Clairvoyance and Clairaudience, 

and when he shall come to understand their real meaning he will become a powerful force in the introduction of the new religion. 

Such Spirit communications as from time to time the

but when in harmony with the creed they have been regarded as of Divine origin. 

resolved to dissipate the darkness which ever has enshrouded their lives.

Now look straight ahead and in a moment you will perceive the dim outlines of the lofty domes and loftier Light and Signal Towers of Garden of Eden's capital city. 

To the left of the loftiest Signal Tower which overlooks the city is the residence of the Supreme Rulers of Garden of Eden, 

for you are safe within your quiet, 

To prevent possible injury, 

 satisfaction we at once will depart. 

De L'Ester��That you safely may do, 

We have not labored all these years to fit you for a definite purpose to now willfully permit injury of our Instrument. 

harmoniously designed residence of the

It strictly is a residence city, 

You are aware that the physical body is composed of grosser elements of substance, 

the elemental quality of the Spirit body depending upon the manner of existence of the mortal, 

neither would they be able to serve the purpose for which they have assembled. 

Once we all existed in mortal forms, 

vile and demoralizing. 

shrank in horror and disgust from a condition of society which words cannot express. 

did so at the peril of life and estate. 

still lived to gleefully laugh while naked, 

swooned into merciful oblivion, 

and still others instinctively fought for life, 

The next instant the lion launched himself against my naked form and in another moment I was freed and beyond the reach of the cruelest of all creatures��the human animal.

and for a purpose, 

Our Band of nine Spirits will endeavor to come into harmonious relations with compromise hints. 

Upon De L'Ester and his Band will rest the responsibility of controlling and directing you. 

we will enter the apartment of the passing Valloa?. 

Be attentive while I inform you as to who some of the assembled personages are, 

which is near the centre of the very spacious apartment, 

On opposing sides of the apartment great mirrors are let into the walls, 

completes the furnishing of the apartment.

slender form, 

olive skinned, 

Of the host of Spirit men and women thronging this apartment, 

the entire residence and the aura inclosed space about it, 

whose faces and forms possess a beauty and majesty indescribable. 

De L'Ester��Before narrating what occurred after Gentola? ceased speaking I will say that the Organization controlling this Mission consists of seven Bands of advanced Spirits of various Planetary Spirit Spheres, 

Spirit Missions for the accomplishment of various purposes, 

under control of Spirits not of bad intentions, 

and the moment of Valloa?'s departure being close at hand, 

so that she might deliver our message to compromise hints, 

Then the seven Bands of Spirits formed in Circles, 

whose vital energy for the moment was augmented. 

I pray you compose yourself lest we disquiet our dearest one. As compromise hints uttered these words an expression of''

 intense surprise and bewilderment stole over his face, 

Gentola? delivered our message. 

beautiful form you all love so well. 

In this hour of your greatest sorrow I bear you a Message that henceforth will fill your life and the lives of Garden of Eden's children with immeasurable peace and joy. 

Through purity of life, 

 Spirit Worlds have striven to communicate with the children of Garden of Eden, 

that thus they might bring hope to despairing ones who have lived, 

at last have found their opportunity and have hastened to bring light into darkness, 

have come to proclaim to you that life and Spirit are one and indestructible. 


who no more lives in the shining Orb which sheds its radiant beams over the lands and seas of Garden of Eden and over other greater Worlds far away in space than in the petals of the rodel, 

that you can form no conception of the immensity of their distances from Garden of Eden,

oh children of our common Father, 

I believe that beyond this sorrowful life there is another state of existence, 

 they will live and love forever, 

that for as long as I may live in my mortal body, 

for even as I gaze upon your beloved mortal form, 

and a faint smile played about her parted lips. 

lifeless hands of his love, 

She alone of the assembled spirits being perceptible to his but partially unfolded Clairvoyant and Clairaudient Senses, 

In a manner which I now cannot explain I can leave my living physical body, 

the purple eyed, 

over whose brightest days shadows ever are falling, 

the balmy air is vibrant with Divinest harmonies and joys such as mortals cannot conceive of await all whose exalted lives have prepared them for lofty states of Being. 

