2008-09-30 20:48:17 UTC
Dear Jorge,I Honestly never ever seen this error before. This does sound very oddfor me though. I recall having used PZ analysis on BSIM3V3 deviceswithout any worries. My best Advice is to get in touch with yourCadence AE. Don't forget to mention you Spectre version/subversion.To be honest with you, I don't really like the Spectre PZ analysis,just because it does give you the poles/zeros information only. It'ssometimes a bit hard to interpret as well. This is a pure personal ofview. When I do stability analysis, I'm always after the Gain/Phasemargins, that's why I was always doing an AC analysis by breaking theDC loop. You can also determine the Poles and Zeros with the ACAnalysis. Spectre does provide a stability analysis 'stb' as well.Please look at the Spectre doc for more information. I would recommendthis K. Kundert's Paper for a better understanding :http://www.kenkundert.com/docs/cd2001-01.pdf.BTW, give it a look at the designer's guide forum. There are loads ofthreads discussing the stability analysis over there. Reallyinteresting.I recall having asked one of my great friends at my former company 7years ago about the Stability analysis of my LDO regulator (I wasbeginning by that time). He advised me to print out the Transientwaveform of my output and see if it does oscillate or not. It was hisfriendly way to get rid of me when busy ;-)Hope this help !Kind Regards,Riad.