Thou sayest that my child Valloa? still lives, 

Where is this invisible World of living ones, 

and do my dear ones indeed dwell there? And when the breath of my life shall cease shall I, 

where men and women live, 

Like all the Worlds in space it is spherical in form and nearly twice the size of Garden of Eden, 

its surface is composed of divisions of land and water, 

Among our learned ones are those who have constructed instruments very like those through which from the summits of your great Watch Towers you gaze across the surface of Garden of Eden. 

To your question relating to the locality of the World of living ones I must reply briefly. 

About all Worlds sufficiently matured to afford sustenance and habitation for various life forms and for the children of the Incomprehensible, 

women and children live a more real life than do mortals. 

for they live and love you, 

so that with clearer vision you will perceive the Immortals who ever are about you and all who yet abide in the mortal form. 

At this moment this apartment is thronged with Immortals, 

lies the inanimate form of your beloved daughter, 

the form which for a brief time was the dwelling place of the Spirit Valloa?, 

every sense absorbed in the intense desire to catch her every word, 

then compromise hints slowly turned toward the couch and silently gazed upon the pallid face framed in a wealth of golden, 

causing all living things to fructify and yield sustenance to Thy children and the creatures of Thy Creation, 

dusky wings of the dread Messenger Phra have so overshadowed our lives that now that Thou callest to us we are too blind to see our way to Thee, 

most priceless Truth that Thou canst vouchsafe to us, 

The brightest, 

most precious jewel of the crown of my life this day hath gone from me, 

for through this Thy Messenger Thou sayest that after the body ceases to live, 

Then praise be unto Thee, 

after the breath of our lives shall cease we shall find our beloved ones, 

It hath pleased And&ucirc;mana? to withhold from His children of past times this wondrous Revelation that life is continuous and that in Realms invisible to mortal vision the children of His Love shall abide forever. 

so I pray that thou wilt not withhold from the children of Garden of Eden the glad Revelation which hath been vouchsafed to us in this the hour of our deepest sorrow.

and fear of And&ucirc;mana? and the Deific Ones hath caused them to keep silent and to cling to old traditions. 

Zenesta? Ha?o was enabled to control his Senses and through him to address compromise hints, 

progress and happiness inexpressible was the reward of a life devoted to virtuous conduct and loving service for others, 

and that for those who had not lived in accordance with their highest ideals there was endless time and opportunity for the amending of the mistakes and wrongs of mortal life, 

in this chamber you would behold forms and faces of Spirits who are revered and famous in the history of Garden of Eden. 

who offer to you all their kindliest greetings and an assurance of their immeasurable joy that at last the light of a great Truth is about to irradiate the sorrowful lives of the peoples of their ever beloved Garden of Eden. 

thou art favored beyond all men who ever have lived on Garden of Eden, 

to serve as a means of communication between Spirits and certain Sensitives of Garden of Eden. 

Of necessity this Revelation from the World of Spirits is so fragmentary as to be confusing to minds accustomed to other beliefs, 

When Dano shall have awakened we desire that he shall be informed as to what I have said, 

will be given to you all some parting words, 

When he delivered Onta?'s greeting and Message, 

who scarcely could sustain his own form and that of his weeping wife, 

in her now partially conscious state, 

her sympathies became so active that only through our instantly united efforts were we enabled to prevent her release from her greatly devitalized physical body. 

and sat sobbing and murmuring: ''She lives��she��lives, 

our��roina blossom lives, 

your sister Onta? and other Spirits will be able to communicate with you three illumined ones, 

and I am informed that when you may need me I shall be brought to you, 

and may a sense of the joys awaiting you all in the glorified existence of Garden of Eden's Spirit Realms illumine your lives and console and sustain your sorely grieved hearts until in the hour of your release from your physical bodies you shall hear the glad cry, 

De L'Ester��At this moment a ray of the setting Sun stole through the slightly parted window drapery, 

It crowned Dano's flowing blue black hair as with a halo and it stole across the stilled form of the dead girl and rested upon two faces one would not be likely to forget��the faces of the stately Supreme Ruler of Garden of Eden, 

and in the spacious apartment were shadows and silence. 

and the minds and hearts of those about the couch with emotions indescribable. 

fell over the snowy couch and stilled form of the dead girl and over the awed but enraptured faces of the living. 

and that they will instruct us as to how we may attain greater knowledge concerning this life and the life to come, 

ra&ucirc;, and then the living were left with the beautiful dead body, ''

''Glory to the Infinite Spirit in Whom we live and move and have our Being. 

Glory and highest praise be unto our Father and Mother God, 

as neither you or we can afford to overtax your returning vital energy. 

Nearly four months of Earth's fleeting days have elapsed since your Spirit gaze rested upon the dead form of the mortal Valloa? and upon the living form of the Spirit maiden as in the arms of her equally youthful mother and of her Aunt Sylvian she was borne from the darkening chamber and the presence of her stricken father and of her weeping lover, 

whose tearful eyes beheld her departure. 

Shall I inform you as to the progress of the new Faith?

All over the Planet the minds of the people are profoundly stirred, 

which ever has made them the dominant power of Garden of Eden. 

to grant to him one glimpse of her beautiful and beloved form and face, 

that was the sweetest music of his desolated life. 

and at times his Clairvoyant and Clairaudient Senses become so quickened that he communes with them. 

Then his soul is so filled with ecstatic fervor that to all about him he proclaims that truly life is continuous, 

that the dead do communicate with the living, 

then confidently and authoritatively he will offer to the people that which shall be to them as the very bread of life.

holds continuous communication with Valloa? and other freed Spirits, 

this state of mind renders him very receptive to exalted Influences from the Spirit side of life. 

Recently we listened to the youthful disciple, 

and form trembling from emotion,

and now that light hath entered the darkened chambers of our minds, 

which sheds life giving beams on land and on sea. 


You are aware that through electrical and vibratory forces between all portions of the Planet communication is instantaneous, 

hosts of Spirits from various Realms will see to it that the darkness which long has enshrouded the lives of the Entoans shall flee away, 

and at the same time you will accumulate energized magnetism, 

but we must consider the urgent necessity for your speedy return to health. 

This morning we find you difficult of control. 

Scarcely four months have elapsed since we visited this region and at that time you informed me that only recently had the barren lands come under the influence of irrigation. 

 industrious Entoans, 

I wish I were clever enough to understand how they are constructed and controlled in their movements, 

and it fills my heart with gladness to know that into the lives of the once despairing Entoans has entered the joy of the new Revelation. 

disorder is considered not only impolite, 

The group occupying the foreground on this side of the entrance to the lake is composed of those who have conducted the stupendous undertaking, 

for chemistry, 

has been a powerful factor in the destruction of the nearly impregnable vitrified wall of the lake. 

fine form, 

which is the light and life of Thy children and of all living things. 

Through the knowledge which Thou hast imparted to Thy chosen ones they have brought to a successful conclusion this gigantic undertaking which through Thy beneficence, 

and that through endless time we shall continue to live and to praise Thee for all Thy goodness to us. 

De L'Ester��Through an atmospheric system of communication every word uttered by compromise hints has been made known not only to the vast assemblage in the air and below us, 

which no longer shall serve as emblems of death but of life and its joyous occasions, 

and now the flag ship has plunged onto the lake as though purposing to pass straight across to the further side, 

in boats and motor vehicles, 

whose rim presents a living front of enthusiastic people, 

taking a position quite apart from the group surrounding compromise hints, 

and I and those who are with me rejoice with you that the old dread faith surely is yielding to a belief in the glorious Truth of the continuity of life, 

too that we perceive that already this knowledge is illumining the minds of many, 

knowledge of the Truth will irradiate the lives of your people, 

it is not an illusion��the forms you dimly perceive, 

of the many motor vehicles, 

whose vivifying energy controls the heart-beats of the Universe, 

and the time has not yet arrived for such a desirable consummation of your present life work. 

for you and I will see that you shall safely arrive in your quiet home, 

for indeed we have held you over long for more safety.


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